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Safe Standing - Supporter Led Consultation - online & paper survey


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was something in the independent at the weekend saying they were considering it


not sure if my interest in it will wain when city / utd come in and steal our thunder, hard to tell if im actually that bothered by this because id use it or if its because its something that 99% of fans think is a positive thing and its villa that are championing it

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Yes! Man Utd founded the Football League in 1888 didn't they? William Mcgregor got the idea of Matt Busby which was then seconded by Sir Alex Sourface & that's  how history has officially recorded it now isn't it.


Man Utd fans have been standing up at Villa Park for as far back as I care to remember anyway, just ask any VP steward.


Aston Villa are the pioneers of the current scheme so Newton Heath  please do the decent thing now & get in the queue where you belong along with all the other Johnie come lately's.

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The government doesn't have to sanction it, there's a loophole. I can't remember what it is exactly, but it is around the fact that the law only says that grounds have to have seats (which rail seating provides). It is ground regs that say you actually have to sit in them - and this is governed by local councils/ football authorities.

That might not be exactly right - but John Darch from the safe standing roadshow, who makes it his business to know such things, definitely said that there doesn't need to be a change in law, and the reasoning was along these lines.

It is definitely true to say that there is nothing in it for a government, so there are limited reasons for them to invest anything in it. However, interestingly, the police really liked it. they thought it was not only safer, but easier to manage. If the police backed it in these terms, then the government might too.

The Hillsborough families do hold a lot of sway, in both footballing circles and in terms of influencing the government. They have a right to hold a strong view on this, but they do not have the right to irrationally dictate the future. Liverpool fans stand up in their seats like everyone else, and rail seating is safer than that.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Sorry I have been away for a while, but I guess we are at that stage where it slows down a bit.

I have had a couple of meetings with Paul Faulkner & Lee Preece. They have produced a paper of the survey results which are still showing over 97% in favour of safe standing.

They are really pleased with the survey, and believe it gives them something to take forward, but now they really need other clubs to come out in favour too.

With that in mind, I was interested to see that Arsenal have published a major fan led survey on 'atmosphere' wich also shows 92% in favour of safe standing. this also shows that things are moving, the tide is turning, fans are starting to stand up & ask for this now. (black Scarf is the name of the fan group - you can find them on twitter - they are well established and it is a much bigger survey than mine)

I went to a national meeting of Supporters Trust on Tuesday, and spoke about what we have been doing at Villa. People seemed impressed and I spoke to some of the reps of other clubs afterwards. I am hopeful that we can go down this route to get other sets of supporters to go out and survey their own fans. We need fans up & down the country to demonstrate that this is what fans want. the good thing about Supporters Trusts is that they are about working together as football fans on common causes, like the recent 'Twentys Plenty' campaign for cheaper away tickets. This is a really god place for me to be taking this forward.

Paul Faulkner probably need half a dozen other clubs to be able to show their fans are behind this before he can get it properly on the table, and then we need a total of 14 Premiership clubs to suppport it to take it back to parliament.

The Football Supporters Federation are also doing some publicity about my survey to encourage fans of other clubs to take it forward.

......and the campaign will be featured in the evening mail and on the official site tomorrow, with some frightening pictures of yours truly, having come straight from work and looking absolutely nothing like your average Holte Ender!

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  • 4 weeks later...

looks like safe seating may be gaining a bit of momentum


"A panel of industry experts containing Villa's chief executive Paul Faulkner and West Midlands Police Force Superintendent Steve Graham will present a case for allowing standing at matches at Portcullis House in Westminster on Tuesday"




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It is gaining momentum though. I am currently field ing calls from supporters groups up & down the country about getting a survey going. I have become a bit of a national safe standing survey mentor. It is all a bit odd, but it does seem that suddenly loads of club's supporters a on it and getting active.

Even Liverpool fan groups have started coming out and talking about it. this would have been unheard of 12 months ago. In fact 'This is Anfield' have published a fantastic series of articles arguing that all seater stadiums are all part of the cover up & demonisation of the 96, and far from 'disrespecting' their memory by standing, they should be arguing for its restoration.

The Arsenal survey was by an established supporter group, and got 17,000 responses with 92% in favour. Although theirs is much bigger, it was all online, where a third of ours was done face to face. The 2 therefore sit really well together, Arsenal's for pure size of the response, but our for the evidence base. It can be argued that an online survey has a bias towards those in favour, but our work face to face is able to evidence that this is the true picture. Face to face surveying also enables you to get a conversation going, get people talking about it, answer people's questions & concerns, as well as enabling you to target families, women, older people, people with disabilities - all the groups that people reckon won't want it to happen - and show that they want it too.

The next premier league meeting isn't till Febraury, and I am closing the online survey tomorrow. I am hoping that other club's supporters picking up the baton will keep the momentum till then and enable Paul Faulkner to get this on the table. If you are mates with fans of other clubs - whether it's Albion/Blues/Wolves or glory hunters - talk to them about it too - get them to track down where it is getting moving at their club, or to get in touch about starts something up themselves. Just anything that keeps people talking will help.

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A little late to the party, but I filled in the form anyway before it closes.


I sometimes come to games with my girlfriend and would like to sit, and sometimes come with friends and we'd like to stand. 


Strongly support the campaign as long as, like everyone agrees, it is a safe and a genuinely fair compromise. I don't believe anyone should be hindered by it (I don't see how people who want to sit would be anyway, it would just mean less people standing in front of them all the time), it's just about choice. And choice is always good.

Edited by Qwpzxjor1
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"A panel of industry experts containing Villa's chief executive Paul Faulkner and West Midlands Police Force Superintendent Steve Graham will present a case for allowing standing at matches at Portcullis House in Westminster on Tuesday"



They're going to play football matches, with standing crowds, at Portcullis House?  Awesome.

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  • 1 month later...

Bristol City have installed rail seats at Ashton Gate, seems we want to be the first team to do it in the Premier League:





Aston Villa have told the BBC that almost half the clubs in the Premier League are interested in reintroducing standing at their stadiums.

Villa have offered to conduct a trial of 'rail-seats' at Villa Park.

Their football operations manager Lee Preece said: "We'd be interested in a trial at Villa Park if that would help.

Full article here

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