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Best Debut Albums


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......I do love that label though!


Creation managed that rare thing, if you saw something was on Creation, you could buy it without hearing it, get it home and it would be fine.


Primal Scream, The Times and Super Furry Animals as examples.


In fact, let's put Fuzzy Logic by SFA up there as a best debut.....

Oh I dunno McGee put out some awful shite too (much like Fatory), Kevin Rowland for one but was also responsible for some of the greatest records of the generation. Any label that nurtured the talent that it did deserves much credit. For My Bloody Valentine alone it deserves credit

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yeah, but imagine if you had one of the 700 copies of the Rowlands album that they managed to sell !


I've still got a couple of Creation sampler cassettes (but nothing to play them on), I threw away most cassettes and my mix tapes, but I hung on to the Creation ones.


Whatever happened to Ed Ball? I've got a cassette of him doing some nonsense about astral projection that is just superb.


Were Jesus and Mary Chain on Creation? I think so, they were a bit fuzzy. I get the impression there may have been a slight drug culture in the background at Creation HQ. I'm sure management would have stamped on it if they'd found out.

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Some great suggestions in here but why so many for the derivative statement that is Definitely Maybe, nothing that steals and borrows its musical footprint so obviously should ever be in such a list. I'm not saying its a bad album, it isn't but it hardly changed the musical landscape forever either.


I know it ripped off the odd riff from elsewhere, T-Rex / Cigarettes and Alcohol for example, but the music was pretty revolutionary at the time. They took their inspiration from the Beetles, Stone Roses and other bands, but rarely sounded like any of them. I wholeheartedly disagree with this, if one album did change the musical landscape in the last 20 years, then it's this.


No it really wasn't and it isn't the odd riff either. I was there in the early days working for SJM and there was nothing revolutionary about Oasis in the slightest, just a band that scallies could relate to because they'd heard most of the riffs before but didn't realise it.



. Most people would struggle to name a more influential album from that time. It may not be to everyone's taste, but you can't deny that this album 


His n Hers. Pulp were hugely influencial. Any british indie band that wasnt made up of former brickies were influenced by pulp.

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Were Jesus and Mary Chain on Creation? I think so, they were a bit fuzzy.

Debut single was, I still have it. Came packaged with a blue and black photocopied sleeve contained in a clear plastic bag (as did many early Creation records - it was a bit of a trademark), I also have Up the Hill and Down the Slope by the Loft (later turned into the Weather Prophets) which has similar packaging.

I think JAMC signed to Blanco-y-Negro for the second single Never Understand

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nearest thing I've got to rare is probably a free flexi disc of 'pop art poem' by The Jam.

It's shit, but it's rare, probably worth over a pound now.


another sought after rarity I'm dead proud of:

a signed 10 inch EP from The Merton Parkas (I know, I know, awesome!)



kids and their downloads, they got no idea I tells ya, no idea man


anyway, back on topic, I guess, 'Exile on Coldharbour Lane' by Alabama 3 would be another wonderful debut

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I thought this was a thread where people say what their favourite debut album is, personal taste, not something to argue about. My choice of Skid Row wasn't because I think they changed the world of music but because I thinki it's damn good debut album with lots of good songs and not including a bad one, IMO. Few debut albums change the way of music, and as time passes by, no debut album probably will.


As for Queen, well, they ARE one of the biggest bands ever when it comes to selling records, singles and big audiences, so they must've done something right even if there are many that don't like them at all. So I guess something would've been missed if they hadn't had been allowed to make that first album. And they sure helped to change the the way of music in some way.

I was a big Queen fan up until Bohemian Rhapsody happened, then as far as my own personal musical tastes were concerned, it was all down hill. If you listen to a Day at the Races after listening to their debut, you'll hopefully see what I mean.


Anyway, how about this? brings back soooo many happy memories.



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QUESTION does it count as a debut if the band only released one album. I mean, technically, yeah it must, but, in a discussion about debut albums you're going to be discussing established bands (from one scene/era or another), so it wouldn't seem quite right.


Anyway, how about this? brings back soooo many happy memories.





Wainy's favourite group iirc

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We referred to him as 'The Miserable Mancunian' - He knew this, cos we told him.


I think he quite liked us, we were low maintenance.

He's not even a Manc, he's that worst of cross breeds from Warrington, half manc / half scouser. :mrgreen:

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^^^ You beat me to the punch]


Massive debut album...every song still gets played on classic rock stations around the US...it is incredibly overproduced and slick, but the energy and song craft are there in abundance. They were never going to top it, either.

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