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Your sexual orientation - Choice or no choice ?


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  1. 1. Your sexual orientation

    • Your choice
    • No choice

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funny how i could work out your religion by your attitude...

i am also a roman catholic... although not a practising fully paid up member of the godsquad...

catholicism is a joke of a religion which contradicts itself and makes up ridiculous rules simply as a way of controlling the masses and making money....

i refuse to live by the rules of my religion, because they are rules that do not apply to modern day life and a lot of them, are pretty disgusting...

religion is meant to be a 'guide', to help people in their daily lives and give them some hope and faith to get them through tough times...

by the roman catholic church forcing their rules onto people that belong back in the dark ages, this goes against everything that religion should stand for...

and until the roman catholic church can sort out its many homosexual peadophile priests, then for them to bleat on about homosexuality being wrong, sinful, etc, then i doubt many people who arent devout catholics will take them seriously..

the catholic church teaches people intolerance, and bigotry..

nothing when it comes to religion is set in stone and nothing should be taken from the bible as the 'last word' on any subject...

whether thats coded messages about "god" being an unstable control freak and going psycho on a city who upset him, or whether its about his "son" walking on water, or whatever other chinese whisper fairy storys that book demands be taught as the truth..

maybe you should ask yourself whether 'god' should take responisibility for his intolerance and psychotic ways...

thats if your fairy tale book is the truth, and considering you like people to take responsibility so much....

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I don't really go in for all that god n stuff mularky, I've got no problem with people having their beliefs etc, but it just isn't my bag at all....

Probably because, like me, you think its all bollocks, but there you go people can believe in what they like. Me? I believe in Francis Rossi.

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I'm with choice. To say you haven't got a choice suggests that homosexuality is a condition rather than a lifestyle.

is blonde hair a condition too?

what about blue eyes?

What about contact lenses and hair dyes ? I just think it opens the door for a lot of people who think "no choice" or "born with it" means that they think there's something they can "cure."

I have a friend who came out not long ago and had been married previously, I don't neccessarily think that she made a choice to be gay or not, nor do I think that she was born one way or the other. I just think she met someone that made her happy. Don't underestimate that.

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I'm with choice. To say you haven't got a choice suggests that homosexuality is a condition rather than a lifestyle.

is blonde hair a condition too?

what about blue eyes?

What about contact lenses and hair dyes ? I just think it opens the door for a lot of people who think "no choice" or "born with it" means that they think there's something they can "cure."

I have a friend who came out not long ago and had been married previously, I don't neccessarily think that she made a choice to be gay or not, nor do I think that she was born one way or the other. I just think she met someone that made her happy. Don't underestimate that.

but then, this IS down to personal choice...

if a person chooses to dye their hair or wear contacts, then thats their personal choice to change their natural characteristics...

but underneath, they are still blonde haired and blue eyed...

just like a gay person can choose to repress their natural feelings and choose to go with a member of the opposite sex... but underneath, they will still have homosexual thoughts and are still attracted to men...

both of my brothers chose to attempt to be what they saw as "normal" and dated women...

and both were extremely unhappy...

when they admitted they were who they were, they were much happier...

and the fact that your friend 'came out', shows that she tried to repress her homosexual feelings, but underneath, they were still there...

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I'm with choice. To say you haven't got a choice suggests that homosexuality is a condition rather than a lifestyle.

is blonde hair a condition too?

what about blue eyes?

What about contact lenses and hair dyes ? I just think it opens the door for a lot of people who think "no choice" or "born with it" means that they think there's something they can "cure."

I have a friend who came out not long ago and had been married previously, I don't neccessarily think that she made a choice to be gay or not, nor do I think that she was born one way or the other. I just think she met someone that made her happy. Don't underestimate that.

but then, this IS down to personal choice...

if a person chooses to dye their hair or wear contacts, then thats their personal choice to change their natural characteristics...

but underneath, they are still blonde haired and blue eyed...

just like a gay person can choose to repress their natural feelings and choose to go with a member of the opposite sex... but underneath, they will still have homosexual thoughts and are still attracted to men...

both of my brothers chose to attempt to be what they saw as "normal" and dated women...

and both were extremely unhappy...

when they admitted they were who they were, they were much happier...

and the fact that your friend 'came out', shows that she tried to repress her homosexual feelings, but underneath, they were still there...

Pablo, how many times do you have to spell it out??? I sympathise your fingers will be sore!! :lol:

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A lot of Catholics are hypocrites nowadays. The Church, frankly speaking is a joke. That I'll admit. But the true Catholics DON'T condemn Homosexuals. They believe that it is a sin, just like cheating on your spouse, taking drugs, smoking, tattooing. The Bible says there is no sin that is greater than the other. All Sin are equal, and it doesn't mean that just because you're a Homosexual means you're more sinful than I am.

I am by no means, a perfect person. I have my fair share of sins ands problems. But I believe that Homosexuals can try to get rid of their sin, and require help from the Church, like everone else who struggles with "normal" sins such as lying, adultery etc.

The Bible teaches tolerance of people with all kinds of Sin, and to treat them with respect. The problem nowadays is Catholics approcah you with a holier-than-thou attitude which is totally against the teachings of the Bible. These people, the Bible says are hypocrites, people who go to Church and act religious, but have no relationship with God whatsoever, and do their own things, sinning wihtout a care for God and his teachings, all the while trying to stuff their "religon" down the throats of other people.

These people who condemn Homosexuals are not true Catholics and you shouldn't really care about what they say.

I, have all the while been trying to put across the point that Homosexuals, although some do not know it, have chosen their own path in life, and with a great amount of determination and resolve, and with help from God, can get rid of their sin.

I'm sorry that your brother suffered from abuse from Catholics, but do remember that those people were hypocrites, and that they are not true Catholics. So, do not base your feelings and thoughts about Catholicism on these people. These are the type of people that give religon a bad name,

just like the Al-Qaeda.

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Point taken PP, but I don't think that who or what we are is set in stone. Our personalities in my opinion are created by ourselves. At points in our lives we decide that we will react to certain situations in certain ways, and in doing so we create our "selves." I believe that you are who you decided to be, I also believe that because that's true, you could change it if you had the right impetus. I don't know if you've ever read "The Diceman" by Luke Reinhart, but he puts it a lot better than I.

If you are something, it's because you have decided it.

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