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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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in fact collections at work piss me off in general, every week its some words removed birthday or they have had a baby or their dog has done a shit in the kitchen and it is always cause for a collection for them.

**** that, when it is someones birthday they end up with about £15 in a card which they are then pretty much forced to depart with because they are practically frog marched to the shop to by the team cakes


When its my birthday just say happy birthday to me and have done with it....in fact just ignore me and dont even acknowledge the fact that its my birthday, the collection is more of an inconvenience for me because I have to go out and buy cakes for everyone out of that collection and I dont even like cakes


In fact when it is my birthday why dont you fat **** wobble up to greggs and use the quid that you would have put into my collection and buy yourself a cake


We had a colleague get the elbow recently... he'd been there a while and we reckon he got about £120,000 pay off (circa 2 years salary for him). He was delighted naturally! He was practically high fiving people in the office! 


Couldn't believe it when a leaving collection was started for him! 

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People asleep on trains in the morning.


Evenings, fine... even I 'rest my eyes' on the train home sometimes, if i've had a long day. Mornings though? Have some shame!  

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Cinemas. Or rather it's concept as a social evening. I want to go to the cinema to sit in relative silence and watch a film quietly, not to be surrounded by 15 year-olds with the attention span of a retarded lobotomised chimpanzee and the etiquette of one too.


Similarly whomever thought popcorn et cetera is suitable atmosphere can **** off too.




Shut up, go alone, don't eat, watch the film then go home. Simple. 

Did I once meet your mother?


That is a perfect summing up of my views on the idiocy that is the Cinema "experience"


I would've made a cutting comment here but tony beat me to it ;)


I do fume at some of the 'cretnips in cinemas. Really piss me off. And I shouldn't get so wound up.

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yup, the joys of working for the direct line group


someone put a bullet in between my eyes

Don't get me started about some of the idiots at your company..

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The dumb people who in reference to the psycho murderers in Woolwich who are saying "Paki this and Paki that". Are they blind? The murderers were not of Pakistani descent. Not all Muslim = Pakistani.

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Teaching bashing. It's so unoriginal.


'those who can, do. those who cannot teach'

'Marxist lefties'

'gold-plated pensions'

'only work from 9 til 3'

'easy job'

'exams are getting easier'

'When a teacher works the same hours with the same holiday and pension with the same money as us then they are worth listening to. Many Teachers dont know what a full day is.'

Edited by StefanAVFC
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yup, the joys of working for the direct line group


someone put a bullet in between my eyes

Don't get me started about some of the idiots at your company..



the best thing about it is that I often get a bollocking for being too helpful to people, if it be customers or other colleagues I always do my all to help people, probably because I know it annoys other people

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Teaching bashing. It's so unoriginal.


'those who can, do. those who cannot teach'

'Marxist lefties'

'gold-plated pensions'

'only work from 9 til 3'

'easy job'

'exams are getting easier'

'When a teacher works the same hours with the same holiday and pension with the same money as us then they are worth listening to. Many Teachers dont know what a full day is.'



I do agree in general terms. Teaching maths or physics in comp must be a laugh a minute.


So, having got that out of the way, I do have a good few friends that are primary and infant teachers. They've been doing it a few years. They would quite readily describe their jobs as a well paid piece of piss the rest of us have missed a trick not getting in to. Of the ones that work down the road from my house, I know when they are in school, because they get to park their convertible, discovery and cooper s for free on the premises. The cars are never there when i leave for work, they are never there when I get home. But don't get me wrong, I love them to bits and they use their ample free time to help run several voluntary groups such as a community garden and a food bank etc.. oh, and I've just given one of them a Triumph Spitfire, because he has the time and money to do it up, and I don't.

Edited by chrisp65
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In fairness to their parking habits and the whole 9 'til 3 thing, marking homework and planning lessons can be done quite as easily from home as at school. My ex was a science teacher at a secondary school and was always home before 16:00, but would still be working for several hours after this every night. I don't envy the life of a teacher.

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No offence but that is an absolute load of bollocks. As somebody who's going into primary school teaching, I know that's not true. I know numerous primary school teachers that don't have a life. Their life is teaching, planning, marking, sleep. Sure, the official hours are 8:30 - 4:30 every day (same as 9-5), but the amount of additional work is scary. Most people who do 9-5 jobs then moan that teachers have it easy don't have to go home and plan and mark til 10 every night. The holidays are needed.


And your friends sound like dreadful teachers if they're classifying the profession like that. Don't get me wrong, people who have been in the profession for ages are mostly the problem,  iI's a cushy job if you treat it as such like any job. Because it's incredible hard to sack shit teachers. Especially if they've been in the job for years. You have your lessons already planned and you're too comfortable in your job to do anything new. The classic case is in the school I work at. 2 teachers work their arses off and their kids get great attainment. 1 has been in the job years, but is absolutely dreadful. She picks up her cushy wage and drags down the school's grade, but she's impossible to get rid of.


The fact that there are so many lazy teachers puts a massive slant on the majority who are hardworking and trying to keep their profession fresh,




(the 9-3 thing isn't even true)

Edited by StefanAVFC
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Well, look, I'm not going to go down the keyboard rage route with you, so one last bash on the issue and then I'll move off to less contentious waffle.


I haven't said they are lazy, quite the opposite, I've said they invest their time in voluntary work that I can't do. As for my friends sounding terrible because of flippant comments at parties that I've repeated here, you need to get a grip and wind your neck in a little bit. It's a forum, I paraphrase. 


Out of curiosity, what is it that people who teach 5, 6 and 7 year olds are marking every night until 10:pm so as not to have a life? I'm genuinely curious on that one.


I'm sure you'll be a great teacher.

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They're lazy in their profession if they're stating that teaching is a 'a well paid piece of piss the rest of us have missed a trick not getting in to' or if you're paraphrasing that point of view. That's enough for me to think they're not treating the profession with respect.


And the planning rather than the marking. Teaching isn't just going into a school and supervising playtime. 5,6,7 year olds have to be taught a ridiculous amount of phonics and the planning for that is solid. The marking isn't as bad at that age group, but the amount of intensive planning more than makes up for that. I know a teacher who has Y2+3 (6,7,8) and she doesn't have a life. The planning and marking is more intensive for KS2 but the lessons plan themselves. 


Apologies if I came across stern, but your post summed up why teachers don't get a fair crack of the whip. Not your attitude particularly but the attitude of the teachers you know.


It's a profession you have to take home with you. You're open to abuse and attack (not physical but it has happened) from colleagues, pupils, assessors and parents. Parents are the worst. Literally, people have no idea how impossible parents are.That in itself makes teaching a hard job. And you have to remember, the salary isn't that great for a graduate professional. People who bash teachers often forgot that we've been at university for 4 years to get here. Any other person who's been at uni for 4 years in a graduate job will be earning £30,000+ from the off.


undervalued so it boils my piss when people say it's a cushy job.

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Teachers </> Well paid.


I've looked into becoming a teacher myself. I found that no matter how much I want to give something meaningful to society, capitalism has made it nigh on impossible for me to do so. £25-30k a year isn't nearly enough to sustain the life I wish to live outside of work long term.  

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For a graduate profession it's shite pay. If I didn't love the job, I wouldn't go anywhere near it. The work isn't worth the money unless you've got the passion for it IMO.


Doug, what job do you want to do?

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For a graduate profession it's shite pay. If I didn't love the job, I wouldn't go anywhere near it. The work isn't worth the money unless you've got the passion for it IMO.


Doug, what job do you want to do?


Primary school. I love kids, I think they're ace. They're like sponges and the earlier you can set them on the right path the better. 

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