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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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59 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

Happened to me the other day there.

I just happened to be adjusting a blind attachment in the front bedroom when I seen the back end of this dog piping one out outside my front gate.

Lazy bastard owner just obviously stood there letting it do it,'s business and didn't even attempt to pick it up before walking off.

I walked out, grabbed it in a Tesco carrier back and discretely followed behind.

Followed him to his house, watched him go inside before I proceeded up his garden path and emptied the dog shit contents all across his front step on the entrance porch.






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1 hour ago, Mark Albrighton said:

In WhatsApp, locked chats has kinda taken position of archived chats. So I keep going to press archived chats and hit locked chats by accident.


Locked chats? Archived chats? Didn't know such things existed. No sign of them on my app. 

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5 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Locked chats? Archived chats? Didn't know such things existed. No sign of them on my app. 

Archived chats have been around since I started using WhatsApp years ago.

The way I use it is that I default move every chat into archived chats, so when I receive a message it comes out of archived and just into current chats. I do this as a way of alerting me to any new messages. Of course I have the alerts already and I can see that there’s been 3 new messages posted in a particular chat or whatever. But I tend to think of it as a way of keeping live, frequent chats separate from more dormant ones.

Locked chats as far as I can tell is something newer, although it’s apparently been out longer than I thought - it certainly didn’t appear on my phone until recently.

Basically it’s a secure folder for chats. You keep conversations in there that require a Touch ID to be able to read/converse further.

It looks like this -


The thing that irritates me is that archived chats was top, but now when I go to tap it, I often hit locked chats instead.

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2 minutes ago, Mark Albrighton said:

Archived chats have been around since I started using WhatsApp years ago.

The way I use it is that I default move every chat into archived chats, so when I receive a message it comes out of archived and just into current chats. I do this as a way of alerting me to any new messages. Of course I have the alerts already and I can see that there’s been 3 new messages posted in a particular chat or whatever. But I tend to think of it as a way of keeping live, frequent chats separate from more dormant ones.

Locked chats as far as I can tell is something newer, although it’s apparently been out longer than I thought - it certainly didn’t appear on my phone until recently.

Basically it’s a secure folder for chats. You keep conversations in there that require a Touch ID to be able to read/converse further.

It looks like this -


The thing that irritates me is that archived chats was top, but now when I go to tap it, I often hit locked chats instead.

Looks nothing like the WhatsApp interface on my phone. 


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43 minutes ago, Jonesy7211 said:

Gammons in the hospital moaning that there's no staff and they're having to wait ages.

One old boy was doing his nut. I couldn't resist so I asked him who did he vote for in 2019? He said Tories with no idea why I was asking. I told him to be quiet and blame himself, he's part of the problem. Penny dropped them.

They're short staffed and tired from working long hours at night, but still doing it.

Fair enough, 12 hours and counting is a long wait, but we know why the waiting times are going up.

Sarah Edwards (Labour candidate for the Tamworth MP) put this through my door yesterday



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Definitely a should piss me off.

This morning.

Call yesterday from my doctor's. You've got bloods tomorrow, we want you to have an appointment afterwards with the doctor. Fine, no idea what it's about, but agree an appointment immediately after the blood test.

Wake up this morning. Splitting headache. Clearly dehydrated. Great.

Go for the blood test. Blood pressure is mental. It's mental partly because my stomach is a mess and I know I'm sat in the doctors for an hour if everything is on time, which it never is. Checked again. Still mental, but slightly less mental. Want me to check my blood pressure at home for a week. Fantastic.

Take blood. Left arm. No blood. Nurse pushes. This hurts quite a lot, not cry out hurts but enough to make you think argh that hurt and also I've never had a blood test feel like that in a worrying kind of way. I know the bruise coming from that later is going to be a bastard. Nurse tries other arm. I actually nearly say let's call this quits and do this another time - I'm super anxious and on edge anyway and that last needle makes me doubt the standard of this nurse's skill. But I don't because I don't want to cause a fuss and I'm here now anyway. Blood comes out. Hurrah.

I go back to the waiting room, carrying a blood pressure thing and a recording sheet, and go to the check in machine for the second appointment. No no no says the machine, no appointment here for you. Hmm. Go to the reception. Receptionist checks. No no record of an appointment, who called you? I say the name of the girl that rang yesterday to say she'd booked an appointment for me. Receptionist checks again, I got my phone out and show the receptionist the call log showing I'd spoken to someone who said I needed to come in. No sorry days the receptionist, nothing here. I'm sure you had the call but there's no appointment on the system, sorry. No problem I say, I'm sure if it's important they'll bring me back in.

With the newly gained time I decide to bring forward another errand, fill the car up. The petrol light was on for a few days and I'd been putting off filling up until payday, but needs must as it cut out when dropping my girlfriend home last night. Get in the car, won't start. Tried, but failed. Give it a second, try again. Struggles, struggles, struggles... starts. Great, go.

Traffic immediately appears outside my drive. For **** sake. Finally get off drive, immediately into a red light. Sigh. Finally got past junction, clear driving for a minute. Hit roundabout. For some reason there's a load of traffic on the roundabout, enough for it to be at a standstill. What the actual ****. Get through that, traffic moving for a second, but then stops again. What the **** ****. Why. Then it moves again. Then it stops a few metres later. Why why why is this piece of road, that never isn't just moving, suddenly turning into a test of how well my first and second gear and brakes work? For **** sake.

Finally we get past whatever was causing the strange stuttering flow, and it's a clear run to the petrol station. Pull into station, by some miracle it's not rammed. Go to open the petrol cap. Won't open. **** around for 5 minutes getting increasingly pissed off, finally manage to get it open. Fill up. Pay. Get back in car. As the door shuts a clearing in the woods in a Toyota Avensis smacks his horn at me for not immediately moving the microsecond the door shut. Pull off the forecourt, turn off at best exit to go back home. Get stuck behind someone who uses their brakes like the ABS is scared of the air. Get back to the roundabout of madness. A legion of learners ahead. Scream.

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6 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Definitely a should piss me off.

This morning.

Call yesterday from my doctor's. You've got bloods tomorrow, we want you to have an appointment afterwards with the doctor. Fine, no idea what it's about, but agree an appointment immediately after the blood test.

Wake up this morning. Splitting headache. Clearly dehydrated. Great.

Go for the blood test. Blood pressure is mental. It's mental partly because my stomach is a mess and I know I'm sat in the doctors for an hour if everything is on time, which it never is. Checked again. Still mental, but slightly less mental. Want me to check my blood pressure at home for a week. Fantastic.

Take blood. Left arm. No blood. Nurse pushes. This hurts quite a lot, not cry out hurts but enough to make you think argh that hurt and also I've never had a blood test feel like that in a worrying kind of way. I know the bruise coming from that later is going to be a bastard. Nurse tries other arm. I actually nearly say let's call this quits and do this another time - I'm super anxious and on edge anyway and that last needle makes me doubt the standard of this nurse's skill. But I don't because I don't want to cause a fuss and I'm here now anyway. Blood comes out. Hurrah.

I go back to the waiting room, carrying a blood pressure thing and a recording sheet, and go to the check in machine for the second appointment. No no no says the machine, no appointment here for you. Hmm. Go to the reception. Receptionist checks. No no record of an appointment, who called you? I say the name of the girl that rang yesterday to say she'd booked an appointment for me. Receptionist checks again, I got my phone out and show the receptionist the call log showing I'd spoken to someone who said I needed to come in. No sorry days the receptionist, nothing here. I'm sure you had the call but there's no appointment on the system, sorry. No problem I say, I'm sure if it's important they'll bring me back in.

With the newly gained time I decide to bring forward another errand, fill the car up. The petrol light was on for a few days and I'd been putting off filling up until payday, but needs must as it cut out when dropping my girlfriend home last night. Get in the car, won't start. Tried, but failed. Give it a second, try again. Struggles, struggles, struggles... starts. Great, go.

Traffic immediately appears outside my drive. For **** sake. Finally get off drive, immediately into a red light. Sigh. Finally got past junction, clear driving for a minute. Hit roundabout. For some reason there's a load of traffic on the roundabout, enough for it to be at a standstill. What the actual ****. Get through that, traffic moving for a second, but then stops again. What the **** ****. Why. Then it moves again. Then it stops a few metres later. Why why why is this piece of road, that never isn't just moving, suddenly turning into a test of how well my first and second gear and brakes work? For **** sake.

Finally we get past whatever was causing the strange stuttering flow, and it's a clear run to the petrol station. Pull into station, by some miracle it's not rammed. Go to open the petrol cap. Won't open. **** around for 5 minutes getting increasingly pissed off, finally manage to get it open. Fill up. Pay. Get back in car. As the door shuts a clearing in the woods in a Toyota Avensis smacks his horn at me for not immediately moving the microsecond the door shut. Pull off the forecourt, turn off at best exit to go back home. Get stuck behind someone who uses their brakes like the ABS is scared of the air. Get back to the roundabout of madness. A legion of learners ahead. Scream.

Blimey mate, I had palpitations just reading that. Hope the rest of your day is a bit more zen 👍

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30 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Definitely a should piss me off.

This morning.

Call yesterday from my doctor's. You've got bloods tomorrow, we want you to have an appointment afterwards with the doctor. Fine, no idea what it's about, but agree an appointment immediately after the blood test.

Wake up this morning. Splitting headache. Clearly dehydrated. Great.

Go for the blood test. Blood pressure is mental. It's mental partly because my stomach is a mess and I know I'm sat in the doctors for an hour if everything is on time, which it never is. Checked again. Still mental, but slightly less mental. Want me to check my blood pressure at home for a week. Fantastic.

Take blood. Left arm. No blood. Nurse pushes. This hurts quite a lot, not cry out hurts but enough to make you think argh that hurt and also I've never had a blood test feel like that in a worrying kind of way. I know the bruise coming from that later is going to be a bastard. Nurse tries other arm. I actually nearly say let's call this quits and do this another time - I'm super anxious and on edge anyway and that last needle makes me doubt the standard of this nurse's skill. But I don't because I don't want to cause a fuss and I'm here now anyway. Blood comes out. Hurrah.

I go back to the waiting room, carrying a blood pressure thing and a recording sheet, and go to the check in machine for the second appointment. No no no says the machine, no appointment here for you. Hmm. Go to the reception. Receptionist checks. No no record of an appointment, who called you? I say the name of the girl that rang yesterday to say she'd booked an appointment for me. Receptionist checks again, I got my phone out and show the receptionist the call log showing I'd spoken to someone who said I needed to come in. No sorry days the receptionist, nothing here. I'm sure you had the call but there's no appointment on the system, sorry. No problem I say, I'm sure if it's important they'll bring me back in.

With the newly gained time I decide to bring forward another errand, fill the car up. The petrol light was on for a few days and I'd been putting off filling up until payday, but needs must as it cut out when dropping my girlfriend home last night. Get in the car, won't start. Tried, but failed. Give it a second, try again. Struggles, struggles, struggles... starts. Great, go.

Traffic immediately appears outside my drive. For **** sake. Finally get off drive, immediately into a red light. Sigh. Finally got past junction, clear driving for a minute. Hit roundabout. For some reason there's a load of traffic on the roundabout, enough for it to be at a standstill. What the actual ****. Get through that, traffic moving for a second, but then stops again. What the **** ****. Why. Then it moves again. Then it stops a few metres later. Why why why is this piece of road, that never isn't just moving, suddenly turning into a test of how well my first and second gear and brakes work? For **** sake.

Finally we get past whatever was causing the strange stuttering flow, and it's a clear run to the petrol station. Pull into station, by some miracle it's not rammed. Go to open the petrol cap. Won't open. **** around for 5 minutes getting increasingly pissed off, finally manage to get it open. Fill up. Pay. Get back in car. As the door shuts a clearing in the woods in a Toyota Avensis smacks his horn at me for not immediately moving the microsecond the door shut. Pull off the forecourt, turn off at best exit to go back home. Get stuck behind someone who uses their brakes like the ABS is scared of the air. Get back to the roundabout of madness. A legion of learners ahead. Scream.

@Chindiebumps into someone he knows

Friend: Hey, how’s your day going?

Chindie: Great thanks, yours?

Because he’s British. 

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22 hours ago, Mark Albrighton said:

Archived chats have been around since I started using WhatsApp years ago.

The way I use it is that I default move every chat into archived chats, so when I receive a message it comes out of archived and just into current chats. I do this as a way of alerting me to any new messages. Of course I have the alerts already and I can see that there’s been 3 new messages posted in a particular chat or whatever. But I tend to think of it as a way of keeping live, frequent chats separate from more dormant ones.

Locked chats as far as I can tell is something newer, although it’s apparently been out longer than I thought - it certainly didn’t appear on my phone until recently.

Basically it’s a secure folder for chats. You keep conversations in there that require a Touch ID to be able to read/converse further.

It looks like this -


The thing that irritates me is that archived chats was top, but now when I go to tap it, I often hit locked chats instead.

I cannot comprehend your logic but best of luck with it. 

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I don't have locked chats on my whatsapp.

I have archived chats. Previously, even when you archived a chat, they would unarchive when you got a message. They recently changed it so archived chats stay archived even when you get a new message.

Never heard of locked chats. But they sound useful for people having an affair

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2 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I don't have locked chats on my whatsapp.

I have archived chats. Previously, even when you archived a chat, they would unarchive when you got a message. They recently changed it so archived chats stay archived even when you get a new message.

Never heard of locked chats. But they sound useful for people having an affair

Interesting. I haven’t found this to be the case, they still unarchive themselves for me (hence being able to see which conversations are currently “live”). Will keep a look out for any changes.

Yes, those conducting affairs would probably benefit from the locked chat feature. One of my chat groups has a group title that has a vulgar word in it. So perhaps I could benefit from this to avoid this title from popping up on my screen when someone else is in view of my phone.

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