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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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People who say they have "given up on football".

I don't understand how that is even possible, aside from maybe you weren't really in to football in the first place. It's not even about the game itself really, it's about the club. How can people give up on her?

I had a ball. Nike. All white with an orange tick. Cost £20. My first really nice leather ball. Kicking it into a small goals day after day. Occasionally it would be hit with such ferocity and poor technique it would end up in my neighbour's garden. And I'd sheepishly have to go over to reclaim it. Usually from just over the wall, but sometimes it would have made it through their trees and onto their lawn. That would be particularly embarrassing. Because naturally my neighbours would spend the majority of their waking hours watching out the window for the pale nervous child from next door with the sticky out ears and the bowl haircut to come and retrieve a ball from their garden, like David Attenborough watching a gazelle taking a drink from a watering hole. They wouldn't say anything to me, they'd just look on through the lace curtains and make snide comments, about me and my  family. I'd walk briskly but in a sort of ironic way across their lawn to get the ball, admitting that yes I do want my ball back, but also that whether I get my ball back or not is inconsequential. We're all going to die anyway and nothing matters, but for the purposes of the game I'm playing in my garden alone, I've assigned value to me getting my ball back. Just to keep the cogs turning.


One day I absolutely skied it into their trees. It got stuck up there, about 20/30 foot in the air. I tried climbing the tree, and I also tried kicking my less nice footballs at it to knock it down, but rather than lose all footballs, I eventually gave up on it. Could that be what they mean?



I think that 'give up' is a way of saying 'lose hope'. So I think people 'lose hope' in football. That's what they mean. 


Which reminds me of my childhood. I used to love Star Wars, I had all three on VHS. I was over the moon when they were digitally remastered. Nobody at the time really knew what that meant, but it sounded good. And it meant all the films were on at the cinema again, which I loved because I'm far too young to have seen the originals at the cinema. I had Star Wars toys, an X wing and a Tie fighter.They were great, probably the sort of thing that would be worth something if you kept it in it's box, but what was the fun in that? My favourite were the Star Wars Tazos, I collected all of them, I even had to send off a letter to Leicester with some money in it (or a cheque I don't remember), to get the ones I was missing from my collection. I bought a lot of Walkers crisps to get that collection. My uncle did also, I didn't think it was odd at the time, but now I do.


Anyway, whenever I spoke about Star Wars, I always knew them as #1, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I didn't know #1 was actually called 'A New Hope'. I don't think many people did. It wasn't until the crappy #4 came out that people started making the distinction. 


So I think what people mean when they say they 'give up' on football is that they used to have A New Hope on VHS, but they lost it. Or the tape became distorted and the sound went funny. Or it got 'chewed' up by the 'machine' when rewinding it. That was always embarrassing when you had to take a tape back to the rental shop and it had been 'chewed up', by the machine. Your mums membership at Starlight was a precious thing, and you didn't want her card being taken off her by the lady because you broke the tape. 


(Did I do a good Yillan?)

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People who say they have "given up on football".

I don't understand how that is even possible, aside from maybe you weren't really in to football in the first place. It's not even about the game itself really, it's about the club. How can people give up on her?

I had a ball. Nike. All white with an orange tick. Cost £20. My first really nice leather ball. Kicking it into a small goals day after day. Occasionally it would be hit with such ferocity and poor technique it would end up in my neighbour's garden. And I'd sheepishly have to go over to reclaim it. Usually from just over the wall, but sometimes it would have made it through their trees and onto their lawn. That would be particularly embarrassing. Because naturally my neighbours would spend the majority of their waking hours watching out the window for the pale nervous child from next door with the sticky out ears and the bowl haircut to come and retrieve a ball from their garden, like David Attenborough watching a gazelle taking a drink from a watering hole. They wouldn't say anything to me, they'd just look on through the lace curtains and make snide comments, about me and my  family. I'd walk briskly but in a sort of ironic way across their lawn to get the ball, admitting that yes I do want my ball back, but also that whether I get my ball back or not is inconsequential. We're all going to die anyway and nothing matters, but for the purposes of the game I'm playing in my garden alone, I've assigned value to me getting my ball back. Just to keep the cogs turning.


One day I absolutely skied it into their trees. It got stuck up there, about 20/30 foot in the air. I tried climbing the tree, and I also tried kicking my less nice footballs at it to knock it down, but rather than lose all footballs, I eventually gave up on it. Could that be what they mean?



I think that 'give up' is a way of saying 'lose hope'. So I think people 'lose hope' in football. That's what they mean. 


Which reminds me of my childhood. I used to love Star Wars, I had all three on VHS. I was over the moon when they were digitally remastered. Nobody at the time really knew what that meant, but it sounded good. And it meant all the films were on at the cinema again, which I loved because I'm far too young to have seen the originals at the cinema. I had Star Wars toys, an X wing and a Tie fighter.They were great, probably the sort of thing that would be worth something if you kept it in it's box, but what was the fun in that? My favourite were the Star Wars Tazos, I collected all of them, I even had to send off a letter to Leicester with some money in it (or a cheque I don't remember), to get the ones I was missing from my collection. I bought a lot of Walkers crisps to get that collection. My uncle did also, I didn't think it was odd at the time, but now I do.


Anyway, whenever I spoke about Star Wars, I always knew them as #1, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I didn't know #1 was actually called 'A New Hope'. I don't think many people did. It wasn't until the crappy #4 came out that people started making the distinction. 


So I think what people mean when they say they 'give up' on football is that they used to have A New Hope on VHS, but they lost it. Or the tape became distorted and the sound went funny. Or it got 'chewed' up by the 'machine' when rewinding it. That was always embarrassing when you had to take a tape back to the rental shop and it had been 'chewed up', by the machine. Your mums membership at Starlight was a precious thing, and you didn't want her card being taken off her by the lady because you broke the tape. 


(Did I do a good Yillan?)


Well I read the first line and decided the whole post wasn't worth reading. So yes ;)

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Stefan - I work in recruitment and as others have said they are comparing your CVs to others who have a better track record of sticking with positions and going with the other person. All they are doing is giving you the reason why so its not exactly their fault, it is a competitive world out there!


I agree you are 23 and you should be enjoying your life and taking in new experiences while you find your path but it seems a bit rich to blame the recruiter who is simply giving you the feedback that these actions maybe effecting your employability.


That said it is just one job so I wouldnt piss your pants about it. Treat it as another layer to that thick skin you are growing and move on to the next one.

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The story going round at the moment about the Gladiators reuniting.


Most of the headlines say something like "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE NOW!!!!"


They all, literally all, look more or less the same as they did back then, just 15 years older  :mellow:

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Stefan - I work in recruitment and as others have said they are comparing your CVs to others who have a better track record of sticking with positions and going with the other person. All they are doing is giving you the reason why so its not exactly their fault, it is a competitive world out there!

I agree you are 23 and you should be enjoying your life and taking in new experiences while you find your path but it seems a bit rich to blame the recruiter who is simply giving you the feedback that these actions maybe effecting your employability.

That said it is just one job so I wouldnt piss your pants about it. Treat it as another layer to that thick skin you are growing and move on to the next one.

I'm not really saying that.

I'm saying that it's harsh to say that somebody who is a year out of uni and has had 2 jobs in that time has 'jumped around'

They used uni in their example to say that I jumped around. That I went from a job before uni (when I was in high school) to uni.

That was my grievance with it.

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Stefan - I work in recruitment and as others have said they are comparing your CVs to others who have a better track record of sticking with positions and going with the other person. All they are doing is giving you the reason why so its not exactly their fault, it is a competitive world out there!

I agree you are 23 and you should be enjoying your life and taking in new experiences while you find your path but it seems a bit rich to blame the recruiter who is simply giving you the feedback that these actions maybe effecting your employability.

That said it is just one job so I wouldnt piss your pants about it. Treat it as another layer to that thick skin you are growing and move on to the next one.

I'm not really saying that.

I'm saying that it's harsh to say that somebody who is a year out of uni and has had 2 jobs in that time has 'jumped around'

They used uni in their example to say that I jumped around. That I went from a job before uni (when I was in high school) to uni.

That was my grievance with it.


My reading of this situation is that they haven't made that judgement/observation of you at all. 


They just need an excuse that is legal to fob you off with so the real reason you haven't been shortlisted doesn't get them into hot water. I used to do it all the time with candidates I couldn't really justify turning down but I had misgivings about I couldn't use to their face. For example qualified or over qualified candidates who had awful reputations that preceeded them. (Not saying this is the case with you btw) 

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That was my take too Eames. A convenient excuse that is nothing personal and they probably think is better than saying 'we don't want you'. On to the next job!

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Stefan - I work in recruitment and as others have said they are comparing your CVs to others who have a better track record of sticking with positions and going with the other person. All they are doing is giving you the reason why so its not exactly their fault, it is a competitive world out there!

I agree you are 23 and you should be enjoying your life and taking in new experiences while you find your path but it seems a bit rich to blame the recruiter who is simply giving you the feedback that these actions maybe effecting your employability.

That said it is just one job so I wouldnt piss your pants about it. Treat it as another layer to that thick skin you are growing and move on to the next one.

I'm not really saying that.

I'm saying that it's harsh to say that somebody who is a year out of uni and has had 2 jobs in that time has 'jumped around'

They used uni in their example to say that I jumped around. That I went from a job before uni (when I was in high school) to uni.

That was my grievance with it.




Edited by MakemineVanilla
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Ah OK I see what you mean. Without seeing your CV it is difficult to comment with any accuracy but I'm wondering if your inclusion of previous and Uni jobs is making you look a bit hoppy, perhaps more than you are. Maybe worth chopping them out if that is the case but again I dont know.


However as Eames and MNV said it may not be the real reason, it also may have been very tight between you and another and the two jobs in 1yr was the only difference they had to go on.

Edited by villaglint
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I wouldn't employ Stefan, to be fair.

Can you imagine working with a more irritating, moaning knobhead?


I'd kill myself as soon as he stepped through the door.


I'd just whip out a crossbow and shoot myself in the head, until dead.


I mean think about that for a second, I'd rather KILL myself, than work for more than 1 second with Stefan.. He's that annoying.


inb4 PoP LMAO.

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I wouldn't employ Stefan, to be fair.

Can you imagine working with a more irritating, moaning knobhead?


I'd kill myself as soon as he stepped through the door.


I'd just whip out a crossbow and shoot myself in the head, until dead.


I mean think about that for a second, I'd rather KILL myself, than work for more than 1 second with Stefan.. He's that annoying.


inb4 PoP LMAO.



Love you too x

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My commute.

Its **** shit at the best of times but with the M6 trouble, I've not even gone halfway through the journey and it's taken longer than the entire journey does usually. Somehow, and I've no idea how, Birmingham needs to sort out travel into the north of the city. Last year it was brought to a standstill by a single road flooding which had a knock on throughout the city. Anything happens on the route and it gridlocks. Anything happens on the M6 nearby and the same happens.

It's **** shit.

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I can't believe grown men still play FM. Where on earth to do you find the time!!??

Says the man with 2000 posts on an internet forum.
Haha you got me there! It is time I took another VT sabbatical.

Plus in my defence my wife and kid are away and not back for another 2 weeks. She hates VT.



Why would it matter if your wife hated VT? 

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