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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Kids are pricks, but they're also vulnerable and spend most of their lives fronting. In five years of school and one year of college I've seen either firsthand or been aware of through friends:

Half a dozen deaths, most through suicide


Self harm

Bullying that bordered on attempted murder

Institutionalised bullying by members of staff

Pupils becoming obsessed with teachers to the point where the law had to get involved

I don't think my experiences were unusual, in fact I went to a "good school" with a reputation of being much safer than the two either side of it. What people don't factor in when attacking teachers is that it's not just a job, it's being responsible for the safety and development of people who are culturally and biologically primed to f*** up, and probably hate your guts. On top of that you have to somehow mould them into productive members of society and give them the tools necessary live in the wider world. All the while being overworked, badly supported, and under attack from all angles, including parents and the government.

I used to want to be a teacher until I lived with someone who used to be one. The stress nearly killed her and some of the stories she told me are horrendous.

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I'd rather work 42 hour weeks with usual holiday than the hours I do now and extended holiday to be honest. I like that I could request holidays whenever too (obviously not that simple but you know what I mean)


I think that the long holidays are the actual cause of the problem because I don't know anyone who could manage, if they had to cram the hours their job takes into a lot fewer weeks.


Teachers get hung up on the fact that the hours their contract stipulates do not match the hours they need to put in, instead of just accepting that they probably need to timetable a two hour slot at home every weekday night.


The other discipline is actually setting time limits on the tasks you set yourself and sticking to them - doing things like displays can take as long as you let them.


Learn the difference between how your imaginary ideal teacher would do it and what is good enough - good enough is good enough, anything beyond that is a waste and means you'll cut corners on something else.


The biggest drain on energy and enthusiasm, which leads to burn-out, is making a too great an emotional investment too early on - a career in teaching is marathon, not a sprint.


And you must allow yourself to fail if necessary and you should set a limit to how much you allow yourself to do.


It is far better to disappoint your superiors than to burn out trying to please them.


And, if you succeed too well, they will only find you something else to keep you busy.


Hang in there and you'll find you are doing a good job, but not in the way you originally imagined.

Edited by MakemineVanilla
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I'd rather work 42 hour weeks with usual holiday than the hours I do now and extended holiday to be honest. I like that I could request holidays whenever too (obviously not that simple but you know what I mean)



And, if you succeed too well, they will only find you something else to keep you busy.



This is so true. Thanks.

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It's just the thought of having to take work home every night and every weekend for the rest of my career. It's terrifying.

I know i'm one of those that poke fun of teachers  ....... and comments like this are exactly why    :D


EVERY night , EVERY weekend   ... utter rubbish 


sorry I know that sounds harsh  and it's not intended to kick you as you are clearly feeling a bit down   ... but i suspect everyone goes through phases of hating their job , but chin up tomorrow is another day  and it's only 18 days to half term and more holidays


for the record it's 22:54 on a Sunday and I'm also  working if it makes you feel better  

Edited by tonyh29
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I do take work home every night and every weekend though.


That isn't rubbish.


As I said, I'd give up the holidays just to work 9-5 every day.

 when you were in the US not long ago were you marking homework whilst bumping into Arsenal players on the metro or was it coursework you were preparing ?

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Small warning. if someone says this a lot, don't try to tell them it isn't a proper word, especially when your both drunk and in a confined space like a taxi.

Edited by jjaacckk91
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I do take work home every night and every weekend though.


That isn't rubbish.


As I said, I'd give up the holidays just to work 9-5 every day.


I am curious to why you would prefer 9-5.


I wonder if your problem is not with the job but actually with how the hours are structured (famine or feast), which means that your leisure tends not to coincide with other people's (partner, family, friends).


Being unavailable for all that partner/family shite can produce tensions.

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Small warning. if someone says this a lot, don't try to tell them it isn't a proper word, especially when your both drunk and in a confined space like a taxi.

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Where does this idea come from that if you weren't a teacher you'd just be doing a 9-5? I know very few people who get away with just doing their contracted hours and going home. I think you'd find that in a lot of lines of work you'd be giving up your extra holidays and working extended hours year-round.

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All I've ever dreamt about is being a teacher. I'm doing fine at the job, but I don't know how much I actually enjoy it. I have no life.

I think it's a terrible job, given the demands, all the unpaid hours and the pressures the pay is absolute dog shit. It's also a profession that's used a political football which causes inefficiencies and mayhem from an admin and planning standpoint every couple of years. 


My Mrs has been a teacher for 4 years and it's got to the point where we are planning her exit strategy... 


Teacher's pay is not at all 'dog shit'. And the further you 'progress', the more you earn. But dog shit it ain't. POnce you've gone through 'threshold' (I think it's called that) it gets even better. OK< it's not City Trader levels, but it's reasonably good. But it can be a demanding job at times, for the pay, certainly (as can many other jobs).

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Where does this idea come from that if you weren't a teacher you'd just be doing a 9-5? I know very few people who get away with just doing their contracted hours and going home. I think you'd find that in a lot of lines of work you'd be giving up your extra holidays and working extended hours year-round.



you've just committed heresy   ...only teachers and nurses are allowed to be hard working  ..now go and write 200 lines on the blackboard


"I must not break rule number 1"

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I'm sat here looking at my screen, getting all my lessons and resources ready for the next week. Tomorrow I have to put up 2 displays, put photographs on the website, teach 4 lessons, do playground duty, mark 3 sets of books and go to a staff meeting.

I'm tired, I don't have a life and it's upsetting me because it's all I've ever wanted to do. It's like a dream dying.

I hate to say this, because I'm not one of those that knock teachers, but... that really doesn't sound too arduous.


Really. That sounds really heavy duty to me. That's a hell of a day.

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I'm sat here looking at my screen, getting all my lessons and resources ready for the next week. Tomorrow I have to put up 2 displays, put photographs on the website, teach 4 lessons, do playground duty, mark 3 sets of books and go to a staff meeting.

I'm tired, I don't have a life and it's upsetting me because it's all I've ever wanted to do. It's like a dream dying.

I hate to say this, because I'm not one of those that knock teachers, but... that really doesn't sound too arduous.


Really. That sounds really heavy duty to me. That's a hell of a day.


he had enough time to post on Villatalk so it can't have been that arduous :P

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