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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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the use of pal on a messageboard. Always strikes me as though the user only ever uses it in a thoroughly passive aggressive fashion that indicates simmering contempt or hate. "It's just my opinion... pal."

The Dude's cult status would have been ruined if he'd said "well that's just your opinion, pal"

It's fine, pal.... :)

When someone says something annoys them and then someone else immediately does it.

Predictable and annoying. :D




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All I've ever dreamt about is being a teacher. I'm doing fine at the job, but I don't know how much I actually enjoy it. I have no life.

I think it's a terrible job, given the demands, all the unpaid hours and the pressures the pay is absolute dog shit. It's also a profession that's used a political football which causes inefficiencies and mayhem from an admin and planning standpoint every couple of years. 


My Mrs has been a teacher for 4 years and it's got to the point where we are planning her exit strategy... 

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I'm sat here looking at my screen, getting all my lessons and resources ready for the next week. Tomorrow I have to put up 2 displays, put photographs on the website, teach 4 lessons, do playground duty, mark 3 sets of books and go to a staff meeting.


I'm tired, I don't have a life and it's upsetting me because it's all I've ever wanted to do. It's like a dream dying.

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a bird that I know has just phoned me and put her mate on the phone to me (obviously thinking 'oh speak to him he's really funny when he's drunk') well after about 90 seconds she put the phone down on me


I couldn't care a shit but she knows what I'm like so why put her friend in the position where she is more than likely going to cop some form of abuse from me, I suppose I could be a little more sociable but I have no filter I just say things that get me into trouble, I cant help but feel a little responsible for upsetting the girl but at the same time my mate should have known before putting her on the phone to me what was going to happen

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I'm sat here looking at my screen, getting all my lessons and resources ready for the next week. Tomorrow I have to put up 2 displays, put photographs on the website, teach 4 lessons, do playground duty, mark 3 sets of books and go to a staff meeting.


I'm tired, I don't have a life and it's upsetting me because it's all I've ever wanted to do. It's like a dream dying.

Most people have one teacher that had a life-changing effect on them. You get to be that teacher.

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I'm sat here looking at my screen, getting all my lessons and resources ready for the next week. Tomorrow I have to put up 2 displays, put photographs on the website, teach 4 lessons, do playground duty, mark 3 sets of books and go to a staff meeting.

I'm tired, I don't have a life and it's upsetting me because it's all I've ever wanted to do. It's like a dream dying.

I hate to say this, because I'm not one of those that knock teachers, but... that really doesn't sound too arduous.
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Marking 3 sets of books takes an hour each. The teaching takes all day. Putting a display up involves backing everything that is going onto it then designing it and writing a rationale and name labels. Playground duty takes time I'd be doing other things in and a staff meeting takes an hour. There just isn't enough time so inevitably plenty of things will be going home.

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It's just the thought of having to take work home every night and every weekend for the rest of my career. It's terrifying.

Is group marking still a thing? Where everyone marks each other's stuff and then gives feedback or whatever? That seemed to be in vogue towards the end of my school days. I know you couldn't use it for everything, just wondering if there was any value in it.

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I'd rather work 42 hour weeks with usual holiday than the hours I do now and extended holiday to be honest. I like that I could request holidays whenever too (obviously not that simple but you know what I mean)

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