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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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People who leave skid marks on the either the toilet seat or around the lip of the toilet. We have a repeat offender at work, and it is gross! I have three simple questions for these animals............






Surely it is not difficult to position your arse in such a way that you aim your waste into the pan and not anywhere but. Apologies for the vulgarity but I want to be able to have a poo without sitting in somebody elses.....

Mentioned it before, but not having to put up with the filthy habits of my co-workers is one of the reasons I use the disabled loo at work.  The other chief one being the handrails which give you something to grip and squeeze for when you're struggling to birth some Lovecraftian elder-poop.

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Anyone here suffer with sinus pain? I've had it on and off for a few weeks now and its horrible. Feels like someone has inflated a balloon under your cheekbone combined with a toothache. Came recently with a cold.


Think I need to see an ear, nose and throut specialist.

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I hate sleeping during the day, it makes me feel like shit.

Same here. I wake up feeling dirty, and the only way to feel better is to have a shower and brush my teeth.
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Was in the same hotel in Groningen as Ron Vlaar so me and my mates asked him for a photo. He was saying goodbye to his friends so he said I'll be over in a while. Our taxi came when we were waiting for him but the taxi driver was moaning at us so we had to go  :(

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The David Brent film will be crap I'm sure. I'm a massive fan of the office and Extra's, but the Brent character has had its day. He did so well to end the Office when he did, keeping it quite short (2 short series and Xmas special) but now he's dragging it out with these live performances and movie. No thanks.


Noel Gallagher said in an interview once that Gervais is Brent, there is very little acting involved, its just how he is.

I think people are failing to separate "style of comedy"  with "character".


David Brent and Andy Millman aren't even close to being the same character.

They have the same voice and accent, obviously, and similar comedy styles, but their characters are totally different.


Similarly with Gervais himself and Brent. Gervais is similar to Brent in comedy style because that is his style of comedy. But as characters they're totally different people.



FWIW I'm a fan of Gervais' work. I don't much like him as a person or his standup, but The Office, Extras and Derek have all been superb in their own way.


And the Ricky Gervais show and in particular their XFM shows are the funniest things I've ever heard. Comedy gold.



Regarding Pilk, he's not a character. A listen of the XFM shows will confirm that. yes he plays up to it a bit, but that really is him.

That being said, I wasn't a huge fan of An Idiot Abroad. Too scripted and set up for my liking although it had its moments.



Agree with Steveo.


Gervais is nothing like Brent, i have probably listened to 200 hours of their radio show from the xfm days and its quite hard to keep up an act over that many days/years/hours. Same for Pilky, definitely not an act, just a typical downbeat Manc!


You can listen to them all on youtube and they really are one of the funniest things you will ever hear, granted XFM wasnt exactly a mainstream station but they had a fairly primetime slot on a sat afternoon and regularly turned up with nothing planned at all and some of the innuendo and swearing is hard to believe at times.


I remember one show where they were discussing Ricky being on holiday for next weeks show and Karl was having a go that he hadn't recorded any trails for the best of show so he started doing them in the middle of the show!

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Anyone here suffer with sinus pain? I've had it on and off for a few weeks now and its horrible. Feels like someone has inflated a balloon under your cheekbone combined with a toothache. Came recently with a cold.


Think I need to see an ear, nose and throut specialist.

I keep getting dull headaches that seem to last all day. I've got one today on my day off and I can't be arsed to do anything other than lie down. Apparently the heat has something to do with it but it really pisses me off.

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ismail you just answered your own strange question, so why ask it?


No he didn't, other people obviously do find it hard but he doesn't...


Anyway, you calling someone's question strange is ridiculous...

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He asked if it was hard to have a poo in the morning before work, and then says I have a poo in the morning. Maybe I misunderstood


Anyway moving on does anyone else have problems with T Mobile and their customer service team?

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People who leave skid marks on the either the toilet seat or around the lip of the toilet. We have a repeat offender at work, and it is gross! I have three simple questions for these animals............






Surely it is not difficult to position your arse in such a way that you aim your waste into the pan and not anywhere but. Apologies for the vulgarity but I want to be able to have a poo without sitting in somebody elses.....

I was round my folks for Sunday dinner and I had to make an emergency evacuation in their toilet. It shot out at the speed of light and later when I went for a wee before I went home I was horrified to see I'd got shit under the toilet seat. I just wiped it off with a load of toilet roll. I've never made a mess like that before, not since the time I got some on my flip flop but that doesn't really count.

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that I've been looking at the profile pictures of the pretty female clients I have and showing them to some of the blokes in the office at various stages


and now found out that Linked in tells you who has viewed your profile each week  .. I'm just praying it doesn't actually tell them how many times :blush:



and no  ... before someone post pics or GTFO

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