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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The fact that i get paid on the 27th of every month, and you get the whole months pay on that date, so from the 28th to the end of the month you feel like you are working for nothing even though that's not the case, if that makes sense. 

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Quizmasters/quizmistresses who either get things very wrong or set questions with more than one possible answer.

Shouldn't be bothered as it's only a bit of fun but: get it right, eh? :D

I'm still refusing to talk to the quiz master at my local pub who reckoned Bryan Ferry wrote Jealous Guy



Having whupped your sorry ass continuously on QuizUp of late, I'm surprised that you don't! :)

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The Guardian is my paper of choice but bloody hell they publish some guff...



The point about slavery is odd.


She seems to disagree with the visual impact of the scene because it reflects the real world (i.e. black people enslaved by white people)


But surely Danaerys is freeing the slaves? She's not making them her slaves? 


I struggle to see her point there. If Danaerys was making them her slaves then I'd get it.

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It's because she's white and she's saving the people of darker skin, like they couldn't do it on their own. That's the point she's trying to make anyway, and failing miserably.


It's set in Essos which is similar in style to the Middle East and Africa. That scene was filmed in Morocco because of the look and also because many of the people could be extras and look the part. She's completely ignored the main point so she can stand on a soap box and bitch about it, and if anyone argues against her then they look like a misogynistic racist.


The fact she has to qualify her piece by stating she is a woman of colour shows, to me at least, that she's not confident her opinions can stand on their own, and rightly so considering they're horse shit. 


She also mentions that the only strong women in the show are the two in power. Well to be a strong person doesn't mean you have to be a ruler of sorts. What about Arya or Brienne? What about Catelyn Stark? Nah, just conveniently leave them out because it detracts from the piss-poor points you're trying to make.

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She's the white saviour apparently.  It's ridiculous, just looking for things to be insulted by.


Game of Thrones has more strong and powerful female characters than most.


It's a grim world, rape happens, but it's in no way glorified.


This comment puts it better than I can...


I made it halfway through (the article). Should have followed your lead.

This journo sat through a child getting pushed out of a high up window, after having witnessed incest - the very first episode! - a man getting tortured throughout a whole season, saw people burned alive and numerous children killed - one even nailed to a cross - and it's only now that she's had enough?!

Rape is horrific. But is it more horrific than a man being dismembered? Is it any more horrific than dozens of other things that have been shown on GOT and have not met with this sort of comment in the media? I could understand this media shitstorm if the scenes shown could in any way be viewed as having glorified rape, but they do not: the rapes involve characters who have done terrible things before, occur in momentously awful situations, and are done for expressly bad motives. If rape can not be shown, even as the awful act that it is, then why should any of the other terrible things which are put on our screens with such impunity be allowed? If rape were not shown in this show, when all of man's misery and more is on full display, would that not be to airbrush out of history one of the inevitable and awful consequences of a world in which women are second-class citizens and power is law, as has so often been the case in our past?

I find this sort of criticism not only dull, but lamentable, being, as it certainly is on the part of those who commissioned it, a breathtakingly cynical grab for page views and comments.


Edited by Wainy316
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Great comment that. 


What really bugs me about that article is that she touches on Mad Men and how Don Draper is a man of his time and how she understands that. Okay, so if it still bothers you to watch shows that are historically and contextually accurate, then so be it, no one is forcing you to watch it, but don't write an article to preach about that kind of thing and even mention about how the shows accurately depict the era. GoT is fiction, but it's steeped in medieval references and themes. It's actually quite clever that it's essentially a world ruled by men, and yet there are many strong female characters pulling strings, but at the end of the day it's set in a world with vicious men who are in power and that assert their dominance over women (for the most part).


This woman needs to get over herself. It's like she hopped on the Jaime/Cersei rape scene bandwagon from last episode and is trying to come up with a new stick to beat the show with because it's popular to do that. Bellend.

Edited by Ginko
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It wasn't the slavery stuff that disappointed me, it was the rapes, and the general "tits'n'bums + violence" soft porn approach of the whole thing. 


I know this won't be a popular view on a forum as laddish as VT, but that's my opinion. Seems to be targetting the very worst aspects of teenage boys' grubby fantasies. 


If you MUST have fantasy sagas, I prefer the LotR approach. 

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The show is incredibly problematic. You'd have to be a bit thick not to see it.


But stuff can be problematic and enjoyable. Just don't gloss over issues because you don't like people pointing them out.


I agree. As I've said before in one thread or another, I can absolutely see why people enjoy it. 


But for me, the production values (etc.) can't overcome my feeling that it falls somewhere between creepy and laughable. 

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The Guardian is my paper of choice but bloody hell they publish some guff...



The point about slavery is odd.


She seems to disagree with the visual impact of the scene because it reflects the real world (i.e. black people enslaved by white people)


But surely Danaerys is freeing the slaves? She's not making them her slaves? 


I struggle to see her point there. If Danaerys was making them her slaves then I'd get it.



being pedantic here but the real world has it that black people were enslaved not just by white people

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The show is incredibly problematic. You'd have to be a bit thick not to see it.

But stuff can be problematic and enjoyable. Just don't gloss over issues because you don't like people pointing them out.

I don't think anybody is glossing over anything, certainly not in this thread.

They're debating the points being made very eloquently from what I can see.

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