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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Apologies for the length (nudge nudge, wink, wink, eh?). Few things annoying me today. Not one big event but a just drip, drip, drip of small things which is leading to an explosion in the near future. 


Day started fine, trains on time, got to work and had my breakfast... all very much dandy, until I went to take a dump at 9:30am. Already the 'phantom faeces flaker' had visited. This, if you aren't aware of it, is a chap who obviously rubs the poor quality toilet paper so vigorously across his anus that bits of the the paper drop to the floor like poo coated confetti. I've mentioned it before as I am trying to work out who it is but no joy yet. I promise to keep you updated. So... back to the point... I move to the next cubicle and set about my business. i'm in the process of wiping and someone storms into the cubicle next to me and all hell breaks loose! Before his metallic belt buckle had stopped clanging on the tiled floor, the bathroom is full of foul noises and smells. Quite clearly, the world is falling out of his arse. No matter, i'm finished wiping and pulling my strides up when i hear the rattle of toilet roll being taken from the dispenser. This man is in a rush and he is going to commit the cardinal toilet sin of finishing up at the same time as the person in the adjacent cubicle, namely me! Everyone knows, you wait your turn until that person is out and finished washing his hands before you even think of exiting your cubicle. Otherwise you get the embarrassed meeting at the sinks. When the guy emerges, he isn't even from our floor! The cheek of it. Nearly as bad as the time I caught Mustaq from IT washing his **** FEET in our sink! 


Back at my desk after this traumatic episode, i then had to listen to the inane drivel of my work colleagues talking about that TV they had watched recently. Most of it surrounded the 'soaps', the Voice, The Jump, Splash and every workplaces talking point in Brum, Benefit Street. They didn't take kindly to my suggestion that everyone who regulary watches these programmes should be gassed. I then mention what a shame it was to lose such a fine actor like Philip Seymour Hoffman, only for one person to suggest that as she hadn't heard of him then he can't be much good. FFFFFUUUUUUU

Brilliant post.


If I worked at that place someone would be suffering some kind of injury or horrendous pain, in a very short time.

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If you're necking stuff that can kill you then that's your fault, not the game.


The game is to neck a pint. Not to do something that'll kill you. It's no more or less dangerous than any normal drinking game.


If the odd person takes it too far and does something stupid then that's their fault.

So you think something which encourages young people to video themselves drinking is a game. Fair enough we're all entitled to our opinion but as we've already seen something like this very quickly gets out of control when one wants to out do the other and that has resulted in a death.


Did you see the news last night where the family of the young lad that died pleaded for this craze to stop? Try telling them that its just a game and I suppose if any teachers agree with your above post what does that actually say about those who are employed to set an example to children.

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Somebody I know posted a video on Facebook of himself, downing a bottle, where you do that thing with a straw which gets the air out.  Only thing was, it was a bottle of Lambrini.  The gigantic cock.

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When you tell someone at work that you'll send them something as soon as you can/have it done/someone sends it to you, yet the someone in question continues to hassle you for it.


If anything, that will make me slower.

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That. Once girl at work asked me for a favour that meant me going out of my way, reluctant to do it as I was pushed for time, didnt really have to do it and it was a bit of a ballache. I told her yes, will do it, this afternoon, she said ok, then badgered me to do it, before going to a project manager and asked him to make me do it sooner. Told her to do one, never did it in the end.

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It's a stupid game. It's stupid for a number of reasons.


However, the game isn't 'neck a pint of vodka', or 'neck a pint of something you know is going to cause damage'. The lad who died, as sad as it is and my full sympathies are with his family, didn't die because of the game. He died because he pushed himself to the limits, perhaps stupidly.


I took part because I was nominated. I downed a pint of cider in my room quietly. I drank far less than I would on a normal night out. I drank less than the drink-drive limit. It's popping up on my feed tonnes lately; I haven't seen a single video that was dangerous. Seems to be the exception rather than the rule.


Not sure what having this viewpoint has to do with my profession. As long as I'm not telling my kids/parents what I do, or turn up to work pissed/hungover then why should I live a different life to anybody else?

Edited by StefanAVFC
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That. Once girl at work asked me for a favour that meant me going out of my way, reluctant to do it as I was pushed for time, didnt really have to do it and it was a bit of a ballache. I told her yes, will do it, this afternoon, she said ok, then badgered me to do it, before going to a project manager and asked him to make me do it sooner. Told her to do one, never did it in the end.



I'm being hassled today.


My reply each time is "I'm waiting on such and such to send me their data. until then I can't do anything. I'll let you know as soon as it is done"


Although it's getting less and less polite each time.

I can understand the odd poke to make sure you haven't forgotten. But this is every half an hour. If it wasn't someone senior to me I'd be inclined to tell them to **** off

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People who spend half their time in On Topic making jokes about Grant Holt's weight. It wasn't funny at first and it isn't funny after you've repeated it many, many times. You are a word removed.

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This is actually from ages ago but for some reason it's on my mind now. One girl who claimed I was a loner because whenever she saw me, I may of been on my own. I was thinking you don't see me 24/7 so how would you know who I'm friends with etc.

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This is actually from ages ago but for some reason it's on my mind now. One girl who claimed I was a loner because whenever she saw me, I may of been on my own. I was thinking you don't see me 24/7 so how would you know who I'm friends with etc.


Maybe she's a stalker..

Edited by AVFCforever1991
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It's a stupid game. It's stupid for a number of reasons.


However, the game isn't 'neck a pint of vodka', or 'neck a pint of something you know is going to cause damage'. The lad who died, as sad as it is and my full sympathies are with his family, didn't die because of the game. He died because he pushed himself to the limits, perhaps stupidly.


I took part because I was nominated. I downed a pint of cider in my room quietly. I drank far less than I would on a normal night out. I drank less than the drink-drive limit. It's popping up on my feed tonnes lately; I haven't seen a single video that was dangerous. Seems to be the exception rather than the rule.


Not sure what having this viewpoint has to do with my profession. As long as I'm not telling my kids/parents what I do, or turn up to work pissed/hungover then why should I live a different life to anybody else?


I just think it's all a bit juvenile and sad.  Let's start an internet campaign worth seeing.  Everybody should ask their female friends (well, the fit ones anyway) to play a new game, "Norks and nominate".  I think it's fairly self explanatory....

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It's a stupid game. It's stupid for a number of reasons.


However, the game isn't 'neck a pint of vodka', or 'neck a pint of something you know is going to cause damage'. The lad who died, as sad as it is and my full sympathies are with his family, didn't die because of the game. He died because he pushed himself to the limits, perhaps stupidly.


I took part because I was nominated. I downed a pint of cider in my room quietly. I drank far less than I would on a normal night out. I drank less than the drink-drive limit. It's popping up on my feed tonnes lately; I haven't seen a single video that was dangerous. Seems to be the exception rather than the rule.


Not sure what having this viewpoint has to do with my profession. As long as I'm not telling my kids/parents what I do, or turn up to work pissed/hungover then why should I live a different life to anybody else?


I just think it's all a bit juvenile and sad.  Let's start an internet campaign worth seeing.  Everybody should ask their female friends (well, the fit ones anyway) to play a new game, "Norks and nominate".  I think it's fairly self explanatory....



I fully agree. I just did it because I hadn't necked a pint in about a year.

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I know I keep going on about him, but this dick in my office that whistles all the time is such a prick.


Not just because of the whistling. He's just a horrible, cretinous, obnoxious, loud, arrogant, ****wit.


I'm in a bad mood, but I literally hate everything about him at the moment. His face, his accent, his manners, his demeanour, his vocabulary, his **** photography that he tells everyone about every day, and whips out his tablet every day to show off his latest pictures that no one cares about.


I hate him.


I hate him as well.


There is someone in my office I can't stand. No logical reason for it, its just his face annoys me immensely, 

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This is actually from ages ago but for some reason it's on my mind now. One girl who claimed I was a loner because whenever she saw me, I may of been on my own. I was thinking you don't see me 24/7 so how would you know who I'm friends with etc.


Nothing wrong with being a loner! 

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It's a stupid game. It's stupid for a number of reasons.

However, the game isn't 'neck a pint of vodka', or 'neck a pint of something you know is going to cause damage'. The lad who died, as sad as it is and my full sympathies are with his family, didn't die because of the game. He died because he pushed himself to the limits, perhaps stupidly.

I took part because I was nominated. I downed a pint of cider in my room quietly. I drank far less than I would on a normal night out. I drank less than the drink-drive limit. It's popping up on my feed tonnes lately; I haven't seen a single video that was dangerous. Seems to be the exception rather than the rule.

Not sure what having this viewpoint has to do with my profession. As long as I'm not telling my kids/parents what I do, or turn up to work pissed/hungover then why should I live a different life to anybody else?

I just think it's all a bit juvenile and sad. Let's start an internet campaign worth seeing. Everybody should ask their female friends (well, the fit ones anyway) to play a new game, "Norks and nominate". I think it's fairly self explanatory....


I think it is an age thing. I mean why on earth would I want to down a pint now? The only reason I can imagine somebody doing so is to impress their mates, or as a show of "masculinity". I'd like to think my masculinity is obvious enough and that my friends will be my friends regardless.

Also, by taking part in such a thing you're keeping the game alive. In a private setting fair enough, it makes little difference to the world as a whole, but when people are seeing this and then pushing the boundaries (and dying) as a result you're complicit in that, you're a part of the problem, like it or not.

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