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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Men have to dress smart...shirt, (sometimes tie), trousers. Yet women seem to get away with wearing what they want. Ive seen tiger print shirts, jazzy cardigans,stupid t-shirts with a flower on. How the fack is that office wear?!?! Yet because im a man I got told off today for having my top button undone. Bullshit.


Yeah I've put this in this thread before.


Our work used to have "dress down" fridays. A notice came out a few years back saying that the CEO wasn't happy with it anymore.

When my (then) boss told us, he said it was because SOME PEOPLE (looking directly and obviously at me and this other guy) dressed too casually on a Friday.


All this while a girl in our team sat there in a vest top and flip flops, which she wore (or somethign similar) every day, not just fridays.


That really pissed me off. So much so that I had a meeting with him about it, haha!


PS in before the Tonyh rant about office wear


Tell everyone in the office you are a transvestite from the waist up and then you can wear Polo shirts to work everyday :)

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I like Cooper. Not sure why he gets such a bad rep to be honest.

I think it's just the characters he plays annoy me sometimes. Which is probably a testament to his acting in some degree but I know little about him off the big screen, but every time I see him I feel like I'm routing against him.

I think he's just one of those actors. Good looking, often plays the attractive bloke in a rom com or something and picks up a bad rep (especially from males) as a result.

I would guess that, in a few years, it'll be the same situation as has happened with other male leads like Di Caprio, McConaughey, Gosling etc where we all suddenly think "ohhhh he actually IS a really good actor"

For me it's that he can't act. I've never seen him in a rom-com.

Actually, I'm not sure that he can't act. I've never seen him actually try. He's just Bradley Cooper being Bradley Cooper dressed and named as somebody else and I'm not a huge fan of Bradley Cooper.

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Men have to dress smart...shirt, (sometimes tie), trousers. Yet women seem to get away with wearing what they want. Ive seen tiger print shirts, jazzy cardigans,stupid t-shirts with a flower on. How the fack is that office wear?!?! Yet because im a man I got told off today for having my top button undone. Bullshit.


Yeah I've put this in this thread before.


Our work used to have "dress down" fridays. A notice came out a few years back saying that the CEO wasn't happy with it anymore.

When my (then) boss told us, he said it was because SOME PEOPLE (looking directly and obviously at me and this other guy) dressed too casually on a Friday.


All this while a girl in our team sat there in a vest top and flip flops, which she wore (or somethign similar) every day, not just fridays.


That really pissed me off. So much so that I had a meeting with him about it, haha!


PS in before the Tonyh rant about office wear




just remember if your boss wears a suit he's crap at his job and knows it ... I highly recommend this approach during any appraisals and pay review meetings




Or just likes to not look terrible.


My employer insists upon ties, and a man wearing trousers a shirt and tie with no jacket looks like a school child. I'd rather just not wear a tie, but if I have to wear a tie, the jacket comes with it. A tie without a jacket is like formal shoes without socks.

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Couple of things for me.


The computer shop I sent my laptop to be repaired to. I sent it on Monday, they said it'd be done by Tuesday. It wasn't, they had issues. Didn't tell me though, I had to ring up, that's fine. It's now Friday and I've called every day this week and each time they've said it should be ready later that day and each time they've never called me back.


I'm a patient guy, but I phoned today at 12pm and they said it only had an hour to go. I asked them to call me when it was done and the guy said he would. I got no phone call, so on my way back from a meeting I decided I'd stop off in town on my way back, this was about 4pm.


I tried calling as I was on my way but they weren't answering. I checked their website on my phone and they were open until 5:30pm on Fridays. I get there at 4:20pm and the **** place is shut. They're also open on Saturday for two hours, but the note on the door said this Saturday they would be closed, "sorry for the inconvenience," it read.


Which one exactly? Take your **** pick you useless, unprofessional arseholes! Now I have to wait until next week, and the worst bit is I'm not even confident they know what they're doing if they've taken this long and had this many setbacks. I'm going in on Monday and if they tell me it isn't done I'm just going to let rip. **** ridiculous.


Second thing, I've been watching Countdown recorded on my Sky Plus this week and the standard of contestants has been absolutely ridiculous. The girl today kept saying Con-STUH-nant and seriously, I was wondering if she was on some sort of day release from a mental institution. She wasn't just an average person having a bad game, she was thick as shit. The guy on Wednesday was just as bad if not worse. This current champion must not be able to believe his luck, because he isn't superb himself.


What's going on Countdown?! I always assumed they must have some sort of entry test to see if you're capable. Maybe they've had a low turnout this season and just decided to let any moron play.

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Work toilets are a passion of mine.,, mainly because I believe I work with the dirtiest bunch of people in Birmingham. In my ten years in the office I have witnessed:


a) not just skid marks down the back of the pan, but a whole shit stuck to it

b ) skid marks down the front of the pan. Did the dirty bastard straddle the toilet the wrong way?! 

c) shit on the seat. How can they miss the pan? Have they got an anus like a faulty lawn sprinkler?

d) shit smeared on the cubicle wall. Either that or someone had mashed a chocolate dundee cake up and applied it to the wall

e) piss and pubes on the seat

f) shit nuggets on the toilet floor

g) shit smeared toilet roll forced into the bog brush holder

and finally, the only one I haven't witnessed but was mentioned by a colleague, was a giant shit in the sink





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best ive seen on a building site was when it was that cold the water in the toilets had froze


you'd like to think that most normal people wouldn't take a shit in there...


then again last week i saw someone be sick in the middle of the site and then walk off without a care in the world

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best ive seen on a building site was when it was that cold the water in the toilets had froze


you'd like to think that most normal people wouldn't take a shit in there...


then again last week i saw someone be sick in the middle of the site and then walk off without a care in the world


always the same


I was snagging on site on Tuesday and one snag I had to write up was that the urinals were not yet plumbed in but had clearly been in use for a few days.

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best ive seen on a building site was when it was that cold the water in the toilets had froze


you'd like to think that most normal people wouldn't take a shit in there...


then again last week i saw someone be sick in the middle of the site and then walk off without a care in the world


:crylaugh: for the second time tonight!

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Smokers, I absolutely hate them.


(1) They **** stink. Their hands smell awful, their breath is disgusting, and kissing a smoker isn't a very pleasant experience at all.


(2) Walking behind a smoker on a high street is highly irritating. Every now and then you get a gust of smoke heading your way forcing you to hold your breath, words removed. They do this without giving a flying **** about the very well known dangers of passive smoking.


(3) Smokers at work. Absolute rocket polishers. A lot of these pricks have to feed their habit once an hour. So they take a 5 minutes 'smoking' break each hour. We have 7 hour work days where I work so they are getting an additional 35 minute break each day.


This sounds bad, but smokers deserve every single health complication that they inevitably get.

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The thing with sat navs is that it takes a complete loon to get things really messed up,  I mean for instance:


One from the UK now, where a woman drove a £96,000 Mercedes into the River Sence (perhaps she could use some “sense”?).  This was another case of a person blindly following their sat nav directions, despite there being clear road signs saying that there was a rather large body of water right up ahead.

An eye witness account recalled water gushing through the car’s windows and pushing it 200 metres down the river where it bounced from one river bank to the next.  Thankfully nobody was hurt – apart from the woman’s pride.


You should never really rely on a sat nav and certainly not follow it blindly.  If it has Brian Blessed as it's voice though, all is forgiven. 

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Smokers, I absolutely hate them.

(1) They **** stink. Their hands smell awful, their breath is disgusting, and kissing a smoker isn't a very pleasant experience at all.

(2) Walking behind a smoker on a high street is highly irritating. Every now and then you get a gust of smoke heading your way forcing you to hold your breath, words removed. They do this without giving a flying **** about the very well known dangers of passive smoking.

(3) Smokers at work. Absolute rocket polishers. A lot of these pricks have to feed their habit once an hour. So they take a 5 minutes 'smoking' break each hour. We have 7 hour work days where I work so they are getting an additional 35 minute break each day.

This sounds bad, but smokers deserve every single health complication that they inevitably get.

As a smoker myself please allow me to appologise, we really are the rudest, selfish people on the planet.

That isn't sarcasm either, I am currently toying with the idea of quitting again, I can normally do quite well, I can go a few months without a fag and then in one moment of weakness you are back to square one.

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Movie posters on buses/billboards etc.

why is it that on the majority of movie posters you might have 5/6 actors yet the names above don't correspond with the actors below?

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You missed it :)



Something that pisses me off that shouldn't maybe cos I can be a bit OCD at time is movie posters and they way they'll have the main actor/ress' name first at the top and then working their way across but will have the lead right bang in the middle of the poster, always annoys me that they don't just put the name over the right people?




Something that pisses me off that shouldn't maybe cos I can be a bit OCD at time is movie posters and they way they'll have the main actor/ress' name first at the top and then working their way across but will have the lead right bang in the middle of the poster, always annoys me that they don't just put the name over the right people?

I was thinking exactly this the other day!


Did you see a poster of American Hustle lately by any chance? They do it on that.






Something that pisses me off that shouldn't maybe cos I can be a bit OCD at time is movie posters and they way they'll have the main actor/ress' name first at the top and then working their way across but will have the lead right bang in the middle of the poster, always annoys me that they don't just put the name over the right people?

I was thinking exactly this the other day!


Did you see a poster of American Hustle lately by any chance? They do it on that.



Ya I did. 




Here it is. Annoying


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(3) Smokers at work. Absolute rocket polishers. A lot of these pricks have to feed their habit once an hour. So they take a 5 minutes 'smoking' break each hour. We have 7 hour work days where I work so they are getting an additional 35 minute break each day.

There are a couple of things about that complaint, though (at least in an office environment - maybe wider, too):

a) When I used to smoke, it was very rare that I didn't go for a fag break without some work in my hand (especially if it were something that just needed to be read - I couldn't really see the difference between sitting at my desk reading it and standing outside chuffing away reading it).

B) There always used to be a bit of a 'level playing field' in the smoking shelter (or wherever) which was quite good in terms of employee/management relationship (at least for those of us going outside for a toke).

c) I don't see why non smokers don't routinely get up from their desks/places of work and stretch their legs, take the opportunity to read over a lengthy email, look over a report, discuss something with a colleague in a slightly different environment from that which they are always in (if possible). Surely, being chained to a workstation for 7 hours is largely detrimental to productivity (isn't that the case with not taken lunch breaks, for example)?

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I actually don't mind it , not at meal tables or on a plane or something but it should be mandatory in pubs ... A pub just isn't a pub without the smell of smoke IMO ...

The other problem with smoke ban is if you have a night out with a group of mates and some of them smoke invariably you lose them for half the night where they have to keep going outside for a puff ... It kinda kills the mojo of the night

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I was surprised to see it being legal to smoke in pubs in Hamburg. When in the St Pauli district anyway. I just assumed the whole of western Europe had banned it

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