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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I like it, (Obviously as me posting some is what's setting you off, living life like every thread's the EWR one these days) but I think it is something where the margin of quality is tiny and if done only slightly off key or voices don't match it's awful.







What about this VA?



This is my favourite bit of A Cappella.


I get the feeling you're on about the sort of Barbershop Quartet style goings on, which can be a bit twee,  rather than just someone with a nice voice singing without accompaniment?


Is there such a thing as solo a capella?)


Here, I've posted a bit in my defence against The Lego Warrior.

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Some clearing in the woods broke into our garage last night but whilst there are bikes and a petrol mower in there they've taken nothing! Also they left the garage door open & I don't understand why they wouldn't shut it and the lock was picked but they locked it again. It's a bit creepy I'd almost rather they'd taken something.

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Some clearing in the woods broke into our garage last night but whilst there are bikes and a petrol mower in there they've taken nothing! Also they left the garage door open & I don't understand why they wouldn't shut it and the lock was picked but they locked it again. It's a bit creepy I'd almost rather they'd taken something.

They'll be back with the right van for the bikes now that they know what's in there. I'd maybe upgrade the lock or nail down the bikes somehow.
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Some clearing in the woods broke into our garage last night but whilst there are bikes and a petrol mower in there they've taken nothing! Also they left the garage door open & I don't understand why they wouldn't shut it and the lock was picked but they locked it again. It's a bit creepy I'd almost rather they'd taken something.

They'll be back with the right van for the bikes now that they know what's in there. I'd maybe upgrade the lock or nail down the bikes somehow.


Yeah I thought that but then surely you'd shut the garage door so that I wouldn't know, unless they are ****tards.


That said my garage is like a tip, maybe they took one look and thought **** this.

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and also make sure there are no items lying around that might fall and hurt an intruder :D

Those laws have changed over here recently. You can now legally batter the shite out of an intruder :hooray:
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and also make sure there are no items lying around that might fall and hurt an intruder :D

Those laws have changed over here recently. You can now legally batter the shite out of an intruder :hooray:


I've set traps

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Few years back someone had a go at stealing my neighbours motorbike. He had a little sectioned off part of his garden where it was stored. The introuders jumped the fence, had a go at nicking it then gave up and left.

Concerned they might come back he left some planks of wood with nails through them pointing upwards on the floor covered with some thin plastic sheeting. The idea being they'd land on them when the jumped the fence.


For weeks I had nightmares at the thought of the sound the intruder would make if he fell for the trap landing on a nail from 6ft. I don't think they actually came back, lucky for them.

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and also make sure there are no items lying around that might fall and hurt an intruder :D

Those laws have changed over here recently. You can now legally batter the shite out of an intruder :hooray:


American style 'justice' FTL.

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American style 'justice' FTL.

Nope. It's the big bit in between (i.e. not black or white) and we're a lot less likely to own a gun. So while I agree with your general point, it's not appropriate here.

It doesn't work if you invite them.



Assuming the invite can be proven :twisted:
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What I'd have given to have caught the guy who burgled my parents' place in the act last week.


Probably for the best that I didn't.


(Incidentally he handed himself in once the cops went looking for him. Scumbag)

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Few years back someone had a go at stealing my neighbours motorbike. He had a little sectioned off part of his garden where it was stored. The introuders jumped the fence, had a go at nicking it then gave up and left.

Concerned they might come back he left some planks of wood with nails through them pointing upwards on the floor covered with some thin plastic sheeting. The idea being they'd land on them when the jumped the fence.


For weeks I had nightmares at the thought of the sound the intruder would make if he fell for the trap landing on a nail from 6ft. I don't think they actually came back, lucky for them.


I don't quite know how to feel about this kind of thing. A part of me thinks it's brilliant that some arsehole would get his comeuppance, but I don't know if I'd be able to sleep knowing I've set a trap like that.


I'm leaning towards the former though. 

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The cops wouldn't look too kindly on it and imagine the 'hilarity' that would ensue if a kid's ball went over and he went to fetch it. Your neighbour is a clearing in the woods.

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I know what you mean. He showed me what he'd done. I used to lie awake at night when I thought I could hear something outside waiting for some hysterical screaming.

The cops wouldn't look too kindly on it and imagine the 'hilarity' that would ensue if a kid's ball went over and he went to fetch it. Your neighbour is a clearing in the woods.

Ex neighbour, I've moved to a more upmarket area since then (and yes, he was).

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Few years back someone had a go at stealing my neighbours motorbike. He had a little sectioned off part of his garden where it was stored. The introuders jumped the fence, had a go at nicking it then gave up and left.

Concerned they might come back he left some planks of wood with nails through them pointing upwards on the floor covered with some thin plastic sheeting. The idea being they'd land on them when the jumped the fence.


For weeks I had nightmares at the thought of the sound the intruder would make if he fell for the trap landing on a nail from 6ft. I don't think they actually came back, lucky for them.


I don't quite know how to feel about this kind of thing. A part of me thinks it's brilliant that some arsehole would get his comeuppance, but I don't know if I'd be able to sleep knowing I've set a trap like that.


I'm leaning towards the former though. 



I'd worry that the thief might fall and a nail go through his head. I'd rather build a trap full of faeces and maggots, that sort of thing (might smell a little).

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I don't have a massive issue with (non violent) burglary/theft.


Yes, it's wrong, yes, it's illegal, and yes, I wouldn't want someone knicking my stuff.


But it's done for a reason. It's performed by people who are desperate, who are at the lower ebb of society. It's a very high risk 'profession', for the reasons outlined above.


Many burglars are also violent thugs - and for such people, I'd like to see the full weight of the law hit them hard. But burglary/theft to 'get by' by non violent people does not really get me overly wriled. It's what people in the banking & investment sector have been doing for years, and we're still paying for it now. :mrgreen:

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