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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The person who ruined last night's Game of Thrones episode for me. She then tried to defend it as "they're not real people so it doesn't matter". Of course it **** matters you **** clown. If you'd watched 28 episodes of a TV programme for someone to ruin one of the most shocking scenes of the series so far you'd be royally pissed off. **** clearing in the woods. 


Page 7 in the biggest selling newspaper here is an utter spoiler fest.


I expect they'll get a lot of angry letters today!

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I had some words with her about it and she gave me another spoiler and then tried to claim the intellectual high ground because she'd read the books and I hadn't. We had about 50 mutual followers too so she's ruined it for a helluva lot of people. Complete dickhead behaviour.


Also had the audacity to call me childish and she did that. Grown woman too. Christ.

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While I would never knowingly reveal spoilers, I do find all this a bit of an overraction. It's a TV program, FFS.


The thing is Mike, it's a TV show that people have invested a lot of time into and this is one of the biggest thing that happens in the whole story (if not the biggest) so I can definitely identify with the anger.


Glad I read the books now.

I had some words with her about it and she gave me another spoiler and then tried to claim the intellectual high ground because she'd read the books and I hadn't. We had about 50 mutual followers too so she's ruined it for a helluva lot of people. Complete dickhead behaviour.


Also had the audacity to call me childish and she did that. Grown woman too. Christ.


Just realised who you are on Twitter and the object of your anger :)

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While I would never knowingly reveal spoilers, I do find all this a bit of an overraction. It's a TV program, FFS.


It's not a small spoiler though, it's **** massive. When you're that far into a TV show and then someone tells you the two biggest things that are gonna happen in the entire show, (not even that particular season), it'd piss you off. 

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it's a TV show that people have invested a lot of time into


I think that's what makes me shake my head somewhat.


I DO understand, but I'm glad that I'm not in that place where I would care about it.

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Spoilers can be horrible BUT you should have stayed off Twitter or Facebook in the 1st place as they would have been littered all over them. 


I only finished season 2 and from 2 minutes on FB I know what happened in last episode 

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The only spoiler that ever really annoyed me was over 30 years ago, when the Alec Guinness version of "Tinker, Tailor..." was on TV. I'd missed the first run, but I thought I'd either catch when repeated (no TV recording in those days), or - more likely - read the book.


Then bloody Terry Wogan on R2 came out with: "Well, that last episode was good. Who'd have thought that ****** was the 'mole'?"


I subsequently didn't read the book or watch the DVD until a few months ago, as a result of that - and I still remembered who it was!


I guess he thought it was OK, as it had just ended, but still. I normally wouldn't care, but this was first-and-foremost a "whodunnit". Knowing the denouement didn't make it not worth watching, but it did take some of the edge off it.


Since then, I can't say I've ever been bothered by TV spoilers, but that's probably because I don''t watch much serial drama. 

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I remember telling a woman at work I'd just watched all of 'Life on Mars' and was about to start watching 'Ashes to Ashes' and she just talked about the ending and how it finishes.


She wasn't been horrible, I think she was just confused between the two shows and their endings, but I still really felt like punching her on the nose.

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Having to Google the name Tulisa as she kept cropping up on my Twitter feed. Shouldn't piss me off but the results contained ’X-Factor’.


She's the daft bint from N-Dubz that keeps doing silly things, like giving blow jobs on camera and purchasing class A pharmaceuticals from tabloid journalists.


Even after that she's not even close to being the worst clearing in the woods in N-Dubz.

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Colleague : "Can you get me a copy of X."

Me : "Is it urgent? Do they need it asap?"

Colleague : "Yes, very, the customer wants it in the next half hour"

Me : "OK no probs I'll do it right now."

5 minutes later, X has been retrieved and sent to colleague via email.

An hour passes and colleague comes in to office on completely unrelated matter

Colleague : "So did you manage to get that?"

Me : I sent you the e-mail an hour ago"

Colleague : "OK cool"

How the **** was it urgent if you didn't even check your **** emails in the hour afterwards you utter **** bell-end. Note to self. Your next request might take a while.

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It pisses me off that Oasis have made the tops of their bottles smaller. It pissed me off before that they were too big. So it pisses me off that I'm no longer pissed off about that, and I'm pissed off about their decision.


and their music is wank.

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With regards to spoilers I'm glad that I don't watch tv series, I just always find better things to do, my dad got me the sopranos box set for Xmas, I got up to about 3 episodes into the second series and couldn't be arsed to watch any more,

I'm lucky that no one else i know reads the sort of books that I do so the only way I come across spoilers is if I go looking for them

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