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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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ps. I think someone mentioned earlier in this very thread, referring to inanimate objects as like, I dunno what the word is, a proper thing. I've just done that there, haven't I? Well, actually, I liked it. So I will do it again *clutches pen who is still wearing his lid*


It was me. But I think you're in the clear. I was specifically referring to companies who do it. So I'll allow it.

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hogso, reminds me of back when I used to work at an unnamed Italian chain restaurant (don't even ask me who). I met most of my group of friends there and we still take the piss out of one of them for one instance. He worked as a KP so had loads of prep to do. He was chopping mushrooms and he dick kept rubbing against the counter (his words) so he went and had a wank and came back to it.

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1. Emotional coldness, detachment or reduced affect.

2. Limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions towards others.

3. Consistent preference for solitary activities.

4. Very few, if any, close friends or relationships, and a lack of desire for such.

5. Indifference to either praise or criticism.

6. Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities.

7. Indifference to social norms and conventions.

8. Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection.

9. Lack of desire for sexual experiences with another person.

It comes and goes, but the last year or so it's been pretty much check on all for me.

Have you been recording me? Eerie how that is my life of the past few years absolutely spot on. Scary.


All symptoms of depression.


One of the major causes of depression is poor diet.



That's quite a statement. Maybe one of the side effects of depression, but not a major cause. 


Having a friend who has been dealing with someone suffering from depression and been told the doctor's diagnoses and the reasons for that i think you'll find that poor diet is a major contributor to depression.


If you still doubt what i say then simply Google it.

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People who run from the rain

Man up you **** dickheads if it is thrashing down with rain then after 90 seconds you are already as wet as you are going to get, running does nothing but make you look like a bit of a **** cretin, just **** embrace it throw your arms up and take in every **** drop, do anything just don't try and **** outrun it.

Me myself I quite enjoy walking in the rain I find it relaxing to be honest.

Oh and especially mortards that run in the rain whilst they have an umbrella up, I am anti umbrella's but would prefer to see someone walking under one of them than some word removed dodging rain drops

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hogso, reminds me of back when I used to work at an unnamed Italian chain restaurant (don't even ask me who). I met most of my group of friends there and we still take the piss out of one of them for one instance. He worked as a KP so had loads of prep to do. He was chopping mushrooms and he dick kept rubbing against the counter (his words) so he went and had a wank and came back to it.


What, in to the spag bol like ?

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All symptoms of depression.


One of the major causes of depression is poor diet.

Both yes and no. It's true that many suffering depression for longer periods will have some of those symptoms. But when diagnosing depression that's not the symptoms you look for. Rather you look for temporary disturbances in appetite, energy, sleep and mood. Generally things that are affected by low levels of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Most depressions are quite short, and that list of symptoms are things that don't generally occur over a short period, but rather with a chronically depressed or someone with a personality disorder. Meaning that the symptoms are set as traits of their personality, or at the very least have been so for many years.

I would check all of those today, and I would have done so 4-5 years ago too, but I had a 2 year period in between where I would check none of them.

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Someone has smeared shit up the toilet cubicle wall at my workplace.


Although, that should piss me off! 

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Now discovered left shoe has a leak.

And the bus was early for once, when I was merely on time, so I'm soaked. Right down to my left sock.

**** today.


Wouldn't a leak let water out? :detect:

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All symptoms of depression.


One of the major causes of depression is poor diet.

Both yes and no. It's true that many suffering depression for longer periods will have some of those symptoms. But when diagnosing depression that's not the symptoms you look for. Rather you look for temporary disturbances in appetite, energy, sleep and mood. Generally things that are affected by low levels of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Most depressions are quite short, and that list of symptoms are things that don't generally occur over a short period, but rather with a chronically depressed or someone with a personality disorder. Meaning that the symptoms are set as traits of their personality, or at the very least have been so for many years.

I would check all of those today, and I would have done so 4-5 years ago too, but I had a 2 year period in between where I would check none of them.

As a carer, I was diagnosed last year with depression (quite common, I believe in carers) and most of those symptoms moreorless cover it...well, all of them really. I had counselling, which for a confirmed cynic took some convincing, but was probably the best decision I've ever made. I'm absolutely fine now btw, but it has certainly helped me understand my role as a carer more.

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Not making out I've got depression or anything remotely like that, but last Friday I saw a guy killed in a road accident and it's really affected me.

He was a biker, hit off his bike by one car and then hit by another spinning car. It was truly awful. I could do nothing but watch it unfold in front of me, I felt utter horror for the poor bugger. His bike came right across at me to the point where, driving at 70mph in the outside lane, I ducked / dropped to the passenger seat. The bike was stopped by the cables of the central reservation just showering my car in bits of plastic and gravel. I've been dwelling on it all a bit and I've been close to tears a few times.

Thoroughly horrible.

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That Jennifer Lopez has sold 75 million records

I really shouldn't care but f@&k me 75 million people need lining up against a wall tortured by being made to listen to Queen and then shooting

Edited by tonyh29
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