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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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People who give you a text commentary of a football match.

"should have scored"

"that was a pen"

"he's shit! lol"

"great effort"

**** off!!! I know whats going on because im watching the bastard thing!!!

And on this theme people moaning during the sha game about not getting any luck in front of goal.... this is after Collins shot was heading wide before agent Ridgewell turned it goal wards.

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Eh? that'd be pretty much the majority of VT then!
Yep. It would.
Nope - just the majority posting in the transfer / speculation threads.

You would be surprised.

Anyway, I love how FM is used as an argument to detract someone's football knowledge... I have no illusions I would be some title-winning manager - I don't think many who play seriously do - but I'm annoyed how often FM is used in a negatve light to slight someone.

I suppose all FM players are also keyboard warriors as well...

Those are pet hates of mine.

Damn straight. What's even wrong with playing Football Manager?


And also, the phrase "he's good on Football Manager" isn't actually as laughable as people make out.

Being as they're rated on FM based on real life, they often reflect their abilities.

Now I'm not saying it's very accurate, and i'm not saying people should make informed decisions or judgements based on Football Manager. But noting that someone is good on the game so maybe they'll be good in real life isn't as ludicrous as it first seems.

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Eh? that'd be pretty much the majority of VT then!
Yep. It would.
Nope - just the majority posting in the transfer / speculation threads.

You would be surprised.

Anyway, I love how FM is used as an argument to detract someone's football knowledge... I have no illusions I would be some title-winning manager - I don't think many who play seriously do - but I'm annoyed how often FM is used in a negatve light to slight someone.

I suppose all FM players are also keyboard warriors as well...

Those are pet hates of mine.

Damn straight. What's even wrong with playing Football Manager?


And also, the phrase "he's good on Football Manager" isn't actually as laughable as people make out.

Being as they're rated on FM based on real life, they often reflect their abilities.

Now I'm not saying it's very accurate, and i'm not saying people should make informed decisions or judgements based on Football Manager. But noting that someone is good on the game so maybe they'll be good in real life isn't as ludicrous as it first seems.

Exactly. Our very own AndyClarke is the Villa FM guy, and he is remarkably restrained on the stats our boys get (unlike [unsurprisingly] the Spurs bloke)

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And think of the people in past FMs who have been very highly rated: Sergio Aguero, Carlos Vela, Lukaku, Walcott etc

Again, not saying it's incredibly accurate, or that everyone who is rated good is actually good (or vice versa). But the statement "he's good on Football Manager" isn't ridiculous, in my book.

If the statement was "We should sign him because he's good on football manager" or "His shooting is better than his passing, based on football manager" then that's a different story.

I had a mate at uni who's entire footballing knowledge was based on Pro Evo. He'd tell us how good some foreign bloke was, and then we'd find out it's only because he liked him on pro Evo.

Unsurprisingly he was a Manchester United fan...from Leeds.

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Like I could list a load of wonderkids.... Kadlec, Babacar, Lukaku, etc... Sure some of them won't be top class but the rest will... Look at CM98. I went on that the other day, you look at the likes of Ferdinand etc who all made it... I've always wondered why we can't

A lot of research goes into FM, it can't be taken as gospel, but it sure as hell doesn't mean you know shit about football if you play on it.

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I HATE my job but lets face it, who doesn't? and I know that in these times of high unemployment I should be greatful to even have a job, but after just 8 days, I'm looking for something else.

Back at the start of December I got the call to say I had the job which was great, the woman told me "We'll be sending you a contract and an information pack in the coming days. The dress code is smart but casual so no Jeans or trainers. I look forward to seeing you on the 5th January". Days went by and I had no information pack or contract, days turned to weeks, weeks turned to a month. So the day I started my job I had nothing so I turned up at 9am in my shirt, trousers and smart shoes like my first day at big school.

My 'boss' came to meet me, one of those natural wine drinking fleece wearing types. He showed me to my desk, all the while telling me about his upcoming wedding in an 'I'm brilliant' kind of way. We get to my desk and he says I'll need to set my computers up myself then he takes one of my monitors away and says "You're just going to have the one screen, I'm not that nice, haha!" even though he and the other guy has two each. So he brings me out some dodgy old video splitter that barely works, its all USB 1.0, PS2 connections and Dell Optiplex computers, its like I've found myself in 2003. 1973 would have been fun but no.

At this point I notice I stick out like a sore thumb, no one is abiding by the dress code I was given, the other guys are in jeans and trainers.

So during an induction meeting I was told I didn't actually have to come in until 10am. I said "Oh, well I didn't get an information pack or a contract" "I know, we are just printing yours now, you can pick it up from HR later" they are only printing it the day I get there!

Later on I picked up my contract and noticed the salary was £100 less than I was told, so I asked my boss "£100 won't make much difference, you'll get an extra £3 a year" fine for people on over £30,000 a year I guess.

The rest of the day is now a blur, I seem to remember changing an ink cartridge...

The next day I turn up and HR ask straight away for my contract and ID, I say "I don't have any form of ID" "passport? birth certificate? drivers license?" "I don't have any of those" so they say they'll think about it and get back to me.

After hearing about my 'boss''s wedding for about the 6th time in two days, I am getting annoyed, I didn't care in the first place, or about how much is being spent on IT equipment.

The rest of the day is a blur of having nothing to do, no one speaking to me, when I say hello to anyone they give me a disgusted look.

About 15 mintues before the end of work, HR call me so I go over and they proceed to suspend me for not having any ID and tell me not to come back until I have a birth certificate. so I didn't even see the second day through! fair enough, I was ready to quit after day 1. I got a certificate and was back the following Monday.

On the Tuesday I turned up a whole two minutes late! I was told those minutes were adding up. Also I'm not allowed to leave 15 mintues early even if I work through my lunch break.

The people who sit around me absolutely STINK, I mean these people smell like student accomodation. One guy who sits metres away from me smells worst of all, I honestly don't think he washes, you can see the grime on his face, his hair is matted and its greasier than a French exchange student's face. Its such a stomach turning smell.

And today some woman who must have been off since before Christmas had her first day back so she hadn't seen me yet and as I walked past I heard her say to the filthy greasy guy "He looks like Jesus hahaha" and I just think "Bitch, you have no business making fun of the way anybody looks. The disgust I feel when I look at your face is only matched by the digust when I hear your dirty Manc accent"

I so hope I win the lottery this weekend so I can say "You can take this job and stick it up your fat arse you massive clearing in the woods. **** you, your wedding and your stupid little haircut!"

And that is keeping things brief.

Well I certinaly feel better.

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On the Tuesday I turned up a whole two minutes late! I was told those minutes were adding up. Also I'm not allowed to leave 15 mintues early even if I work through my lunch break.

That's just pathetic. Okay, they've got a business to run, but FFS - they should also treat people like adults. Shit happens; people are sometimes late. There are also times people need to leave early, so the sensible approach would be to accept that and organise adequate coverage.

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Love ajax's rants.

Sounds like when Fran in Black Books got that job and she didn't know what she was supposed to be doing. And there's a co-worker who walks around playing with himself all day.

Just imagine you're the cool guy in the original The Office. Then go and write a book or sitcom about your experiences. You are Louis Theroux

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Kevin **** Nolan. What a clearing in the woods.

The stupid dance that he does when he scores. The comments he made about the Sunderland fan, even though he knew his age, the fact that he had personally gone to both the Newcastle and Sunderland grounds to apologise face to face. How about saying that your **** lodger should be banned eh Nolan?

You are a mediocre footballer playing for a shite bunch of inbred words removed - I really do not like that clearing in the woods at all

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On the Tuesday I turned up a whole two minutes late! I was told those minutes were adding up. Also I'm not allowed to leave 15 mintues early even if I work through my lunch break.

That's just pathetic. Okay, they've got a business to run, but FFS - they should also treat people like adults. Shit happens; people are sometimes late. There are also times people need to leave early, so the sensible approach would be to accept that and organise adequate coverage.

it is a crap approach. it'll lower morale which will lower productivity. It's not worth it for the extra 15 minutes of work. At the end of the day as well where productivity will be low anyway.

piss poor management if you ask me. Could work in a call centre or something where time spent on the phone would be directly related to output, but that doesn't sound like what ajax is doing.

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Sounds like when Fran in Black Books got that job and she didn't know what she was supposed to be doing.

"Well, well, well. Why are we here? What's it all about? Ask yourselves this: Is this A. effective and B. productive? Are we or are we not a company?"

Top comedy. :lol:

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So what kind of company is this ajax? What is the job doing?

Its a BIG publishing company and I work in IT support.

On the Tuesday I turned up a whole two minutes late! I was told those minutes were adding up. Also I'm not allowed to leave 15 mintues early even if I work through my lunch break.

That's just pathetic. Okay, they've got a business to run, but FFS - they should also treat people like adults. Shit happens; people are sometimes late. There are also times people need to leave early, so the sensible approach would be to accept that and organise adequate coverage.

it is a crap approach. it'll lower morale which will lower productivity. It's not worth it for the extra 15 minutes of work. At the end of the day as well where productivity will be low anyway.

piss poor management if you ask me. Could work in a call centre or something where time spent on the phone would be directly related to output, but that doesn't sound like what ajax is doing.

Most of my day involves staring at a screen looking at support calls that get logged. Most of it is things that I can't really help with anyway. I get the odd thing to do during the day though but really there isn't a whole lot for me to do.

Today for example, as I don't take a lunch break, I 'work' 8 hours straight and I installed Windows 7 onto a computer and installed webcams and headsets onto three other computers, gave two network cables to some executive management guy and took some cardboard boxes out to the skip. All in all I probably spent about 2 hours working, 6 hours sitting waiting for stuff to do.

I miss my old job so much, I had more responsibility, I had the freedom to wander about if there was nothing else to do, I could leave early to get home, I felt appreciated for what I did, the people were brilliant. And the main thing, I never went to bed thinking "Oh God, I have to get up and do it all again tomorrow". Unfortunately it was just kind of voluntary work but I would take a pay cut to have a full time job there again.

I just keep thinking to myself "This is only a 12 month contract and I am two-thirds of the way through the first month" it gets me through the day... just about.

I've also made a countdown, there are 240 days of work until the end of my contract (and until the end of the year for everyone else).

240 days of work (as of and including 19/1/11)

100 days of weekend

8 bank holidays (in England)

25 days paid holiday I can claim

plus the company gives the 3 days off between Christmas and New Year.

So I guess my last day of work will be 23rd December unless things dramatically change and I decide to sign an extension.

I'd like to thank you all at VT for keeping me going :)

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