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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The bar I work at is closed tonight for our staff Christmas party. So not only do I lose a shift (I work Mondays), but I am required to go to the party and spend time with people I already see far too much of!

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Posting in here as it seems the right place for it.

My good mate passed away today at the tender age of 29. His loving new wife (they got married in a private ceremony before their "official ceremony" was planned a week Saturday) is distraught and I just don't know what to say. You may remember that I was worried what it would be like putting her up last year whilst he was in Hammersmith getting high-dose chemo. My worries were unfounded and I'm just happy to say that I could do what I could.

"Things that piss you off that shouldn't" - that would be a brilliant 29 year old with his life ahead of him losing his battle to live. I'm really pissed off and I shouldn't be because I know it was inevitable. RIP Mike.

Terrible news, man. My condolences.

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Hope you and his missus are ok, condolences to everyone involved trekka. Im sure it brought comfort to him and his wife that you helped out as best as you could by putting them up with a base to locate themselves.

Have a well deserved brandy mate, raise a quiet toast to your friend as well :thumb:

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Feels weird posting about something that pisses me off now as trekka has brought a dose of reality to the topic but something I cant get used to is how much I like Gary Neville as a pundit/commentator.

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Thanks Darren, that is really reassuring to read. I guess I am one of those who thinks that heart is like a metronome so the palpatations for me were probably something I shouldn't have worried about so much. What you've said from your own experience sounds a lot like what I've had so it's good to read.

I did go to the doctors today and they did give me the blood pressure, pulse and ECG tests and they were all fine and so they were happy to put it down to some one off thing. The left side of my chest still feels a little sore, like its covered in tiny bruises but hopefully that will go over the next few days.

I'm back in work tomorrow so hopefully it will be a calm day! Typical, I was allowed to take today off and so I checked my work emails from time to time and I had one from a really lovely Swedish woman who I get on really well with and she just happened to be in the office today (she's based in Sweden) and wanted my help with something, never mind! <_<

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Art. More specifically the tossers that talk shite about it. *

* started by the report on bbcnews just now, presented by will gompertz. Google image him. I instantly had an irrational hatred of him.

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The bar I work at is closed tonight for our staff Christmas party. So not only do I lose a shift (I work Mondays), but I am required to go to the party and spend time with people I already see far too much of!

I refuse to attend Christmas parties held in January out of sheer principle. December or don't bother!

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Art. More specifically the tossers that talk shite about it. *

* started by the report on bbcnews just now, presented by will gompertz. Google image him. I instantly had an irrational hatred of him.

Will Gompertz is certainly an odd looking bloke.

But I watch all those TV arts programs, The Culture Show, anything on BBC4, etc., so I have no issue with that stuff.

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Hello, I'm going to help you. Mainly because I know how scary it is when it starts. This may not be interesting for everyone else and is definitely OT, but I'm sure it will help you.

About 10 years ago I started getting weird feelings about my heart and then would be aware of my pulse which would scare me and it then would go all over the place, heightening the anxiety and sending me into panic attacks. It happened more and more and I ended up in A&E one night because I thought I was dying and by the time I saw the triage nurse my pulse was crazily bouncing all over the place, stopping for a few seconds, then going mad. I spent the night on a hospital bed to get some sleep attached to an ECG while they took bloods. They found nothing wrong and sent me home the next morning.

Still it carried on so I went to the docs and got a 24 hour ECG (holter monitor). Went back to get the results from the heart specialist "no problems, have a nice life"

Again I calmed down for a bit then it started up again so I went back and got another 24 hour ECG as they were a bit more prevalent. This time I managed to press the button a few times just as I had a funny feeling and they saw it and it was "there were a few ectopic beats but nothing to worry about".

So in the middle of all this I thought I might as well get fit to make my heart the best it can be. If anything the exercise made it worse because I trained enough to slow my heart rate down to about 45 BPM, so when I had skipped beats I was there waiting for about 2 seconds with nothing happening crapping myself that my heart had stopped and waiting for what seemed like an age for it to beat again.

So, anyway, some answers. In the middle of all this I started chatting to a heart surgeon I know in passing. Tried not to pester him too much but got some really interesting info from him. Apparently the average person has a palpitation once an hour. Palpitations are generally PVCs, which are Premature Ventricular Contractions, AKA ectopic beats. The heart sometimes accidentally beats too quick for itself and beats when it's only half full of blood because of a bit of electrical discharge in the pacemaker cells. The weird feeling you get is from the lack of oxygen from the smaller volume of blood, and then waiting longer for the next in-time beat to happen as it corrects the rhythm. It's incredibly common, happens to almost everyone but most of the time people don't notice.

It's caused by any combination of too much caffeine, too little caffeine, lack of sleep, adrenaline bleed off, stress, potassium or calcium deficiency, illness, alcohol, or nothing.

First thing to do is get it checked out using an ECG, and preferably a 24 hour ECG. Any incorrect rhythm will be picked up on it, as well as almost any other heart problem and if that's OK you can pretty much say you're fine. Apparently because the heart is an internal organ and you can't directly feel pain from it, a heart attack is met with crippling pain in the centre of the chest and shoulders, it's nothing to do with arrythmia, as arrythmias are to do with the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, not the structure of the heart.

For panic attacks the only thing you can do is find things to calm you down. Paper bags actually work really well. Try not to dwell on thinking you have problems, or you're different. Keep busy. Once you know your heart will race and it's just part of how you work and there's nothing wrong with you, you stare the beast down and it doesn't happen. It's self-fulfilling.

Now I'm pretty much over all of it, I've done a fair bit of running and I'm fairly fit and I know my heart is fine, but I still get the odd thump in the chest, mainly when I'm resting, or when I'm playing football and I've stopped after running around for a while causing too much adrenaline. Shit happens, everyone has something, if this is my thing, I can live with it. Quote from the heart surgeon "people think the heart is like a metronome, it's not, it's speeding up and slowing down all the time, putting extra beats in, taking beats out". It's important to know that the heart wants to keep beating, it has many layers of failsafes that if one doesn't make the beat happen, the next one down does, and so on. Many people live their whole lives with their heart beating backwards and never know. Where the human body has evolved to have a backup organ of lots of things, we still have one heart because it does so well on its own.

Hope this helps, feel free to ask if there's anything else I might be able to answer.

Thanks for this!
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When people quote very long posts on forums!

I've already read it or skipped past it once. I hate having to do it again!

Instead of quoting it, starting your post with a simple "@ so and so -" would be fine.

I wasn't referring to it but I've just noticed that the post before mine is pretty much what I mean ha ha!

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People who think forums are twitter.

They're not, there's no need for @'s when you can quote. Especially as the quote lets you go back to the original comment.

That's not saying people shouldn't cut down long quotes and avoid quoting the entire thing, but lets not dumb forums down to the level of twitter.


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When people quote very long posts on forums!

I've already read it or skipped past it once. I hate having to do it again!

Instead of quoting it, starting your post with a simple "@ so and so -" would be fine.

I wasn't referring to it but I've just noticed that the post before mine is pretty much what I mean ha ha!

People who think forums are twitter.

They're not, there's no need for @'s when you can quote. Especially as the quote lets you go back to the original comment.

That's not saying people shouldn't cut down long quotes and avoid quoting the entire thing, but lets not dumb forums down to the level of twitter.


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