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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Leemond you are my hero.

I was just outside Classics which must be right by yours so we could've been friends for a short time.

Anyway, to contribute to the thread, I can't tell if it's a moth on my arm (I've seen it on my laptop screen) on my arm or my arm is just generally twitching cos I'm hammered.

**** hell that took ages to type

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I don't do friends, sorry Milfner

nah only joking bud, yeah classics is just up the road from me I was in there on Thursday to get my mixed kebab meat and chips, best chippy around that place is. Sometimes it will make you bad but it tastes good at the time lol

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The love for the first Mad Max movie. Massively overrated, a pretty poor movie in terms of story, acting etc and yet has a huge cult following.

If you want the best Mad Max movie, just watch The Road Warrior. Now that is a masterpiece.

Mad Max is a great film! I agree Road Warrior is better but if you watch Mad Max in it's original Australian form rather than American dubbed you might enjoy it more.

What I don't get is the love for The Goonies, I was forced to watch it once and that was one time too many.

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I brought a Christmas present that had to be shipped here from new Zealand, I ordered it on the 5th, its cost £13 to have it delivered. On the 13th I get a letter from hmrc saying cus its over the value of £15 I have to pay import tax on it, which was £12.88 plus a 'handling fee' of £13.50, the on the 13th the parcel was in a depot in Birmingham. I paid the charge where I was told I could pay ANOTHER £15 to have it sent out straight away. I didn't pay it expecting it to come by now anyway it hasn't, and parcelforce have got no idea where it **** is.

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The Post Office, even Ned Flanders hates it.

I went there last week to post a Christmas card to Sweden and there are two old women working there, one was serving somebody and the other was just stood there counting a few leaflets so I went to her part of the counter, she just narrowed her eyes at me and the other equally miserable woman said "You'll have to come to me" so I got in line behind this large woman who smelt terrible, you could almost taste it.

So it's my turn, I put my card in the tray thing and said "This needs to go by airmail to Sweden" as I'm saying that she just takes the card, not really listening at all and puts it in the scales to weigh it. She then brings it back to stamp it, so she sticks her tongue out and then gets a stamp for the sheet, presses it into her tongue and then randomly places it roughly near the corner of the envelope, all the while she has her tongue hanging out. Then she gets an airmail sticker and puts that somewhere near the stamp, no care taken at all.

To make sure everything was stuck down she then pounded the envelope with her fist before dropping it into a box.

"You're too late for today's collection, it will have to wait for tomorrow"

It would have been nice to have been told I had missed the last posting date for Europe as well but I guess that information would have been considered helpful.

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I brought a Christmas present that had to be shipped here from new Zealand, I ordered it on the 5th, its cost £13 to have it delivered. On the 13th I get a letter from hmrc saying cus its over the value of £15 I have to pay import tax on it, which was £12.88 plus a 'handling fee' of £13.50, the on the 13th the parcel was in a depot in Birmingham. I paid the charge where I was told I could pay ANOTHER £15 to have it sent out straight away. I didn't pay it expecting it to come by now anyway it hasn't, and parcelforce have got no idea where it **** is.

Jesus, I'm getting pissed off just reading that. What the **** is a handling fee (other than a we've-got-you-by-the-balls-and-you-know-it fee)? They could at least have the decency to bundle it in with one of the other costs. Not as though you're going to be able to charge the useless tossers for losing the thing, either. I guess if it goes missing permanently there'll be some way of getting compensation which is carefully calculated to not be worth the time and effort.
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The diamond in the story, the handling fee isn't from hmrc, its been added on by parcelforce

"If we recieve a parcel from overseas, we automatically pay customs duties and taxes on your behalf, however we require repayment of these fees together with our handling fee"

So I've had to pay parcelforce back for paying the import tax, and then give them another £13.50 for doing it, and then they want another £12.50 to deliver it a bit quicker.

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When **** Sky don't show the first part of a La Liga game. I think it's the third time this season that they're not showing the Barça game until it's already 15 minutes or so in. Why the **** do they do it? They have four sports channels to show it on. Pisses me right off, as I hate missing the start of the game.

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Am I the only person who finds it completely annoying that when watching a match on tv, there's a constant background clicking noise whenever the ball is in the final third? I presume it's camera shutters but its getting so annoying now, I can hardly concentrate on the game

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A website is desperately trying to prevent me giving it any money. I've signed up specifically to buy something from them, I add the item to the basket, go to checkout, and my basket suddenly becomes empty.

Perhaps it's an omen...

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**** me man what the **** is the matter with people?

I went on my works meal as discussed earlier in the thread I ate had a few glasses of wine and **** off without saying a fat lot to anyone for a few reasons

1-I don't **** like the majority of the **** I work with

2-I wanted a quiet night in my local

3-when I do go out with work I always end up being the talking point on a Monday morning either cuz I have made a dick of myself or because I have upset someone by gently reminding them what a complete arsehole I think they are.

Well **** me it's 3:20am and I have just woke up to about 9 **** text messages from a **** big orrible bird who has obviously had a full on discussion with every other word removed in the office, **** knows what she has been banging on about to them but her last three **** txt messages are grovelling appologise.

**** me off I txt her at 9 o'clock telling her to **** off and stop embarrassing herself with the shit she was talking about but nah at 3 o **** clock she can't **** help herself and still feels the need to discuss me with other words removed I don't like when I ain't even there.

Keep your **** delusional fantasies to yourself you **** mess and please don't **** txt me at 3am to advise me you have made a word removed of yourself...**** idiot

I suppose come Monday everyone will think I am madly in love or in a relationship with the parasitic arse hole and I will have to justify the fact that I am indeed not a fan of hers at all. Wouldn't mind bu I know she has been going on to the one bird there that I actually like and get on with so **** knows what **** shite the drunkern **** has said to her

**** hell

as an update from last nights posI feel I may have superseded myself in terms of cuntishness lol

after seven grovelling txt messages from the bird mentioned in the post above I kind of lost my rag and sent a txt to her saying

''I aint pissed off at all I'm pretty thick skinned as you well know, I do however not take kindly to receiving text messages at 3:30 in the morning which are saying sorry for conversations I was not even aware that were taking place, I appreciate you may have feelings for me but they are in no way reciprocated on my part. I have made it clear many times over the years that I don't participate in works nights out because I always end up either making a word removed of myself or offending someone, it seems that this time I have achieved both from the comfort of my own bed so I suppose that is a result and something I wouldn't have thought I could achieve but thanks for that at least. any way whatever the conversation you had about me that sparked such sorrow on your part please let me say I have sailed stormier sea's than this and couldn't really give two short sharp shiny shits what a deluded creature such as yourself has to say about me....I hope we can still be friends''

she replied with ''of course we can still be friends i am rly sorry''

some people just don't get it do they

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