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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I know its the laat friday before crimble, I finished work at 12, pint of shandy in the pub to say have a nice christmas then I drive to sainsburys to pick up milk, bread and a bottle of vodka for crimble

25 minutes to get a space (I was gonna drive off but car park was like wacky races) no baskets or trollys and the place was full of peope buying shite they could of got weeks ago and i get tutted at for asking a trolly weilding nut job who tought it was ok to leave it length ways in the middle of the isle whilst she worked out if it cheaper to buy 2 300g boxes of biscuits or 1 600 gram box. It's like they all went just to **** me off

Waitrose was pleasantly quiet when I went earlier (was only getting beer, wine and champers - should have got it weeks ago though)

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Was gonna say, that's what I remember being taught. If a name ends in "s", you drop the possessive second "s" and just add the apostrophe.

Not picking on you, Gareth, just using your post as a way in (ooer).

I seem to remember this being discussed on many occasions on VT and I'll repeat my take on it:

When a name ends in s and is a singular then the form can be either -s' or s's (I prefer the latter) and should be pronounced -ses: That is Jones's parking space there.

When a name ends in s and is a plural then the form is -s' and should be pronounced -s: That is the Joneses' parking space there.

There may, however, be exceptions to the first, for example names whose last syllables sound 'iz or 'eez.

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Not picking on you, Gareth, just using your post as a way in (ooer).

I seem to remember this being discussed on many occasions on VT and I'll repeat my take on it:

When a name ends in s and is a singular then the form can be either -s' or s's (I prefer the latter) and should be pronounced -ses: That is Jones's parking space there.

When a name ends in s and is a plural then the form is -s' and should be pronounced -s: That is the Joneses' parking space there.

There may, however, be exceptions to the first, for example names whose last syllables sound 'iz or 'eez.

This about sums it up.

I assumed (wrongly) this was common knowledge.

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The love for the first Mad Max movie. Massively overrated, a pretty poor movie in terms of story, acting etc and yet has a huge cult following.

If you want the best Mad Max movie, just watch The Road Warrior. Now that is a masterpiece.

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Well, that was the last day at work, that was. Mediocre food, lots of booze.

Massively impressed by female colleague in the pub afterwards:

Her: Pinot Grigiot, please.

Barmaid: Large or small?

Her: Bottle, please.

Barmaid: How many glasses?

Her: Just the one, thanks.


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**** me man what the **** is the matter with people?

I went on my works meal as discussed earlier in the thread I ate had a few glasses of wine and **** off without saying a fat lot to anyone for a few reasons

1-I don't **** like the majority of the **** I work with

2-I wanted a quiet night in my local

3-when I do go out with work I always end up being the talking point on a Monday morning either cuz I have made a dick of myself or because I have upset someone by gently reminding them what a complete arsehole I think they are.

Well **** me it's 3:20am and I have just woke up to about 9 **** text messages from a **** big orrible bird who has obviously had a full on discussion with every other word removed in the office, **** knows what she has been banging on about to them but her last three **** txt messages are grovelling appologise.

**** me off I txt her at 9 o'clock telling her to **** off and stop embarrassing herself with the shit she was talking about but nah at 3 o **** clock she can't **** help herself and still feels the need to discuss me with other words removed I don't like when I ain't even there.

Keep your **** delusional fantasies to yourself you **** mess and please don't **** txt me at 3am to advise me you have made a word removed of yourself...**** idiot

I suppose come Monday everyone will think I am madly in love or in a relationship with the parasitic arse hole and I will have to justify the fact that I am indeed not a fan of hers at all. Wouldn't mind bu I know she has been going on to the one bird there that I actually like and get on with so **** knows what **** shite the drunkern **** has said to her

**** hell

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