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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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You're right, and the same thought went through my head as I read back through my post.

I still think it's a dangerous trap to fall into though, you only live once afterall. Unless you have everything you want & need in life, then recreating super mario on a pretend gameboy on an internet game isnt going to help. It's not going to help make you happy either, in my humble opinion ofcourse.

Yeah agreed..

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You're right, and the same thought went through my head as I read back through my post.

I still think it's a dangerous trap to fall into though, you only live once afterall. Unless you have everything you want & need in life, then recreating super mario on a pretend gameboy on an internet game isnt going to help. It's not going to help make you happy either, in my humble opinion ofcourse.

It's really sad, imo.

But then they would probably think that me spending 4-5 hours a week in the gym is sad.

Each to their own I guess. As long as they enjoy it, then so be it.

But yeah, that gameboy thing is insane.

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People who make references to ladyboys when you mention you are off to Thailand on holiday or visiting Bangkok on business... and then thinking they are the first person ever to say it! They must think the streets are full of them!

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There's looking out for their interests and then there's systematically violating regulations and acting fraudulently. :)

If they can hide it, why not?

I'm not saying I condone it at all, but chances are, a corporation that is strictly about profits and nothing else will do whatever it takes to maximise shareholders' earnings, fraudulence included.

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Making sales calls !

I have 10 days off starting tomorrow so I made sure all my actual work (warehouse management type stuff) was finished yesterday . I was hoping to just potter about today but my manager has decided he'd rather me call up our client base to tell them about our current sale, rather than just let me play darts in the warehouse.

I hate getting sales calls thus I now hate myself.

How people could do this for a living I never know.

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If they can hide it, why not?

I'm not really sure what question you are asking.

You need to make it clearer if you are arguing from the aspect of trying to understand why a corporation may act like an 'outlaw company' or whether you are arguing that it's only ever the getting caught that is the problem.

p.s. They didn't hide it, did they?

Edit: I'm also not sure that ...strictly about profits and nothing else... is actually correct, either, but that's a further discussion about how companies work and ought to work; how directors act and how shareholders and legislative regimes hold them to account, and so on. :D

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I'm not really sure what question you are asking.

You need to make it clearer if you are arguing from the aspect of trying to understand why a corporation may act like an 'outlaw company' or whether you are arguing that it's only ever the getting caught that is the problem.

p.s. They didn't hide it, did they?

They didn't hide it successfully, sure, but it's worth it if you succeed in doing so, assuming profit is the only motive.

Honest question: How much does the average investor on the street know about the companies they invest in? I don't know anything about investing to be perfectly honest (I'm 20), and the answer to this question is central to the validity of my argument.

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I hate call centres, they all deserve this treatment:

Disagree. I hate call centres/cold calls but the poor sod on the phone is doing their job and they don't deserve that. I far prefer the more creative/creepy/witty attempts to mess with them.

I once asked a call centre woman what colour knickers she was wearing - she answered, had a laugh about it, asked about mine and so I heard her out because she deserved it for having a sense of humour.

Screamed abuse and physical threats is all a bit childish.

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They didn't hide it successfully, sure, but it's worth it if you succeed in doing so, assuming profit is the only motive.

I understand the application of cost benefit re corporate crime (and the application at an individual level, too - though most wouldn't generally accept this way of making a decision) but, as per my edit above, I think there's a problem about conflating (primary) motive and obligation.

Honest question: How much does the average investor on the street know about the companies they invest in? I don't know anything about investing to be perfectly honest (I'm 20), and the answer to this question is central to the validity of my argument.

I guess it differs and it probably depends upon one's motives as an investor (which relates to Peter's post yesterday in the economics thread).

I can see why you may say that it is central but, to a degree, that is just a further step on the road to a justification of and excuse for illegal and unethical behaviour in business, surely?

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Disagree. I hate call centres/cold calls but the poor sod on the phone is doing their job and they don't deserve that. I far prefer the more creative/creepy/witty attempts to mess with them.

I once asked a call centre woman what colour knickers she was wearing - she answered, had a laugh about it, asked about mine and so I heard her out because she deserved it for having a sense of humour.

Screamed abuse and physical threats is all a bit childish.

No one made them take that job. Its a shit job. If they take a bit of abuse and quit, they'll be better human beings for it. They also have the ability to hang up. I'd absolutely laugh my head off if someone was like that down the hone with me. in fact I probably have

Oh and I work in a call centre, except we don't cold call (it'd be pretty hard) in fact I take the piss out of business cold callers for fun at work, they are hilarious. Solicitors firms are even funnier especially when they think they are above the law (DPA usually)

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Disagree. I hate call centres/cold calls but the poor sod on the phone is doing their job and they don't deserve that. I far prefer the more creative/creepy/witty attempts to mess with them.

I once asked a call centre woman what colour knickers she was wearing - she answered, had a laugh about it, asked about mine and so I heard her out because she deserved it for having a sense of humour.

Screamed abuse and physical threats is all a bit childish.

I agree.

At work we had an update to our Google Mail last year.

Some people didn't like it (there was nothign wrong, just the usual "it's not what I'm used to therefore it's SHIT!")

There was this one guy who used to sit behind me who is the biggest word removed I've ever worked with. He's the only person in thos company who I genuinely, and I mean this in as literal a sense as possible, hate.

Anyway, he rang the IT helpdesk and just gave the poor guy who answered it so much shit. Honestly shouting down the phone at him abot how he was having some problem.

What good does that do apart from prove to everyone how much of a giant douche sandwich you are?!

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I used to take the 'they are just doing their job' view but after being called every now and then on a Saturday evening, or at 'dinner' time on weekdays by companies that I've told to remove me from their list, I just get fed up. The worst is when I'm working from home and I get cold called throughout the day. Now on a good day I'm very abrupt on a bad day pretty abusive.

I agree with bickster, no one held a gun to their heads telling them to take the job, call centres (of the cold call type) are inherently cretinous, I don't feel bad at all for telling them to 'f*** off'.

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Somewhere way back in this thread is the tale of my war with Bradford & Bingley's call centre, as they chased me for a nonexistent debt.

Thank **** I'm finally rid of them.

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