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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Those nobbly paving slabs they have on dropped kerbs. Utterly pointless as far as I can see and more of a hazard than anything. Plus, if you have a thin soled shoe, they can be a bit painful too.

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Those nobbly paving slabs they have on dropped kerbs. Utterly pointless as far as I can see and more of a hazard than anything. Plus, if you have a thin soled shoe, they can be a bit painful too.

Not sure if srs.

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Those nobbly paving slabs they have on dropped kerbs. Utterly pointless as far as I can see and more of a hazard than anything. Plus, if you have a thin soled shoe, they can be a bit painful too.

Not sure if srs.

They're a bugger for prams.

Are they for the blind?

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They're a bugger for prams.

Are they for the blind?


And did you know that push-button pedestrian crossings have a little whirly thing just below the stop/go screen, also for the blind?

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Two cars on a country lane approach each other and respectfully dip their headlights as soon as they spot each other (one being me), why why why oh why does the other car then have to put his full beam on again just that little bit too early, it means I get the blinding flash, the worst **** bit of it in full effect you bloody idiot, it is not hard to wait that extra second until we've actually passed each other. It seems to be happening more and more these days too.

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Not sure if srs.

OK, I know they're not utterly pointless but as a wearer of thin-soled shoes, I find them particularly annoying. This is the "but shouldn't" thread, don't forget ;-)

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Two cars on a country lane approach each other and respectfully dip their headlights as soon as they spot each other (one being me), why why why oh why does the other car then have to put his full beam on again just that little bit too early, it means I get the blinding flash, the worst **** bit of it in full effect you bloody idiot, it is not hard to wait that extra second until we've actually passed each other. It seems to be happening more and more these days too.
Yeah I hate that. I've 2 more re- full beams. Why do people on a motorway think that the other side can't see full beams? Many drivers never dip their lights on a motorway. I'm still being blinded, thanks. And then on a similar note to Bicks' one. Why do people have to wait until they are blinding you to dip their lights? I can see there's a car coming over a crest or around a turn long before the car comes into sight. By the time my lights are pointing at a car, I've already dipped them. Why is it so hard for other people to do that?
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I get free travel insurance with both of my banks ... to be honest I'd rather they reduced their ATM fee whilst abroad than give me useless stuff that I don't need , I already have a far far better travel insurance policy with something else

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Yeah I hate that. I've 2 more re- full beams. Why do people on a motorway think that the other side can't see full beams? Many drivers never dip their lights on a motorway. I'm still being blinded, thanks. And then on a similar note to Bicks' one. Why do people have to wait until they are blinding you to dip their lights? I can see there's a car coming over a crest or around a turn long before the car comes into sight. By the time my lights are pointing at a car, I've already dipped them. Why is it so hard for other people to do that?

And on a similar note, people who have their main beam adjusted too high so it looks like they're full-beaming. Horrible in the rear-view mirror, especially if they've got HID bulbs.

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Xenon rocket polishers. 4x4s need to adjust downwards too. Sometimes if I'm of a mind to do it and someone comes up behind me with particularly bright front fog lights turned on, I return the compliment and put my rear fogs on. It's only fair. Usually they get the hint and we both turn our fogs off. Sometimes they don't get the hint, they get irate and start flashing me. But I've re-directed my rear-view mirror and we both continue to blind each other. rocket polishers.

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He had been working in Saudi Arabia for a while, and had a real hassle having to regularly post off cheques (OK, checks) to various US companies to pay his utility bills. I said: "Why don't you just set up a standing order or direct debit?" No such thing, apparently. And no bank clearing system either - back home, he could only get cash out from an ATM belonging to his own bank. He seemed quite amazed when I told him I could draw cash from any ATM, pretty much anywhere in Europe. Sounds like things may not have moved on much since.

Most of my bills, I pay via ACH EFT (aka "e-check", basically the same as direct debit). I could set up autopay, but I don't trust them enough not to **** it up so I manually initiate the transfers. If I was interested in paying for the privilege, I could use the bank's automatic bill payment service, but I can remember to login to the respective sites of electric company, at&t, verizon, and directv every month or two and pay them.

As for clearing, there's a few different national networks now (and at least several dozen regional networks then), though typically your bank will charge you for daring to use another bank's ATM as will the owner of the ATM you're using. Best advice is to find a drugstore or whatever, buy a candy bar and get cash back: at least you're getting something.

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**** Banks! **** Websites! **** PayPal!


Paid for a phone last night using paypal, had an email from the website this morning saying they dont accept paypal and I would need to arrange a bank transfer, they also said they had refunded my money to PayPal. No problem I thought. Arranged the bank transfer no problems. Should go through by the end of the day which is annoying as it means I have to wait for my phone to be dispatched a little bit longer.

Checked my paypal account and it had said the payment had been completed. Rang them to see how long a refund takes and they said they hadnt received a refund notification from the phone website. So I rang the phone website who said they had sent it but it may take 48 hours to be completed.

I am now 400 quid out of pocket as both the paypal transfer AND bank transfer (800 **** quid) have been taken out of my account. I may have to wait days to get that other 400 quid back and my order has also been delayed now so will have to wait longer for my phone to arrive. I am also now paranoid that my order status is still 'awaiting payment' so have got to hope it goes through okay today but knowing my luck it will be a few days or something.


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My mate giving me a lift in the brand new Range Rover he's borrowed from work last night and spending the whole half an hour journey lecturing me on all the cool features the car has.

Despite me reminding him numerous times that I worked on the programme for 2 years so I'm pretty clued up on what features the car has :)

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Having a heavy cold or flu and having phoned up work to say that I'm not feeling well (I've been in bed for the past 2 days near enough!), the boss remarks "that's a shame getting the flu after your long leave". I didn't plan this. Sat here with the shivers, constant sweat and cough doesn't sound like I'd be doing the office any favours by turning back after leave. I would love to be back in work :( But no, I'm made to feel guilty.

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That's a lousy thing for the boss to say. I'd get to the doctor and get the longest possible signed-leave now and make it clear in whatever way doesn't get you fired that you don't appreciate your integrity being questioned. Get well soon !!

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Everything seems to be pissing me off today, but especially these 2 related things

Organising my mates to do anything drives me mad. I don't even get replies from one of my best mates when I text, and you never whether he's simply not received a text, can't be arsed to reply, is pissed off for some reason, whatever. Usually he just forgets or can't be arsed, but regardless it's incredibly frustrating. I was kinda hoping we might do something tonight but **** if I know if anything will happen. This is just basically suggesting going to the cinema or something, nothing fancy.

I'm also trying to work out some plan to do something for my birthday. By plan, I mean basically try to sort out places to drink and eventually stumble drunkenly into. But I broach the subject with another mate today and he says to me 'Can we do a quiet one and then a big bash a couple of weeks after?', because cash is tight. Which for a start is never the same, which annoys me, but theres also this. Earlier this year for his birthday the big idea was to go to a racecourse, which we did. At the time I wasn't working and it wasn't a cheap day, trains, food, drink, a night out after. My mate currently is working, full time. But things are too tight for a pretty standard night out...

I've been unemployed for 2 days and already things are really starting to **** me off.

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I get free travel insurance with both of my banks ... to be honest I'd rather they reduced their ATM fee whilst abroad than give me useless stuff that I don't need , I already have a far far better travel insurance policy with something else

I get free ATM withdrawals abroad with my bank, I just pay the exchange rate of the bank at the time, which last time I was abroad a few months ago I checked quite rigorously and every single time it was the cheapest way of obtaining money.

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all the neighbours the entire length of the street parking three quarters of a car length apart when it's raining and I've neglected to take my garage key out with me

(how middle class a moan is that!)

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Check the small print on the AA membership. I stopped being a member of the AA when they changed their terms and conditions so that they could take your car to a garage of their choice if it was unrepairable roadside, THEIR CHOICE. **** that. Their choice is usually the most overpriced garage in the world and once its not repairable roadside its at your cost too and their garages charge an arm and a leg for labour. I want the AA to tow the car back to my garage, that I use and trust

I had to call the AA out a couple of months ago. Anyway, it was looking likely that I was going to be towed to a garage, and it was up to me to decide which one. There were not many around though. Luckily the issue was fixed at the roadside (they were brilliant) though so no worries.

I was on holiday at the time too, so especially good that it was fixed at the roadside.

As an aside I once paid for hire car cover with my car insurance. In order to be eligible for a hire car you must take it to a garage of their choice (maybe a Halfords, who I would avoid like the plague), the nearest one to me was about 20 miles away. Never again.

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