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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Brother's what?

An example of what pisses me off, but really shouldn't. I'm sure these will have been mentioned elsewhere in this thread but here goes, in order of irritance:

1. People who say 'bias' when they should say 'biased'. As in 'He's bias anyway'. ARGH! Don't do it! It makes you sound stupid.

2. People who substitute 'have' with 'of'. As in 'He should of done better". ARGH! Don't do it! It makes you sound stupid.

3. People who don't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'. Try and work out if what you're saying is about something belonging to a person or object, or if you're just really saying 'you are'.

edit: Hold on... some clever person has obviously put 'should_of' in the word filter to change it to 'should have'. Thank you so much!

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Idiots who ring shops with stupid questions.

We had one earlier who asked if we could price-match Amazon. And every day we get someone asking for trade in values for 20 titles and expects us to just know off the top of our heads and tuts when we don't.

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Idiots who ring shops with stupid questions.

We had one earlier who asked if we could price-match Amazon.

What's wrong with price-matching? I went to Winstanley Bikes in Wigan a few days ago and they were happy to price-match Evans Cycles :).

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Nothing wrong with price-matching, we do in fact do it... with anything in the town.

I know of no shop I could walk into, who does price matching, and say 'This is cheaper on Amazon, match it for me' and would actually do it. Except maybe John Lewis.

Its just a stupid queston imo.

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Brother's what?

I'm sure he meant his brother's personality, he can't be that moronic!

I did actually mean brothers in general, but slipped up with the apostrophe. It was just a sort of a 'brothers, who'd av em' sort of a comment, because mine seriously gets on my tits from time to time.

Am I a more on?

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Brother's what?

I'm sure he meant his brother's personality, he can't be that moronic!

I did actually mean brothers in general, but slipped up with the apostrophe. It was just a sort of a 'brothers, who'd av em' sort of a comment, because mine seriously gets on my tits from time to time.

Am I a more on?

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Nothing wrong with price-matching, we do in fact do it... with anything in the town.

I know of no shop I could walk into, who does price matching, and say 'This is cheaper on Amazon, match it for me' and would actually do it. Except maybe John Lewis.

Its just a stupid queston imo.

I can see where you're coming from, but there's no harm in asking. To him, the worst thing you can do is say no.

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Following on from my 'Christmas Day' rant, I thought I'd follow up the series by recounting the events of last New Year's Eve to explain why New Year's Eve is also crap.

It's December 31st 2009, we have been invited over to my Auntie's for a New Year's Eve party, and I was actually looking forward to it. My mum was at work so it was just me and my dad at home. It was getting to about 9 before I could convince him we should leave to go over there so already we have a full grown man stroppy and sighing.

Once we get there I'm left with my other Aunty's partner and one of my cousin's husbands. Now how can I describe my Aunty's partner?


That should do the trick. In fact, take away the glasses and the cigarette and it is him. He starts telling us about how his vasectomy went years ago... lovely, a fat old man talking about having his balls altered. To be fair, it's probably better than him going on again about how much he earns and how he bought some bathroom tiles for £10 each.

So with me now feeling a bit queasy I staggered my way into the other room feeling ill. I sat down and realised I was in a room of old women, most of them who I didn't know. Being the shy person I am, I sat back, trying to sink into the settee hoping they haven't noticed me. Old ladies like to touch my hair...

Anyway, eventually someone sticks their head around the door and tells me my dad is asking for me, so I fight through the mass of people to find my dad in the kitchen "Are you alright?" he says "Yeah, I'm fine" "Okay then, thats all..." so a pointless trip and now I'm stuck in the kitchen with the alcoholics.

A cousin of mine who I cannot stand comes over to me. Now how can I describe him to you?


That should also do the trick. Looks and acts just like him, but he also has this thing, remember when you were about 14 and a friend of yours would steal a beer from someone's fridge and bring it while your playing football and they are like "Whoa! beer! yeah! look how grown up I am, are you impressed?!" He is about 36 and he is still like that. So I got bored of him really fast.

Then out of bordem I start listening to his girlfriend going on about God knows what, she really does prove the stereotype that Belgians are indeed boring. "I ate a piece of toast for breakfast and then I let my cat out and he wanted to come back in straight away..."

Then my mum gets there after her shift and someone tells me she wants to see me, shes in the room with old ladies. "Are you alright?" she asks "Yeah..." "Okay, thats all" another pointless journey through a mass of people.

The rest of the night just kind of passes me by as I slip into semi-conciousness until someone says "Oh its the countdown!" after that all the women rush around to kiss everone because its the start of another crap year, then back to semi-conciousness.

After an uninspiring fireworks show, a few people finally start making their way home or to some other place. Eventually my mum decides its best to get my dad to bed as he is now drunk. So I say my hellos and goodbyes to the two cousins who I actually like to see after not getting the chance all night. So thats it, see you all again in March.

We head home in the car, my dad is asking the same random questions over and over, too drunk to hear properly or comprehend any answer, and because any answer isn't sinking in, he gets angry.

We get home, hes all stroppy again and eats the last of the left over Turkey while watching something random on TV with the volume up so high the wallpaper is peeling.

I think I might sit it out on my own this year.

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Following on from my 'Christmas Day' rant, I thought I'd follow up the series by recounting the events of last New Year's Eve to explain why New Year's Eve is also crap.

It's December 31st 2009, we have been invited over to my Auntie's for a New Year's Eve party, and I was actually looking forward to it. My mum was at work so it was just me and my dad at home. It was getting to about 9 before I could convince him we should leave to go over there so already we have a full grown man stroppy and sighing.

Once we get there I'm left with my other Aunty's partner and one of my cousin's husbands. Now how can I describe my Aunty's partner?


That should do the trick. In fact, take away the glasses and the cigarette and it is him. He starts telling us about how his vasectomy went years ago... lovely, a fat old man talking about having his balls altered. To be fair, it's probably better than him going on again about how much he earns and how he bought some bathroom tiles for £10 each.

So with me now feeling a bit queasy I staggered my way into the other room feeling ill. I sat down and realised I was in a room of old women, most of them who I didn't know. Being the shy person I am, I sat back, trying to sink into the settee hoping they haven't noticed me. Old ladies like to touch my hair...

Anyway, eventually someone sticks their head around the door and tells me my dad is asking for me, so I fight through the mass of people to find my dad in the kitchen "Are you alright?" he says "Yeah, I'm fine" "Okay then, thats all..." so a pointless trip and now I'm stuck in the kitchen with the alcoholics.

A cousin of mine who I cannot stand comes over to me. Now how can I describe him to you?


That should also do the trick. Looks and acts just like him, but he also has this thing, remember when you were about 14 and a friend of yours would steal a beer from someone's fridge and bring it while your playing football and they are like "Whoa! beer! yeah! look how grown up I am, are you impressed?!" He is about 36 and he is still like that. So I got bored of him really fast.

Then out of bordem I start listening to his girlfriend going on about God knows what, she really does prove the stereotype that Belgians are indeed boring. "I ate a piece of toast for breakfast and then I let my cat out and he wanted to come back in straight away..."

Then my mum gets there after her shift and someone tells me she wants to see me, shes in the room with old ladies. "Are you alright?" she asks "Yeah..." "Okay, thats all" another pointless journey through a mass of people.

The rest of the night just kind of passes me by as I slip into semi-conciousness until someone says "Oh its the countdown!" after that all the women rush around to kiss everone because its the start of another crap year, then back to semi-conciousness.

After an uninspiring fireworks show, a few people finally start making their way home or to some other place. Eventually my mum decides its best to get my dad to bed as he is now drunk. So I say my hellos and goodbyes to the two cousins who I actually like to see after not getting the chance all night. So thats it, see you all again in March.

We head home in the car, my dad is asking the same random questions over and over, too drunk to hear properly or comprehend any answer, and because any answer isn't sinking in, he gets angry.

We get home, hes all stroppy again and eats the last of the left over Turkey while watching something random on TV with the volume up so high the wallpaper is peeling.

I think I might sit it out on my own this year.

/thread, we have a winner


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How about when people wake you up from a brilliant dream? two examples:

1. On Christmas day I was having this dream that I was a desperado in the wild West and I was riding along on my horse, about to blow someones head off with my revolver then *BEEP!* my phone wakes me up with a text from my cousin thanking me for the Christmas present. Yeah, very nice of her but damn it, I was a desperado!

2. I was dreaming that it was my birthday and Tammy Sytch was there and she had a 'special gift' for me, but before I got to open it ... "Time to get up, you've got that long day at college today" "Thanks mum" I say with tears in my eyes.

Its not always bad though I suppose, one time I dreampt the Nazis were going to kill me by firing squad, I woke up just before they fired. Just one of two dreams I've had about Nazis coming to kill me. :?

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