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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Gun's 'n' Roses - November Rain...starts raining during the wedding, remember the video?

Why the **** does that bloke dive over a table and through the wedding cake? Its raining, not an incoming mortar strike!!!

Yes this pisses me off, i have no idea why!?!?

Pretty sure the rain symbolises gunfire? Which is why the wife in the video died and has a mirror covering the other half of her face in the coffin. (Could be completely wrong on all accounts though)

Yeah...that could make sense.

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People on the roads not indicating, mainly on roundabouts. Not much gets me ruffled in life but this really pisses me off.

How hard is it to flick a switch?

Yeah, really gets my goat that too Sir.

Complete inconsideration for other road users.

My old man does it, and if i'm with him i give him a real roasting (not of the spit variety, obv).

It's ignorance as much as anything.

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People on the roads not indicating, mainly on roundabouts. Not much gets me ruffled in life but this really pisses me off.

How hard is it to flick a switch?

Yeah, really gets my goat that too Sir.

Complete inconsideration for other road users.

My old man does it, and if i'm with him i give him a real roasting (not of the spit variety, obv).

It's ignorance as much as anything.

Yeah I'm in this boat too. Indicating is so easy. It's just habit.

So annoying when you're at a roundabout, car coming, and then he turns off without indicating, meaning you could have gone if he'd taken the time to flick that switch for half a second.

Also, I'd add people who get angry on the road for basically nothing.

I was on the motorway yesterday. There was a guy in the outside lane doing 65mph.

Nothing on the inside 2 lanes. He was just daydreaming or something, or just ebing a retard.

Anyway, I gave him a gentle flash of the lights to "ask" him to move over. He didn't. So eventually I just undertook him and went on my way. Nothing agressive, I didn't cut him up (in fact I stayed on the inside lane as you should)

He went mad. Pulled up behind me flashing his lights, and pulled alongside me to give me some abuse, and then sped off at what must have been 100mph plus


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Here's a good one that we may have touched on before.

There's a guy in my office. Nice bloke, does a lot of charity work, really funny, top guy.

Anyway, he eats more cakes than anyone I've ever seen. Whenever people bring in cakes, samosas, biscuits etc for birthdays and other occassions (which happens a lot) he's always the guy who has the most. He's even one of these guys that will go and eat the cakes of people he doesn't know.

Anyway, it was his birthday last week. No cakes.

So yesterday we told him he really should have brought some inseeing as he has so many throughout the year. He sort of agreed and said he'd bring some in today.

He's brought 5 boxes of mr kipling slices. 4 in a box. That's not even enough for one each.

Probably cost him £2.50

Cheap ****

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Wine/beer 'connoisseurs' who talk like they're in Charlie and the bloody Chocolate Factory. Going to a site and reading 'expert' reviews is always fun too; massive amounts of contradiction all round.

Here's an example from a beer I had tonight (Stone Levitation):

'Clear amber to copper red beer, small light beige head, unstable, non adhesive. Aroma: sweet malts, caramel, touch of smoke (?), bubble gum, sugar and candy. MF: soft carbon, light to medium body. Taste: lots of citrus, some sweet malts, caramel, quite some spices, bit of mocha, some smoke again (?). Aftertaste: citrus, grassy hops, bit of mocha of coffee, little fruity. Finally a not massively overhopped Stone brew.'

So here we have the aromas/tastes of malt, caramel, smoke, bubble gum (what the f*ck...), sugar, candy, citrus, spices, mocha, grassy hops and fruit... ok.

Here's another one for the same beer:

'bottle; Nose is hazel, cedar, fridge, mediumweak sour cream, leaves, later fig, some candy, cooked vegetables, sweet coffee beans, feel is quite thin, carb is mediumlow, taste is iron, some cake, mellow, mediumroasted malt, notes of suntan/-burn (in lack of better word; not smoked bacon, at least), coffee, red grapes note, later cereal, finish is quite dry fruit and little earth note '

Sour cream (?!), fig, more candy (!), cooked vegetables (?!), coffee beans , iron, cake, suntan/burn (...), red grapes, cereal, dry fruit and earth.

Perhaps my simpleton tastebuds just don't comprehend?

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I was on the motorway yesterday. There was a guy in the outside lane doing 65mph.

Nothing on the inside 2 lanes. He was just daydreaming or something, or just ebing a retard.

Anyway, I gave him a gentle flash of the lights to "ask" him to move over. He didn't. So eventually I just undertook him and went on my way. Nothing agressive, I didn't cut him up (in fact I stayed on the inside lane as you should)

Every fecking day!!!! Had one on the A38 this morning sitting in the outside lane doing 50 in a 70, we got to the bit where it turns to a 60 and she still stuck to 50! I overtook her on the inside and got a look of disgust.

I get on the M42 and there is another!! Outside lane doing 50 (60 signs were up!) overtook her on the inside and just watched in my rear view as everyone was doing the same but she refused to budge!!

Not as bad as old people driving at 20 in a 30 or 30 in 70! Oh and fecking lorry drivers over taking each other!!!! WHATS THE POINT! Takes you 3 miles to overtake!!!!! :evil:

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Yeah, motorway retards are so common that it's pointless even raging about them any more. The amount of people who just sit in the middle lane when there is 500 yards of empty inside lane in front of them drives me wild.

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Here's a good one that we may have touched on before.

There's a guy in my office. Nice bloke, does a lot of charity work, really funny, top guy.

Anyway, he eats more cakes than anyone I've ever seen. Whenever people bring in cakes, samosas, biscuits etc for birthdays and other occassions (which happens a lot) he's always the guy who has the most. He's even one of these guys that will go and eat the cakes of people he doesn't know.

Anyway, it was his birthday last week. No cakes.

So yesterday we told him he really should have brought some inseeing as he has so many throughout the year. He sort of agreed and said he'd bring some in today.

He's brought 5 boxes of mr kipling slices. 4 in a box. That's not even enough for one each.

Probably cost him £2.50

Cheap ****

ha! There must be some nice folks in your office, cos if a guy went round helping himself to cakes and stuff from people he didnt know, he would be told in no uncertain terms where to go :)

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Mrs E handles motorways at the weekends because I simply refuse to. I cannot be dealing with retards on my days off. Generally speaking the monday - friday crowd know what they're up to and get on with it with little fuss.

It also means that I can have a drink. So win win. :cheers:

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Wine/beer 'connoisseurs' who talk like they're in Charlie and the bloody Chocolate Factory. Going to a site and reading 'expert' reviews is always fun too; massive amounts of contradiction all round.

Here's an example from a beer I had tonight (Stone Levitation):

'Clear amber to copper red beer, small light beige head, unstable, non adhesive. Aroma: sweet malts, caramel, touch of smoke (?), bubble gum, sugar and candy. MF: soft carbon, light to medium body. Taste: lots of citrus, some sweet malts, caramel, quite some spices, bit of mocha, some smoke again (?). Aftertaste: citrus, grassy hops, bit of mocha of coffee, little fruity. Finally a not massively overhopped Stone brew.'

So here we have the aromas/tastes of malt, caramel, smoke, bubble gum (what the f*ck...), sugar, candy, citrus, spices, mocha, grassy hops and fruit... ok.

Here's another one for the same beer:

'bottle; Nose is hazel, cedar, fridge, mediumweak sour cream, leaves, later fig, some candy, cooked vegetables, sweet coffee beans, feel is quite thin, carb is mediumlow, taste is iron, some cake, mellow, mediumroasted malt, notes of suntan/-burn (in lack of better word; not smoked bacon, at least), coffee, red grapes note, later cereal, finish is quite dry fruit and little earth note '

Sour cream (?!), fig, more candy (!), cooked vegetables (?!), coffee beans , iron, cake, suntan/burn (...), red grapes, cereal, dry fruit and earth.

Perhaps my simpleton tastebuds just don't comprehend?






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Generally speaking the monday - friday crowd know what they're up to and get on with it with little fuss.

Not on the M42/M40 they don't. Full of idiots

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Generally speaking the monday - friday crowd know what they're up to and get on with it with little fuss.

Not on the M42/M40 they don't. Full of idiots

Must a dahn Saaath thing then because the commuter lot on the M20/26/25 are generally ok.

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I was on the motorway yesterday. There was a guy in the outside lane doing 65mph.

Nothing on the inside 2 lanes. He was just daydreaming or something, or just ebing a retard.

Anyway, I gave him a gentle flash of the lights to "ask" him to move over. He didn't. So eventually I just undertook him and went on my way. Nothing agressive, I didn't cut him up (in fact I stayed on the inside lane as you should)

He went mad. Pulled up behind me flashing his lights, and pulled alongside me to give me some abuse, and then sped off at what must have been 100mph plus


Yeah, you do get the odd eeejut like that. I've occassionally encountered them.

Small penises would be my shout.

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Wine/beer 'connoisseurs' who talk like they're in Charlie and the bloody Chocolate Factory. Going to a site and reading 'expert' reviews is always fun too; massive amounts of contradiction all round.

Here's an example from a beer I had tonight (Stone Levitation):

'Clear amber to copper red beer, small light beige head, unstable, non adhesive. Aroma: sweet malts, caramel, touch of smoke (?), bubble gum, sugar and candy. MF: soft carbon, light to medium body. Taste: lots of citrus, some sweet malts, caramel, quite some spices, bit of mocha, some smoke again (?). Aftertaste: citrus, grassy hops, bit of mocha of coffee, little fruity. Finally a not massively overhopped Stone brew.'

So here we have the aromas/tastes of malt, caramel, smoke, bubble gum (what the f*ck...), sugar, candy, citrus, spices, mocha, grassy hops and fruit... ok.

Here's another one for the same beer:

'bottle; Nose is hazel, cedar, fridge, mediumweak sour cream, leaves, later fig, some candy, cooked vegetables, sweet coffee beans, feel is quite thin, carb is mediumlow, taste is iron, some cake, mellow, mediumroasted malt, notes of suntan/-burn (in lack of better word; not smoked bacon, at least), coffee, red grapes note, later cereal, finish is quite dry fruit and little earth note '

Sour cream (?!), fig, more candy (!), cooked vegetables (?!), coffee beans , iron, cake, suntan/burn (...), red grapes, cereal, dry fruit and earth.

Perhaps my simpleton tastebuds just don't comprehend?






I'm somewhere in between. Simply good/bad is too broad - I do like to describe tastes, if only to myself. But I agree that the level of detail in that extract is ridiculous for everyday use. It may be useful for the people who actually make the stuff though.
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I was on the motorway yesterday. There was a guy in the outside lane doing 65mph.

Nothing on the inside 2 lanes. He was just daydreaming or something, or just ebing a retard.

Anyway, I gave him a gentle flash of the lights to "ask" him to move over. He didn't. So eventually I just undertook him and went on my way. Nothing agressive, I didn't cut him up (in fact I stayed on the inside lane as you should)

Every fecking day!!!! Had one on the A38 this morning sitting in the outside lane doing 50 in a 70, we got to the bit where it turns to a 60 and she still stuck to 50! I overtook her on the inside and got a look of disgust.

I get on the M42 and there is another!! Outside lane doing 50 (60 signs were up!) overtook her on the inside and just watched in my rear view as everyone was doing the same but she refused to budge!!

Not as bad as old people driving at 20 in a 30 or 30 in 70! Oh and fecking lorry drivers over taking each other!!!! WHATS THE POINT! Takes you 3 miles to overtake!!!!! :evil:

The worst one is when people pull out on you from a side road knowing full well it is going to slow you down and then continue to be overtaken by snails.

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I've failed my youthful self.

I'm applying for a job, and had to check my Nationa Record of (non) Achievement that has all my certificates and crap in it, because my potential empoloyer wants to know my GCSE grades, which is a big WTF in itself.

I'd forgotten all of the crap they made me write at school, such as an overview of my past achievements and goals, one of which, apparently, was to get a job which didn't suck. My favourite quote, which is proudly written by a young Davkaus, in this peice of shit, under "things that might prevent you hitting your targets" is "Well, if I initially get a really shit job, I just won't do it, I'd rather sell the big issue.".

I'm sorry young Davkaus, I have failed you.

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I'm a big Pratchett fan, love his books. His best, Night Watch, got adapted for BBC Radio a few years ago, and I stumbled on it on Youtube.

It's terrible.

Night watch would make a great film if done right.

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