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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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2 hours ago, mottaloo said:

Just had a call from my local optician confirming my appointment for tomorrow. She confirmed what I would be having, by saying :

"OK so that's the standard eye examination and the extra retinal checks"

Me: "yes, correct. How much will that all be ?"

Optician: " How much is what ?"

I hope she won't be doing the actual test 🙄

Attention span of an andrex puppy !


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4 minutes ago, Xela said:


Its at specsavers mere green so if she's a local girl then there's probably no chance of that.

Erm.....are you WFH tomorrow ? 😬

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19 minutes ago, Xela said:

I am. I might stake out the Specsavers from the Shell forecourt. 

I'll know when you arrive, we don't get many Lonsdale joggers in B74 ;) 


I'll make it easy for ya - I shall be wearing these badboys;



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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

Is the UK sky obviously have the now TV app, I have an account, I'm now back in Germany where they have wow tv

I can't sign up to a wow TV account because my email address is classed as being already in use, I can't use my now TV account because its not in this country

**** hate sky

Different email?

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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

Is the UK sky obviously have the now TV app, I have an account, I'm now back in Germany where they have wow tv

I can't sign up to a wow TV account because my email address is classed as being already in use, I can't use my now TV account because its not in this country

**** hate sky


can’t you login into the account and change the email address associated with it and then use the other account  ? I’ve not done  it with sky but done it with another service before where I’d originally set it up with my work address 

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2 hours ago, villa4europe said:

Is the UK sky obviously have the now TV app, I have an account, I'm now back in Germany where they have wow tv

I can't sign up to a wow TV account because my email address is classed as being already in use, I can't use my now TV account because its not in this country

**** hate sky

Just set up a dedicated Gmail account? 

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21 hours ago, Seat68 said:

Thats a wider discussion on crime and punishment, Julian Assange it seems is currently incarcerated, is he the same as Lee Rigbys killers? Or a man that is in prison for a white collar crime, or perhaps some one who sought revenge for another harming their child, do we not allow them television, or access to books, or snooker, or a gym. Its not david lloyd fitness by the way. Its reasonable to treat those in the system as human, I am glad we do, regardless of the crime. A prisoner having access to these things are not what we should be focusing on, its not what they have access to, it should be do they have access to rehabilitation, that's where the focus should be.

1- You mention different types of crime (white collar,robbery,rape,pedos,etc ) My answer is that instead of thinking of the perptetrator spare a thought for the victims,Whichever of the crimes you mention above the criminal took something of value from his victim,wether it was their virginity,self respect ,life or in the case of robbery an item that cannot be replaced.So I am saying 2 things.... 1- IMHO the criminal  should suffer "at least " as much as his victim.How much free time ( and small comforts ) hasLee Rigby  had in the last few years ? What about a rapist ? how much has his victims life changed ? and is she still enjoying "small comforts " ? How about a thief,he breaks into a house and takes the wedding ring ( or something else of great value ) like a stamp collection,a gift from the victims mother ( who is now dead ) or even something as simple as a lawn mower,this now has to be replaced,so the victim has to go out and buy a second mower because the criminal stole the first one.

As you say they are locked up for 23 hours a day,so what are they doing in those 23 hours ? Are they watching their TV,reading their books,playing chess,monopoly,etc while eating crispes,or are they just getting bored to tears ?

The reason I feel like this is because when I was an Angel I spent time in a boys home.I was NOT rehabilitated,the reason I went streight from then on is because there is NO WAY I was going to experiance something like that ever again,and thats the way I think it should be now.

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4 minutes ago, PussEKatt said:

1- You mention different types of crime (white collar,robbery,rape,pedos,etc ) My answer is that instead of thinking of the perptetrator spare a thought for the victims,Whichever of the crimes you mention above the criminal took something of value from his victim,wether it was their virginity,self respect ,life or in the case of robbery an item that cannot be replaced.So I am saying 2 things.... 1- IMHO the criminal  should suffer "at least " as much as his victim.How much free time ( and small comforts ) hasLee Rigby  had in the last few years ? What about a rapist ? how much has his victims life changed ? and is she still enjoying "small comforts " ? How about a thief,he breaks into a house and takes the wedding ring ( or something else of great value ) like a stamp collection,a gift from the victims mother ( who is now dead ) or even something as simple as a lawn mower,this now has to be replaced,so the victim has to go out and buy a second mower because the criminal stole the first one.

As you say they are locked up for 23 hours a day,so what are they doing in those 23 hours ? Are they watching their TV,reading their books,playing chess,monopoly,etc while eating crispes,or are they just getting bored to tears ?

The reason I feel like this is because when I was an Angel I spent time in a boys home.I was NOT rehabilitated,the reason I went streight from then on is because there is NO WAY I was going to experiance something like that ever again,and thats the way I think it should be now.

We don't do eye for an eye in this country, or I feel the developed world, so based on your thinking what ideally should be done, a plain cell, no books, television, nothing, just a bed and a pot to piss in? What do you take from them if they over step the mark, how do you reward good behaviour? Also is any form of training that might enable them to go on the straight and narrow upon release, is that considered a luxury? Thats not afforded their victims, but also without that part of rehabilitation, how do they move on from their crimes?

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As far as prisinors going on the streight and narrow, do you have any figures for how many criminals re-offend,how many are habitual criminals,how many are career criminals.This shows that the current system is not working.As I said,from my owne personal experiance I did not want to experiance that again,so I went on the streight and narrow.Maybe in todays system they should experiance the same type of thing I experianced.

The bottom line is.

If you enjoy something you do it again

If you dont enjoy something then you dont repeat it...... how hard is that to understand ? 

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This is rehearsing one of my parents' regular arguments (although tbf they could argue about the length of a piece of string). My Mom was (for most of her life) a Tory-voting 'hanger and flogger'. She firmly believed that prisoners should have NO 'luxuries' such as books, TV, games, etc. My Dad held the view that no amount of concessions could outweigh the deprivation of liberty. 

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3 minutes ago, PussEKatt said:

As far as prisinors going on the streight and narrow, do you have any figures for how many criminals re-offend,how many are habitual criminals,how many are career criminals.This shows that the current system is not working.As I said,from my owne personal experiance I did not want to experiance that again,so I went on the streight and narrow.Maybe in todays system they should experiance the same type of thing I experianced.

The bottom line is.

If you enjoy something you do it again

If you dont enjoy something then you dont repeat it...... how hard is that to understand ? 

We had an exercise here under Thatcher referred to as Short, Sharp, Shock. It was a regime that looked to make young offenders look at their time inside as fairly brutal and more akin to the worst of military training. It was considered brutal and has been the subject of many column inches, and many of the prisoners have said they were abused or tortured. The reoffending rate had little impact as a result of this back to basics penal system.

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@PussEKatt  I had a look to see which nation has the lowest reoffending rates, and what their penal system looks like, its Norway and their reoffending rate is 20%, compared to UK 25.6% and Australia 53%. What do Norway do?


But in the early 1990s, the ethos of the Norwegian Correctional Service underwent a rigorous series of reforms to focus less on what Hoidal terms "revenge" and much more on rehabilitation. Prisoners, who had previously spent most of their day locked up, were offered daily training and educational programmes and the role of the prison guards was completely overhauled.

Very interesting article on Norwegian Prison Life.


How successful in Norway’s prison system really?

Norway’s prison system is very different from many other places in the world, but how does this affect the inmates and the rest of society? Let’s look at what the numbers tell us.

A good number to look at is one called recidivism. Recidivism tells you how many of the inmates that are released from prison ends up getting back into prison within two years after being released. In other words, how many percentage of the inmates actually get rehabilitated and change their behavior after having been in prison.

The rate of recidivism in Norway is around 20%. So only 1 in 5 end up back in prison, while the majority of people (4 in 5) don’t return to prison within a few years.

Not to say you are totally wrong @PussEKatt if I was a victim of a crime, or a member of my family was, I would probably resent any perceived luxury being afforded to the guilty, and I have fairly strong views when it comes to punishment, but I also feel that we should be looking to rehabilitate, and what facilities are open to prisoners is a distraction.

Edited by Seat68
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53 minutes ago, PussEKatt said:

As far as prisinors going on the streight and narrow, do you have any figures for how many criminals re-offend,how many are habitual criminals,how many are career criminals.This shows that the current system is not working.

You forgot to cite your figures for this. I found plenty of references to rehabilitation leading to lower re offending rates, but nothing at all broken down by the categories you've mentioned. I don't think that these categories exist.

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17 hours ago, El Zen said:

It is one of my most unpopular opinions 😇

Schindler's List literally put me to sleep in the cinema. The only film to ever manage that. So yeah, sometimes we don't fancy the classics :) 

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