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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I want to pay for a race. PayPal is the only payment option. Try to log in, it's first time since I've been in China. They want to call or text me, but only have my old mobile number from the UK. There is no 'don't have access to this number' option. Just a dead-end. Unable to pay, can't do the race. It's happened to me before with them, had to set up a new account with a new email, but I'm not doing that every single time I want to use PayPal. Useless. 

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13 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

I've had a great Sunday.

My oldest played football this morning,and for the second half, he went in goal.  He's not been a keeper in a league match before, so I was really nervous for him.  We were winning 2-0 when their team rightfully earned a penalty.  I was stood behind the goal to support him and just keep him mindful to leave his line (he's just turned 8).

Anyway, he saves the penalty and the rebound and everything is really good.

After a few mins, we get a free kick and one of our little players runs over to take it.  I semi loudly shouted "SHOOOOOOT", cos y'know.. fun an that.

Two of the mom's went mental at me, shouting at me that I'm "boo-in our kids he is!"

It was one of those where they didn't really stop their "attack", and their coaches did call over "you shouldn't be behind the goal, that's against league rules", so I start walking back to where our teams parents were standing.

As I pass their calling me a cheater and carrying on with the "booing" thing, so I'm saying "I was saying shoot" which they absolutely were not buying.

Anyhow, I say my piece, really calmly (which probably wound them up more) and a bloke tells me to **** off :lol:

I walk to my parents, we win 3-0, my son kills it in goal, we're all happy.

Their coach comes steaming over, saying "I'm an embarrassment for intimidating their moms" etc and that I should go and apologise.

All my parents say "leave it" but as I wanted it to be defused I say "ok" and walk over.  I go up to their parents and try and explain and as I'm doing so, the woman in question says I was spitting and being a "toxic misogynistic man, who was booing their kids and "gaslighting their parents"" and just kept going.

I kind of give up and walk back to where our team are giving MOTM award.

To leave the field we have to walk through a gate and I can see their coach waiting.  I go through thinking "here we go" and he's evidently calmed down by now and tells me "everything is all right" etc.

It didn't really piss me off or annoy me, but it's mad that some people, despite me being really calm in that moment, just have zero interest in saying "ok, I misheard or misunderstood what you were saying" but double down and just use sentences they've read on twitter.

But I had a **** great time and my boy got 6 packs of FPL cards as his first clean sheet bonus 😎

As someone who played in goal when they were a young kid, I can tell you it is **** terrifying. I'm sure it doesn't bother some kids, but for me the pressure I felt being in goal was horrendous. I still played because I loved it but I didn't have the confidence to enjoy it 100%. I used to be so nervous before and during games.

So the encouragement you give your lad will be invaluable. Believe me

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13 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

I've had a great Sunday.

My oldest played football this morning,and for the second half, he went in goal.  He's not been a keeper in a league match before, so I was really nervous for him.  We were winning 2-0 when their team rightfully earned a penalty.  I was stood behind the goal to support him and just keep him mindful to leave his line (he's just turned 8).

Anyway, he saves the penalty and the rebound and everything is really good.

After a few mins, we get a free kick and one of our little players runs over to take it.  I semi loudly shouted "SHOOOOOOT", cos y'know.. fun an that.

Two of the mom's went mental at me, shouting at me that I'm "boo-in our kids he is!"

It was one of those where they didn't really stop their "attack", and their coaches did call over "you shouldn't be behind the goal, that's against league rules", so I start walking back to where our teams parents were standing.

As I pass their calling me a cheater and carrying on with the "booing" thing, so I'm saying "I was saying shoot" which they absolutely were not buying.

Anyhow, I say my piece, really calmly (which probably wound them up more) and a bloke tells me to **** off :lol:

I walk to my parents, we win 3-0, my son kills it in goal, we're all happy.

Their coach comes steaming over, saying "I'm an embarrassment for intimidating their moms" etc and that I should go and apologise.

All my parents say "leave it" but as I wanted it to be defused I say "ok" and walk over.  I go up to their parents and try and explain and as I'm doing so, the woman in question says I was spitting and being a "toxic misogynistic man, who was booing their kids and "gaslighting their parents"" and just kept going.

I kind of give up and walk back to where our team are giving MOTM award.

To leave the field we have to walk through a gate and I can see their coach waiting.  I go through thinking "here we go" and he's evidently calmed down by now and tells me "everything is all right" etc.

It didn't really piss me off or annoy me, but it's mad that some people, despite me being really calm in that moment, just have zero interest in saying "ok, I misheard or misunderstood what you were saying" but double down and just use sentences they've read on twitter.

But I had a **** great time and my boy got 6 packs of FPL cards as his first clean sheet bonus 😎

My lad plays for 2 teams and I have to say the parents touchline is a toxic place.

So many arguments and flare ups either between parents, coaches, refs, linesmen or any combination of them. 

My wife won’t watch any more as she hates it. She also hates things like what was suggested here, a player has the ball and our son is free for a pass. If someone were to shout “shoot” she’d take it as an attack on our son that he couldn’t be trusted with being passed to and get all angry about it. Same as if he has the ball and someone shouts pass, or cross etc. She doesn’t like other parents telling him what to do (which I think is right).

I don’t agree with parents shouting directions at the players, especially not their own children. It really confuses them and they need to learn to make decisions for themselves / listen to just the coaches.

Emotions run very high in kids football!

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16 hours ago, rodders0223 said:


Like eating a chewy rock.  Get rid of them.

With the middle missing! I'm hungry enough for that bit too.

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58 minutes ago, Genie said:

My lad plays for 2 teams and I have to say the parents touchline is a toxic place.

So many arguments and flare ups either between parents, coaches, refs, linesmen or any combination of them. 

My wife won’t watch any more as she hates it. She also hates things like what was suggested here, a player has the ball and our son is free for a pass. If someone were to shout “shoot” she’d take it as an attack on our son that he couldn’t be trusted with being passed to and get all angry about it. Same as if he has the ball and someone shouts pass, or cross etc. She doesn’t like other parents telling him what to do (which I think is right).

I don’t agree with parents shouting directions at the players, especially not their own children. It really confuses them and they need to learn to make decisions for themselves / listen to just the coaches.

Emotions run very high in kids football!

Yea I agree.  My wife also hates football in general and she came once or twice and at the time out (then) manager was bad mouthing the kids in front of us.  My wife isn't someone who holds her tongue particularly well (ooh), so she consciously decided to not come, which is a shame for our boy obviously.  She's absolutely right when she says football brings out the worst in people. It also seems to appeal to common scum (like @Paddywhack), so it's no surprise these things happen ;)

Maybe I could ask the other coaches if it would be ok for me to support him, whilst absolutely assuring them I wouldn't be coaching..?  As @Stevo985 said, whilst he really likes being in goal, in a match situation it's really high pressure NOT to make mistakes and I think he does need support because he doesn't take making mistakes very well at all and dwells on them.

At training, he's a different kettle of fish.. full of confidence etc.  It must be the "not familiar" parents watching I guess!


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Just now, rodders0223 said:

The problem with kids football is 95% of the people on the side have never played sport at any level in their lives. They're insane

There was a dad at yesterdays game, he clearly thought his opinion meant a lot to the lads. He was going completely over the top with his praise.

”That’s the best pass of the season that”.

”You’ve been absolutely sensational all game” 

and many others. 

He probably thought he was helping but it was annoying everyone. 

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16 hours ago, rodders0223 said:


Like eating a chewy rock.  Get rid of them.

 it's because the UK market has leant towards cutting them in half and sticking them in the toaster which dries out the inside, put them whole in the oven for 10-12 mins instead

20 years back my oldcompany bought a bagel factory in Canada, sent me boxes and boxes worth to present to the UK market, sold them to tesco in the end, I had about a year of meetings with buyers, they were really good to be fair but I was only ever interested in the cinnamon & raisin and the onion ones, they're who taught me how to bake them, would still say they aren't incredible and it's more about the fillings, especially if you find yourself in new York but if you do it right and get a proper crisp on the outside and them a soft springy inside they can be alright

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15 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

I've had a great Sunday.

My oldest played football this morning,and for the second half, he went in goal.  He's not been a keeper in a league match before, so I was really nervous for him.  We were winning 2-0 when their team rightfully earned a penalty.  I was stood behind the goal to support him and just keep him mindful to leave his line (he's just turned 8).

Anyway, he saves the penalty and the rebound and everything is really good.

After a few mins, we get a free kick and one of our little players runs over to take it.  I semi loudly shouted "SHOOOOOOT", cos y'know.. fun an that.

Two of the mom's went mental at me, shouting at me that I'm "boo-in our kids he is!"

It was one of those where they didn't really stop their "attack", and their coaches did call over "you shouldn't be behind the goal, that's against league rules", so I start walking back to where our teams parents were standing.

As I pass their calling me a cheater and carrying on with the "booing" thing, so I'm saying "I was saying shoot" which they absolutely were not buying.

Anyhow, I say my piece, really calmly (which probably wound them up more) and a bloke tells me to **** off :lol:

I walk to my parents, we win 3-0, my son kills it in goal, we're all happy.

Their coach comes steaming over, saying "I'm an embarrassment for intimidating their moms" etc and that I should go and apologise.

All my parents say "leave it" but as I wanted it to be defused I say "ok" and walk over.  I go up to their parents and try and explain and as I'm doing so, the woman in question says I was spitting and being a "toxic misogynistic man, who was booing their kids and "gaslighting their parents"" and just kept going.

I kind of give up and walk back to where our team are giving MOTM award.

To leave the field we have to walk through a gate and I can see their coach waiting.  I go through thinking "here we go" and he's evidently calmed down by now and tells me "everything is all right" etc.

It didn't really piss me off or annoy me, but it's mad that some people, despite me being really calm in that moment, just have zero interest in saying "ok, I misheard or misunderstood what you were saying" but double down and just use sentences they've read on twitter.

But I had a **** great time and my boy got 6 packs of FPL cards as his first clean sheet bonus 😎


Had something vaguely similar a while back. 

My local team was playing against Cwmbran in a cup final, we had a mutual and much liked ex manager and he had just recently died, Tony Wilcox. The players and fans all did the minute’s silence before the game and all that.

At some point during the game, I decided to start up a fairly mundane chant of ‘one Tony Wilcox’.

Well, I don’t know what ‘they’ heard but they went absolutely ballistic. Reporting me and a few others to stewards, pointing us out. Then at half time trying to get over to where we were to carry on the argument. I tried to work out what the issue was, but they saw that as me losing my bottle and back tracking.

People are just fundamentally weird.


And let’s not even mention what happened when when I started a chorus of ‘your ground smells of piss and it’s being knocked down’ when we were last up at Bangor. I mean, it really did smell of piss and it was scheduled for demolition. So I refuse to accept a simple statement of facts, based on publicly accessible planning documents and set to a popular tune, could be described as antagonistic.



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Story time , I never had a Dad , I played football and my mother had no interest other than ensuring I was active and loving it.

I looked at some of the parents and I'm glad I didn't sometimes. I'm in my 30s now and I love playing football still do, there is nothing better than it, it is my everything.

My friend who's Dad made him play every sport to man and constantly pushed him and analysed him and critiqued him does not.


Yes I come on a message board and complain about players , but I'm not genuinely in the stands or park screaming at players to play better or to do this or to do that or to play this way. That's just insanity.

I can be playing 5 a side at goals and there could be a terrorist attack on the next pitch and I wouldn't notice. I'm playing the game , that's kind of what happens when you play sport, you're just in it and nothing else matters or even enters your mind



So Deidre mum of 3 , shut the **** up.




Edited by rodders0223
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57 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

Yea I agree.  My wife also hates football in general and she came once or twice and at the time out (then) manager was bad mouthing the kids in front of us.  My wife isn't someone who holds her tongue particularly well (ooh), so she consciously decided to not come, which is a shame for our boy obviously.  She's absolutely right when she says football brings out the worst in people. It also seems to appeal to common scum (like @Paddywhack), so it's no surprise these things happen ;)


Maybe I could ask the other coaches if it would be ok for me to support him, whilst absolutely assuring them I wouldn't be coaching..?  As @Stevo985 said, whilst he really likes being in goal, in a match situation it's really high pressure NOT to make mistakes and I think he does need support because he doesn't take making mistakes very well at all and dwells on them.

At training, he's a different kettle of fish.. full of confidence etc.  It must be the "not familiar" parents watching I guess!


For me I had a manager who wouldn’t be shy in skating you when you made a mistake. Which is ridiculous when I think about it now but at the time you don’t really know whats bad and what isn’t. 

So I was constantly scared of letting him down. What he was doing was counterproductive but he didn’t know that. 

So even if you can’t stand behind the goal, I’d encourage the coaches to positively reinforce him rather than negatively. If he’s anything like I was then getting slated for a mistake will just breed more mistakes

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The trend of football clubs doing more and more elaborate announcements for their signings and everyone gushing in the comments about how brilliant they are. 

Burnley are obviously the main culprits and whilst everyone else seems to find them hilarious, to me they seem a bit smug and just aren't funny.

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Just now, Davkaus said:

I'm thinking about getting this done, how bad was it?

I had it done, the op is fine. 

The awkwardness whilst the nurse makes small talk during the procedure where your cock and balls are on display is the worst part.

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