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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The way the majority of my posts lately seem to be the last post on te page and as a result get completely overlooked. Fortunately it's third on this page and therefore will hopefully get read.

Totally agree Wiggy.

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Was supposed to be starting a new job today so went and cancelled my jobseekers on Monday, started adjusting my sleep cycle, reading up on everything I needed for work etc. Only to be told yesterday evening that I wouldn't be able to start until this coming Monday at the earliest. Apparently the firm have known this for several days but didn't give me the courtesy of a phone call, instead I have to hear it from the recruitment agency I found the job through rather than the manager of where I'll be working. Absolute joke. Then phoned the jobseekers to advise them of this and would I still be paid only to be told my claim has been closed and I'd have to reclaim. Stupid bureaucracy

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They dont make cartoons like they used to. The stuff thats on TV for kids now is crap.

Bring back Thundercats, Transformers, Visionaries, Dungeons & Dragons & The Gummi Bears.

Best kids show (that my 18month old son watches) has got to be Special Agent Oso, all because of the awesome James Bondesque theme tune

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Had almost forgotten just how brainwashed religious people sometimes come across as.

Bills itself "The Trustworthy Encyclopedia", and features a fucktonne of creationist twaddle.

But not content with dissing evolution, it really goes for it, and takes on the theory of relativity ("heavily promoted by liberals", apparently). You've guessed it - all wrong:

The theory of relativity is a mathematical system that allows no exceptions. It is heavily promoted by liberals who like its encouragement of relativism and its tendency to mislead people in how they view the world.[1] Here is a list of 39 counterexamples: any one of them shows that the theory is incorrect.

Despite wasting millions of taxpayer dollars searching for gravity waves predicted by the theory, none has ever been found.[2] Sound like global warming?

The orbital radius of the Moon's orbit is increasing, contrary to what Relativity predicts.[3][4]

Subatomic particles have a speed observed to be faster than the speed of light, which contradicts a fundamental assumption of Relativity.[5] The Italian lab that "shocked the scientific world" has announced more precise results, confirming their previous announcement.[6]

The Pioneer anomaly.

Anomalies in the locations of spacecraft that have flown by Earth ("flybys").[7]

Spiral galaxies confound Relativity, and unseen "dark matter" has been invented to try to retrofit observations to the theory.[8]

The acceleration in the expansion of the universe confounds Relativity, and unseen "dark energy" has been invented to try to retrofit observations to the theory.

Increasingly precise measurements of the advance of the perihelion of Mercury show a shift greater than predicted by Relativity, well beyond the margin of error.[9]

The discontinuity in momentum as velocity approaches "c" for infinitesimal mass, compared to the momentum of light.

The logical problem of a force which is applied at a right angle to the velocity of a relativistic mass - does this act on the rest mass or the relativistic mass?[10]

The observed lack of curvature in overall space.[11]

The universe shortly after its creation, when quantum effects dominated and contradicted Relativity.

The action-at-a-distance of quantum entanglement.[12]

The action-at-a-distance by Jesus, described in John 4:46-54, Matthew 15:28, and Matthew 27:51.

The failure to discover gravitons, despite wasting hundreds of millions in taxpayer money in searching.

Newly observed data reveal that the fine-structure constant, α (alpha), actually varies throughout the universe, demonstrating that all inertial frames of reference do not experience identical laws of physics as claimed by Relativity.[13]

The double star "W13" weighs "40 times as much as the sun—more than enough to form a black hole. So why is it not a black hole? The only explanation [a leading scientist] can think of ... does not make astrophysical sense."[14]

The inability of the theory to lead to other insights, contrary to every verified theory of physics.

The change in mass over time of standard kilograms preserved under ideal conditions.[15]

The uniformity in temperature throughout the universe.[16]

"According to Einstein’s view on the universe, space-time should be smooth and continuous" but observations instead show "inexplicable static" greater than "all artificial sources of" possible background noise.[17]

"The snag is that in quantum mechanics, time retains its Newtonian aloofness, providing the stage against which matter dances but never being affected by its presence. These two [QM and Relativity] conceptions of time don’t gel."[18]

The theory predicts wormholes just as it predicts black holes, but wormholes violate causality and permit absurd time travel.[19]

The theory predicts natural formation of highly ordered (and thus low entropy) black holes despite the increase in entropy required by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.[20]

Data from the PSR B1913+16 increasingly diverge from predictions of the General Theory of Relativity such that, despite a Nobel Prize in Physics being awarded for early work on this pulsar, no data at all have been released about it for over five years.

The lack of useful devices developed based on any insights provided by the theory; no lives have been saved or helped, and the theory has not led to other useful theories and may have interfered with scientific progress.[21] This stands in stark contrast with every verified theory of science.

Relativity requires different values for the inertia of a moving object: in its direction of motion, and perpendicular to that direction. This contradicts the logical principle that the laws of physics are the same in all directions.

Relativity requires that anything traveling at the speed of light must have mass zero, so it must have momentum zero. But the laws of electrodynamics require that light have nonzero momentum.

Unlike most well-tested fundamental physical theories, the theory of relativity violates conditions of a conservative field. Path independence, for example, is lacking under the theory of relativity, as in the "twin paradox" whereby the age of each twin under the theory is dependent on the path he traveled.[22]

The Ehrenfest Paradox: Consider a spinning hoop, where the tangential velocity is near the speed of light. In this case, the circumference (2πR) is length-contracted. However, since R is always perpendicular to the motion, it is not contracted. This leads to an apparent paradox: does the radius of the accelerating hoop equal R, or is it less than R?

The Twin Paradox: Consider twins who are separated with one traveling at a very high speed such that his "clock" (age) slows down, so that when he returns he has a younger age than the twin; this violates Relativity because both twins should expect the other to be younger, if motion is relative. Einstein himself admitted that this contradicts Relativity.[23]

Based on Relativity, Einstein predicted in 1905 that clocks at the Earth's equator would be slower than clocks at the North Pole, due to different velocities; in fact, all clocks at sea level measure time at the same rate, and Relativists made new assumptions about the Earth's shape to justify this contradiction of the theory; they also make the implausible claim that relativistic effects from gravitation precisely offset the effects from differences in velocity.[24]

Based on Relativity, Einstein claimed in 1909 that the aether does not exist, but in order to make subatomic physics work right, theorists had to introduce the aether-like concept of the Higgs field, which fills all of space and breaks symmetries.

In Genesis 1:6-8, we are told that one of God's first creations was a firmament in the heavens. This likely refers to the creation of the luminiferous aether.

Minkowski space is predicated on the idea of four-dimensional vectors of which one component is time. However, one of the properties of a vector space is that every vector have an inverse. Time cannot be a vector because it has no inverse.[25]

It is impossible to perform an experiment to determine whether Einstein's theory of relativity is correct, or the older Lorentz aether theory is correct. Believing one over the other is a matter of faith.

Despite a century of wasting billions of dollars in work on the theory, "No one knows how to solve completely the equations of general relativity that describe gravity; they are simply beyond current understanding."[26]

Experiments in electromagnetic induction contradict Relativity: "Einstein’s Relativity ... can not explain the experiment in graph 2, in which moving magnetic field has not produced electric field."[27][28]

Relativity breaks down if a solenoid is traveling at or near the speed of light.[29]

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Wow, that's a lot of crap I've never heard of Mike.
I would recommend Conservapedia to anybody wanting a good laugh. My initial reaction was that it HAD to be a piss-take, along the lines of the Landover Baptist Church. But no. It's deadly serious - and all the more hilarious for it.

Here's their entry for "Bestiality and Britain":

Bestiality is the act of engaging in sexual relations with an animal.

On April 26, 2001, in an article entitled Swedes have more and more animal sex the Swedish news website Nettavision reported:

“ No one knows for sure how many animals that are abused, but a British study from 2001 indicates that every 20th dog or cat that receives treatment at veterinaries, the injuries are not a result of a direct accident, but the animal has been inflicted the injury as a result of a sexual assault.[2] ”

See also:

Atheism and bestiality

Evolutionary belief and bestiality


One more for shits and giggles:

Not possessing a religious basis for morality, atheists are fundamentally incapable of having a coherent system of morality.

Glad that one's cleared up then.

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A (quite large) woman at work, who has diabetes so has to watch her diet and keeps having time off work from getting ‘hypos’, had 3 rustlers burgers for lunch today. Unbelievable.

There's a woman at my place who usually has three weetabix with slices of banana on, covered in sugar at about 8 o'clock. She'll then get a cheese and ham croissant from the sandwich lady at 9.30am and two or three pieces of fruit and hot chocolates until lunch.

At lunch today she had a massive salad covered in mayo, a baguette covered in mayo and a jacket potato with cheese and beans.

She then doesn't understand why she isn't losing weight because she's "eating healthy" and moans to my colleagues about it. I'd have a lot more respect for her is she just said, '**** it, I love food, I'm going to be fat'

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Wow, that's a lot of crap I've never heard of Mike.
I would recommend Conservapedia to anybody wanting a good laugh. My initial reaction was that it HAD to be a piss-take, along the lines of the Landover Baptist Church. But no. It's deadly serious - and all the more hilarious for it.

Here's their entry for "Bestiality and Britain":

Bestiality is the act of engaging in sexual relations with an animal.

On April 26, 2001, in an article entitled Swedes have more and more animal sex the Swedish news website Nettavision reported:

“ No one knows for sure how many animals that are abused, but a British study from 2001 indicates that every 20th dog or cat that receives treatment at veterinaries, the injuries are not a result of a direct accident, but the animal has been inflicted the injury as a result of a sexual assault.[2] ”

See also:

Atheism and bestiality

Evolutionary belief and bestiality


One more for shits and giggles:

Not possessing a religious basis for morality, atheists are fundamentally incapable of having a coherent system of morality.

Glad that one's cleared up then.

That makes me more exasperated and stressed than cracked up tbh.

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