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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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**** BT. Get home last night, phone and internet down, apparently there's a problem with their exchange. No phone, no internet, no Xbox. So when are they going to be fixing it? "Oh, Monday at the latest". **** MONDAY. :rant:

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The fact that I was first out of my colleagues on both stages of some recent internal job interviews and they all came asking me questions about what was asked and wanted to see my notes.

I'm more pissed off with myself for being too much of a pushover and being too nice to say no. It didn't annoy me until after when I realised I'd been taken for a mug

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The fact that I was first out of my colleagues on both stages of some recent internal job interviews and they all came asking me questions about what was asked and wanted to see my notes.

I'm more pissed off with myself for being too much of a pushover and being too nice to say no. It didn't annoy me until after when I realised I'd been taken for a mug

Lesson learned the hard way fella.

I used to be the same. In the end you realise people will trample all over you to get to the top.

Next time be a bastard, tell them the wrong questions! :winkold:

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The fact that I was first out of my colleagues on both stages of some recent internal job interviews and they all came asking me questions about what was asked and wanted to see my notes.

I'm more pissed off with myself for being too much of a pushover and being too nice to say no. It didn't annoy me until after when I realised I'd been taken for a mug

Lesson learned the hard way fella.

I used to be the same. In the end you realise people will trample all over you to get to the top.

Next time be a bastard, tell them the wrong questions! :winkold:

You're right, ;esson learned. I should have told them the wrong questions, I didn't think of that. That would have been easier than telling them where to go at least
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when people at work are so effin lazy!! They over fill a skip with bin bags and leave more on the floor when there is an empty one 20ft away!

Oh and the clearing in the woods manager who asks me to arrange an extra collection a week to counter the problem instead of telling his lazy arse staff to walk the 20ft!

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My Ex / Girl Im seeing.

So I split up with my former girlfriend of 7 years back in August. Went through a tough spell (really quite a dark time), but eventually came out of it at the other end, just about. Then she re-appears after a few weeks, and I gladly / stupidly take her back. Things were going quite well, and I was quite happy.

Now, she's just **** off of the face of the planet again. As if getting over the love of your life once isnt bad enough, now i've got to do it again. The thing that pisses me off? Myself... Should really have the 'minerals' to get shot of her, but she was my whole life for 7 years and turning my back on her is basically turning my back on my entire adult life. I know full well I'd take her back again, however stupid it sounds!

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My Ex / Girl Im seeing.

So I split up with my former girlfriend of 7 years back in August. Went through a tough spell (really quite a dark time), but eventually came out of it at the other end, just about. Then she re-appears after a few weeks, and I gladly / stupidly take her back. Things were going quite well, and I was quite happy.

Now, she's just **** off of the face of the planet again. As if getting over the love of your life once isnt bad enough, now i've got to do it again. The thing that pisses me off? Myself... Should really have the 'minerals' to get shot of her, but she was my whole life for 7 years and turning my back on her is basically turning my back on my entire adult life. I know full well I'd take her back again, however stupid it sounds!


Sorry to hear that mate. Lock the doors, delete the mobile number. Go cold turkey back. Its the only way.

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it's not going to work. Take it from someone with experience.

Get rid of her. Either you end it now and retain dignity, or keep taking her back and end up without her anyway, but you won't have been the one to end it.

When i look back on my ex I wish I'd been the one to tell her to do one.

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My Ex / Girl Im seeing.

So I split up with my former girlfriend of 7 years back in August. Went through a tough spell (really quite a dark time), but eventually came out of it at the other end, just about. Then she re-appears after a few weeks, and I gladly / stupidly take her back. Things were going quite well, and I was quite happy.

Now, she's just **** off of the face of the planet again. As if getting over the love of your life once isnt bad enough, now i've got to do it again. The thing that pisses me off? Myself... Should really have the 'minerals' to get shot of her, but she was my whole life for 7 years and turning my back on her is basically turning my back on my entire adult life. I know full well I'd take her back again, however stupid it sounds!

Go pork Dante's ex. :thumb:

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My Ex / Girl Im seeing.

So I split up with my former girlfriend of 7 years back in August. Went through a tough spell (really quite a dark time), but eventually came out of it at the other end, just about. Then she re-appears after a few weeks, and I gladly / stupidly take her back. Things were going quite well, and I was quite happy.

Now, she's just **** off of the face of the planet again. As if getting over the love of your life once isnt bad enough, now i've got to do it again. The thing that pisses me off? Myself... Should really have the 'minerals' to get shot of her, but she was my whole life for 7 years and turning my back on her is basically turning my back on my entire adult life. I know full well I'd take her back again, however stupid it sounds!

Agree fully with the other guys.

IMO, the best way to get over her is to meet someone else.

And I don't mean rebound / one night stand / whatever. I mean as soon as you realise that there is more to life than this one girl - that you can have that spark, chemistry, conversation, intimacy with someone else, that is when you'll wonder what the **** you have been doing.

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Dante's ex, gotcha!

Agree Laura, and it's the thing i'd be telling myself If I was my friend... the problem comes in not wanting to meet anyone else in the first place. Bit of a catch 22.

Anyway, if anyone wants to move to sunny south wales, I currently have a house with a number of spare rooms, and sky plus!

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Eames speaks sence mate. However hard it will be, it will be the best for you in the long run. Its obviously never going to work.

I thought one of my previous girlfriends was the one, we were together for 5 years and on the verge of buying a house, but things steadily started going tits up and i was becoming unhappy. She started trying to control my life and became very pushy, always wanted her own way. God knows i loved her to high heaven but i knew i couldnt spend the rest of my life like that. It broke my heart splitting up with her, she tried and begged me to get back with her but i resisted because i knew it would never work and as you did, i went through a real terrible time, got caught up with wrong crowd and one thing led to another, but thats another story. As i imagine you did, i thought i would never meet anyone who i would love like i did her.

Hey-ho, im with the girl of my dreams now, got a beautiful baby boy, looking to move to a bigger house, getting married in June next year and hand on heart couldnt be happier.

There are plenty out there mate, and you obviously havny met the one just yet...you will tho mate, there is someone out there for all of us who will make us happy. Ever dark cloud has a silver lining.

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Dante's ex, gotcha!

Agree Laura, and it's the thing i'd be telling myself If I was my friend... the problem comes in not wanting to meet anyone else in the first place. Bit of a catch 22.

Anyway, if anyone wants to move to sunny south wales, I currently have a house with a number of spare rooms, and sky plus!

You won't feel like wanting anyone else for a while. But it will come. What you need is to be alone for a while and go from there.....

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Eames speaks sence mate. However hard it will be, it will be the best for you in the long run. Its obviously never going to work.

I thought one of my previous girlfriends was the one, we were together for 5 years and on the verge of buying a house, but things steadily started going tits up and i was becoming unhappy. She started trying to control my life and became very pushy, always wanted her own way. God knows i loved her to high heaven but i knew i couldnt spend the rest of my life like that. It broke my heart splitting up with her, she tried and begged me to get back with her but i resisted because i knew it would never work and as you did, i went through a real terrible time, got caught up with wrong crowd and one thing led to another, but thats another story. As i imagine you did, i thought i would never meet anyone who i would love like i did her.

Hey-ho, im with the girl of my dreams now, got a beautiful baby boy, looking to move to a bigger house, getting married in June next year and hand on heart couldnt be happier.

There are plenty out there mate, and you obviously havny met the one just yet...you will tho mate, there is someone out there for all of us who will make us happy. Ever dark cloud has a silver lining.

Might have to frame that and put it on the fridge for motivation. 8)

The terrible time / wrong crowd thing - yeah, I'm going to have to put an end to that fairly sharpish I think, it's certaintly not helping.

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From someone who split up with their wife (been with her 11 years) last July, the time will come when you look at this as a brand new start and it gets exciting.

You mentioned about turning your back on your 'adult life'. Who cares? You control your future NOBODY else!

Once you have had some time to heal, take a deep breath and start again. Things like this allow us to reflect on what we have done and what we wish to do.

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Eames speaks sence mate. However hard it will be, it will be the best for you in the long run. Its obviously never going to work.

I thought one of my previous girlfriends was the one, we were together for 5 years and on the verge of buying a house, but things steadily started going tits up and i was becoming unhappy. She started trying to control my life and became very pushy, always wanted her own way. God knows i loved her to high heaven but i knew i couldnt spend the rest of my life like that. It broke my heart splitting up with her, she tried and begged me to get back with her but i resisted because i knew it would never work and as you did, i went through a real terrible time, got caught up with wrong crowd and one thing led to another, but thats another story. As i imagine you did, i thought i would never meet anyone who i would love like i did her.

Hey-ho, im with the girl of my dreams now, got a beautiful baby boy, looking to move to a bigger house, getting married in June next year and hand on heart couldnt be happier.

There are plenty out there mate, and you obviously havny met the one just yet...you will tho mate, there is someone out there for all of us who will make us happy. Ever dark cloud has a silver lining.

Might have to frame that and put it on the fridge for motivation. 8)

The terrible time / wrong crowd thing - yeah, I'm going to have to put an end to that fairly sharpish I think, it's certaintly not helping.

It helps at first mate, you go out, spunk all your money on wild holidays and beer and have a laugh with your mates, but all you end up with is getting more miserable and with **** all in your bank. Not good.

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