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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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6 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

The number of people who don't realise that you can edit your own Facebook posts, and keep adding further ones with stuff like "D'oh, cats not casts, bloody predictive text". Just change it, FFS. 

I imagine these people are older than 40? (total guess)

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48 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

Life > job, when you leave/die the job you had will be filled, the company will continue and the owners will carry on being filthy rich. If I’m ever at a point in my life where I’m worried about crap like deadlines in a job it’s either time to leave or put a bullet in my head.

I've always had a job where I've had to work stupid hours.  I've had to make quick-turnaround international trips that have involved departing and/or getting back on a weekend with no day off in lieu.

I always wanted, and soon got, a company phone when I was younger.  They were still pretty much a status symbol at Puma at that time.  Most people had their own.  Same with laptops.  With both of those pieces of technology, though, you're expected to be on call 24/7.  Back when I had a desk phone and a desktop computer, when I went on holiday I was on holiday.  That was it.

After having a baby, I suddenly realised things needed to change so I set up my own business.  I still work a lot of hours, but I work them (mostly) at times that suit me.  And the company profits are mine, not the shareholders.

Life is definitely more important than job, but a rewarding job (mentally and financially) can have a positive impact on your life even if it means longer hours.  It's about finding what "balance" looks like to you as an individual.

For the most part I love what I do, and have been rewarded handsomely for it in the past.  If I was working down an asbestos mine on minimum wage I wouldn't be pushing myself quite so hard...

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1 hour ago, Ingram85 said:

Anyone who works outside of contracted hours has lost sight of the point of life. 

I regularly do about 4 or 5 extra hours a week but I get paid for it so it doesn't bother me one iota.

Although when I've had jobs in the past where no overtime is paid I'd still do a little bit here and there if it was desperately needed and helped out fellow workers. As long as it wasnt taking the piss i didn't mind.

Years ago (nearly 20) I worked for a certain well known advertising agency and was clocking up nearly 60 hours a week without overtime pay (contracted 37.5 hrs) because in those days, in the industry it was considered 'the thing to do' so i naively went along with it. Safe to say it's moved on a long way since then, at least in my experience. Horrendous piss take when I look back.


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11 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

I believe she plays at politics and is typical of the Z list celeb you mention. She was a pee poor local councillor by all accounts and now invariably relies on getting her tits almost out to maintain some sort of public interest....that and occasional chat show appearances. 

Anyone who sells their old bikini on eBay.....well, I just can't take seriously. 

I wouldn't necessarily write off her political competence just because she posts some bikini selfies to be honest. Modern world and all that.

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1 minute ago, AVFCDAN said:

I wouldn't necessarily write off her political competence just because she posts some bikini selfies to be honest. Modern world and all that.


However, I doubt that she sold it to give the proceeds to charity, but i could be wrong. 

I read another Rochdale councillor's account and observations of "KD's" time in the council chambers and it wasn't exactly glowing. Meh.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on her political acumen and opinions then :)

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May have done this one before, but birthday clubs / collections at work. I opted out, and I don't contribute, but obviously don't receive anything either. I'm totally fine with that. However I go through the dance once in a while, when it's a milestone birthday. We have two 50th birthdays coming up in the office, and I've been approached twice, asking me to contribute. I politely decline, and explain I'm not involved in birthday club, and you'd think I'd said, I hope they die before they get to 50!  I find it uncomfortable to have to keep saying no. Can they just not respect my wishes, and let me be? No, no they can't.

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1 hour ago, AVFCDAN said:

Celebrity posts on Instagram/Twitter/Youtube that gather thousands upon thousands of replies of people saying the most inane rubbish you can imagine that will never be read by said person.

Utterly bizarre.

I was (poorly) trying to mimic the types of inane drivel you read following celeb posts as you described.

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59 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

You work as a carer for the NHS, no? 

I'd hope that if you were in the middle of something, or someone was relying on you to help them, then despite it being "end of my shift" you wouldn't just leave on the dot - I'd hope you'd stay and help them. 

I’m at a rehab unit and if say someone at 19:55 says can I make some dinner I’d tell them to wait for night staff to finish the handover and someone will be free at 20:00. If it’s something I’ll have finished by 20:00 then I’d happily do it. I think the only instance where I’d stay past 20:00 is if I was in a restraint or it was a life or death instance and even in a restraint I’d expect the night staff to take over asap before or by 20:00 as I’ll be at the end of a 13 hour shift and tired while they will be fresh and alert. 

I’m genuinely not trying to be a dick, I do understand there are jobs where OT is a part of it but I just would never put myself in a position where I’d be doing it. My leisure time is vastly more important than work.

We are here once on this little planet and if it means I piss off Tim in accounts or a project goes a day over then I’m sorry but **** it, I don’t care and I’m going home. If your passionate about it and enjoy it then that’s different, if working extra hours brings you happiness then good for you. If you feel you have to or are worried about your job if you don’t stay over then you need a new job. Again, not trying to be a dick.


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7 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

It's a means to an end though isn't it?

Working extra hours doesn't bring me happiness. But it enables me to gain and keep a job that remunerates me to a level that enables me to do things that do bring me happiness.

If I constantly had to work long hours and meet impossible deadlines so that it was stressing me out then I would get a new job.


If you never work any extra time, or go the extra mile, or accept any stress or worry as part of your job then I think it would severely limit the amount of jobs you can have.

I could work behind a till for a living and be totally stress free and never eat into my leisure time, but I wouldn't be able to do or have most of the stuff that I do now so my leisure time would be significantly less enjoyable, imo.

Bang on. 

Given a choice i'd like to piss about working in a record shop but I don't want to have to live paycheque to paycheque for the rest of my life. That is why I push myself and work long hours if needed. What I am doing enables me to lead a comfortable life with no money worries. Plus a job that challenges me keeps my mind sharp. I don't work weekends, save for the occasional hour or two in very rare circumstances. Hopefully it will enable me to retire early as well. The thought of working until 60 doesn't appeal to me!

Edited by Xela
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12 hours ago, Designer1 said:

I regularly do about 4 or 5 extra hours a week but I get paid for it so it doesn't bother me one iota.

Although when I've had jobs in the past where no overtime is paid I'd still do a little bit here and there if it was desperately needed and helped out fellow workers. As long as it wasnt taking the piss i didn't mind.

Years ago (nearly 20) I worked for a certain well known advertising agency and was clocking up nearly 60 hours a week without overtime pay (contracted 37.5 hrs) because in those days, in the industry it was considered 'the thing to do' so i naively went along with it. Safe to say it's moved on a long way since then, at least in my experience. Horrendous piss take when I look back.


I've worked in media/advertising in the past and I have to say it's the worst industry I've ever worked in, total **** garbage and outrageous hours.

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13 hours ago, Xela said:

Bang on. 

Given a choice i'd like to piss about working in a record shop but I don't want to have to live paycheque to paycheque for the rest of my life. That is why I push myself and work long hours if needed. What I am doing enables me to lead a comfortable life with no money worries. Plus a job that challenges me keeps my mind sharp. I don't work weekends, save for the occasional hour or two in very rare circumstances. Hopefully it will enable me to retire early as well. The thought of working until 60 doesn't appeal to me!

I imagine it's great if you get yourself into a position in your 50s  where you have the choice to retire. I've got it into my head that I'll be working into my 60s, but aslong as I'm healthy, and my family are, and we are alright for money, I'm ok about it. Unless I win a big amount of money, I will be working up until 60 at least. I'd realistically like to retire when I'm 60, or at least be part time. 

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I'd have retired earlier than sixty if I could have afforded it (my best mate from work went at 55), but I had to wait until I'd paid off the mortgage. Compared to some jobs, mine wasn't so bad, but I was still heartlly glad to see the back of it. 

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I think I'd miss the buzz of work if I retire , even if this business went belly up I think I'd go back into IT or try and get a job with a niche travel company or something .. I don't see myself tending to my garden or driving up and down motorways visiting service stations as retired people seem to like doing :)

but never say never , I did jet wash the patio this week , they might make a retired person out of me yet


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When I'm older, I want to be a footballer.

At 31, with a torn hamstring, shit knees, and very little technique, no stamina in which to speak - how'd you rate my chances?

Inb4 "Gabby has dubbit lololol".

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