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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The use of the word 'respectively'.

X & Y finished 4th and 19th in the league respectively.

U & V paid £5 and £4,000 respectively for their cars.

I HATE it! Not needed any time. Ever.

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The use of the word 'respectively'.

X & Y finished 4th and 19th in the league respectively.

U & V paid £5 and £4,000 respectively for their cars.

I HATE it! Not needed any time. Ever.

Don't see your problem.

"X & Y went to the pub and the racetrack respectively" coveys more accurate information than ""X & Y went to the pub and the racetrack" - which could be taken to mean that they both went to both.

Useful word.

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I appreciated that nugget of info Mooney!

'Shift + F3' will come in handy at work Tomorrow!

If you keep doing it, it cycles through upper case, lower case and title case. It's very useful.
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I appreciated that nugget of info Mooney!

'Shift + F3' will come in handy at work Tomorrow!

If you keep doing it, it cycles through upper case, lower case and title case. It's very useful.

Being an experimental kinda fella, I had a go at that and found out when you first enlightened me!

Each day I copy and paste upper-case words into files around 40 times, this will increase my productivity and give me a huuuuuuuuuuge banker bonus!


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That Queen Lizzie is going to cause the shut down of almost all of Dublin while she is here.

No objections to her visit and I really hope it passes off peacefully but it's going to be hectic getting to and from work next week.

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Yeah :? Hopefully O'Bama doesn't disrupt the way Queenie is. Thankfully I don't need to go near the M50. That one doesn't bear thinking about.

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I just got told I'm selfish and only think of myself, why? because I poured a glass of Milk (a small one I might add). I didn't even use all the Milk up. Its funny considering I lent my parents £450 yesterday and haven't even mentioned them paying me back.

Another thing, my parents do the shopping and then moan that I have an unhealthy diet yet when I ask them to buy me some Blueberries or Strawberries, they won't 'too expensive' - £1.50 for a box? what happens to the £200 I give them every month?

And now I have left over Curry for dinner, and I don't mean left over curry from the previous night, I mean my dad has gotten the left overs from the fridge and mixed them into a Curry... it smells like an armpit. I think now hes out of work he must spend all day watching cooking programmes thinking "I could do that" except he has this "Ahh that will do, I can't be bothered" attitude.

I'm sure he must have seen someone cooking meat in wine and thought "Hmm, we've got some pork, don't like wine though but I do have an old bottle of beer!" so that was dinner on Saturday, pork cooked in beer and mustard powder. :puke:

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Food is a running 'piss me off' thing in our house.

I live with my parents still and my mom isn't a great cook, also an unwilling one, and also has a very conservative pallet. Fish fingers, mash, peas and parsely sauce is a still a staple in our house. Our meals are pretty basic, when mom can be arsed to cook it's usually either the above, cheap steak potatoes and peas, pork chops potatoes and peas, fry-ups (often just bacon sarnies even), the dreaded 'something on toast' and then the weekly Sunday roast. With a couple of takeaways of some sort chucked in and occasionally to mix it up we'll have a frozen pizza, or if I have something different there might be a frozen pie done. And all done with the distinct feeling of my mom just really not wanting to cook.

I'm not an amazing cook but I don't mind doing the cooking and trying to get something new going in the house. I've done lasagne a few times (completely from scratch bar the pasta), fajitas, other pasta dishes and so on, but it's always a thankless task as it's pathetically clear my mom would rather not be eating whatever I've made. Trying to introduce anything new to the menu is a pointless task and the meal time dirge continues on. My dad's fairly open to trying new stuff, and occasionally there's a breakthrough (a couple of years ago my mom wouldn't touch a pizza, no word of a lie. Now she'll eat it but remove pretty much anything other the cheese and tomato sauce). But blimey usually it's the same dull stuff week in week out. I struggle not to sigh when I hear it's something on toast again.

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I get you there Chindie. My dads not that bad but he can be reserved with his palate.

What pisses me off is the amount of kids my age who can't cook at all. I'm not an amazing cook, but I cook at least 5 times a week minimum.

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I don't even get the chance to cook usually, I get home from work after 6.30 and I'll come in and sit down for a few minutes and by the time I've taken my shoes off, I can hear frying pans being clattered, then I'll get moaned at that he always has to cook the dinner.

Another thing that annoys me is that he always uses the oven by the timer and not actually look at the food at all. As it says on the box, the time given is just a guideline, but to my dad, that is the precise time whatever it is needs cooking for.

Pizza for example, it says 20 minutes, so that's how long it will be cooked for, whether we end up with a spongy Pizza with cheese that looks like its sweating rather than melting or a piece of charcoal.

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I used to have that experience when I was a young 'un living at home. My mum was actually quite a good cook, but VERY conservative - always meat and two veg type meals. To be fair, that was partly because my dad wouldn't eat anything else.

Now we have the opposite experience - our 20-something daughters are still at home, and never cook anything beyond beans on toast, because my missus is a very good cook (and even I'm not that bad).

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Shift at work today had me seething by the end as well actually.

Dumb shift, spent all day 'de-sale-ing' the store, which meant digging through all the stock to find all the sale items (because the head office missed an absolute shitload of stuff they had on the sale on their price change circular). I spent the entire shift just peeling off stickers and putting on new ones.

But that couldn't be that simple - the hardware sale items aren't taken off sale til tomorrow and we don't know what price they will return to. And there isn't the time to do all the price changes on hardware before opening tomorrow, and we can't be paid for the overtime necessary to do it tonight. So we had to fudge it today returning all the prices to the previous price before sale and hoping thats correct come tomorrow. If it isn't, it has to be redone tomorrow and pray no-one wants to buy anything with the wrong price on it.

All while having to run the shop as usual.

And of course today is the one day I have to leave on time but also is the day we do our quarterly refresher on sales law, which has to be done in our own time. Thankfully I always start early so that left me 15 mins at the end of the shift to get that done. Sod's law thusly dictates that as I'm trying to get this thing done, the phone starts ringing for the first time all day and everyone else is tied up doing other stuff so I have to answer it. In the end I left later than I would do any other day.

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I appreciated that nugget of info Mooney!

'Shift + F3' will come in handy at work Tomorrow!

If you keep doing it, it cycles through upper case, lower case and title case. It's very useful.

THANK YOU SIR, see what I did there

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