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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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(And it was a different episode just to be pedantic ) :winkold:

From Nasty : clip here. :D

Wasn't that the same episode as the video quote?

No, the video quote was from 'Nasty' but I was referring to...

The video quote was from Nasty and the Alexei Sayle vampire/South African driving instructor bit (i.e. my quote) was from that same episode, too.

I think we've all got a bit tangled. :D

I was on about Jon's post :?

Me getting confused with the episodes FTL.

Sorry lads.


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Nah standing with binoculars is the way forward. Sitting means you're more likely to fall asleep.

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Last night. Last night very much pissed me off. Complete drunken chaos at my night job. So many stupid people. I swear to you all, if easy one night stands are what you want, my city MUST be the place to get them....sadly. The women at my job last night actually made me kind of hate being a woman from Florida. And the men reminded me of why I didn't date much. Even the live music sucked. :(

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I swear to you all, if easy one night stands are what you want, my city MUST be the place to get them....sadly.

You have my sympathies.

*books holiday*

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the fact that sky on their website pretty much admit that these M&S vouchers are a big **** con yet they still advertise them, 2 months and i havent had them, you ring them up and they claim that you have had them, you **** moan and they play your best mate doing you a favour, a month later still nothing

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the fact that sky on their website pretty much admit that these M&S vouchers are a big **** con yet they still advertise them, 2 months and i havent had them, you ring them up and they claim that you have had them, you **** moan and they play your best mate doing you a favour, a month later still nothing

On the matter of sky, ring and tell them that you're going to cancel and they'll give you half price for 6 months, no questions asked.

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Santander, was Bradford and Bingley.

We've had our mortgage with them since 1997, due to be paid off in two years' time. On a direct debit, never any problems with paying it.

Towards the end of last year we got a very stroppy letter from "Mortgage Express" (a subunit of B&B) claiming we were in arrears to the tune of £200 or so, and that if we didn't pay up immediately they would instigate legal action. WTF?

I phoned (and wrote) asking where they got this idea from, and nobody seemed to know. So I told them that unless they had some proof I wasn't interested. After weeks of to-ing and fro-ing somebody found a bit of paper that seemed to indicate that it was their cock-up. Right at the beginning of the direct debit, they didn't take the first month's payment, but started with what should have been the second. So in effect we've been paying a month in arrears. If they'd just pointed it out at the time it happened and taken a double payment I'd have been OK with it. Or just take an extra one at the end of the schedule. But no, in with the hobnail boots. And we've been getting endless phone calls (at all hours) from their call centre operatives about it, none of whom understand what's going on, or with any authority to sort it out.

We've written to them and to the Financial Ombudsman, complaining about their whole approach - because I'm not even sure they have the legal right to demand this after such a long time. It would probably have been cheaper to write it off than to keep phoning us!

Anyway, I finally got a sensible person from the call centre who acknowledged that it had been taken to a written correspondence and she seems to have taken us off the call list. I continue to play hardball.

Dontcha just love bureaucrats and money shufflers.

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One of the regulars we get in the shop has a bit of a condition. I've no idea what it is but it's clear he has some form of complaint. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, we have to explain things to him a few times for him to get it, and even then it's not clear he really completely understands what we're telling him. He especially struggles with the idea of trading something in, he sees it as swapping things and we have to be really careful to tell him it's not quite like that.

He also seems to act generally like he's slightly over-excited all the time, and when he's speaking he struggles to get over words sometimes, the best way I can describe it is its a bit like a record skipping, not quite a like stammer, like his brain is running ahead of his mouth and he just gets caught in a sentence. Everything he says is rapid fire and loud and then he'll stumble and get stuck for a few seconds before carrying on in this break neck excited speed, and because of that he also spits a bit when he talks and so on. He often comes in for more of a chat than anything which almost makes it worse, he's very enthusiastic and I think he likes to just come in and talk about something that interests him a lot of the time.

He's a nice chap, and I feel a bit sorry for him because it's clear that he's slightly annoyed in himself that sometimes he struggles with what he wants to say or do, but the thing that I find annoying is that because of his trouble with words and not being totally on the ball, he's very difficult sometimes to deal with, especially when it's busy, and it always seems to be me that serves him. When he's running ahead of himself I subconsciously want to drop in the word he's stuck on so we can get to the point, and it starts to grate when we're having to go over the concept of him trading in something for this amount so he get that for this amount again and again in more and more simple terms.

This then pisses me off even more because I know I shouldn't feel like that, he can't help it and frankly some of the other customers who have nothing wrong with them are as bad if not worse (as spending 5 minutes explaining the concept that I can look up someone on the system so they can earn points but they can't use the points without their card will attest). It pisses me off that sometimes it pisses me off that this fella, a nice guy, is a bit awkward for us :|

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