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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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9 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

It's been going for over a century, and started for a very good cause, of obtaining equal working rights and pay for women, as well as the right to vote. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with supporting it, as it's part of working class, and feminist history. It's a day to remember those who struggled in the past, and those that still do today. I think in the current climate, women showing solidarity around the world, isn't a bad thing, especially as some of the powers that be are actually regressing women's rights.


I'm not against a day recognising the achievements of women ,  men , children , dogs , carrier pigeons or whatever  but I'd rather people actually recognised the achievements of people  on that day ... lets have a focus on yer Pankhursts , Parks ,Yousafzai , Skłodowska , Thatcher :) , even your Dusty Springfield's who stood up to Apartheid in SA and got deported as a  result  ...  I appreciate what some were campaigning for yesterday but I think a celebration would have been more fitting, I didn't' really get the impression that was happening yesterday  ? to some extent it just looked like another event hijacked by agendas ( the US campaigns being organised and lead by the same people who arranged anti Trump marches previously)

I'd have thought a more fitting tribute to women yesterday would have been for world governments to make a plan to go out and eradicate something like boko haram rather than shutting down schools for a day ...


 Anyway I hope all these women that were protesting on the streets yesterday  for equality and so on are suitably rested for March 14th  , those steaks won't cook themselves you know

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2 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

I'm not against a day recognising the achievements of women ,  men , children , dogs , carrier pigeons or whatever  but I'd rather people actually recognised the achievements of people  on that day ... lets have a focus on yer Pankhursts , Parks ,Yousafzai , Skłodowska , Thatcher :) , even your Dusty Springfield's who stood up to Apartheid in SA and got deported as a  result  ...  I appreciate what some were campaigning for yesterday but I think a celebration would have been more fitting, I didn't' really get the impression that was happening yesterday  ? to some extent it just looked like another event hijacked by agendas ( the US campaigns being organised and lead by the same people who arranged anti Trump marches previously)

I'd have thought a more fitting tribute to women yesterday would have been for world governments to make a plan to go out and eradicate something like boko haram rather than shutting down schools for a day ...


 Anyway I hope all these women that were protesting on the streets yesterday  for equality and so on are suitably rested for March 14th  , those steaks won't cook themselves you know

As far as I saw, it was a celebration of women's achievements, as well as raising awareness of current struggles. On my social media feeds, I saw tributes to Pakhurst, Parks, Katherine Johnson & Dorothy Vaughan, Maya Angelou, female spitfire pilots, even a squadron of female Russian snipers! I also went to an event, with subject ranging from grass roots activism by Durham Teaching Assistance (who are facing massive pay cuts), to a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. It wasn't all about disrupting, and pushing agendas, although to be honest, I say it's entirely up to women on how they want to mark International Women's Day. If that's what they want to do, go for it. 

I agree that the international community, and governments could do more a lot more to eradicate groups like Boko Haram, but isn't that something they should be doing 365 days a year? One day for women to push the agenda, and voice their concerns isn't too much to ask for surely? 

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21 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

As far as I saw, it was a celebration of women's achievements, as well as raising awareness of current struggles. On my social media feeds, I saw tributes to Pakhurst, Parks, Katherine Johnson & Dorothy Vaughan, Maya Angelou, female spitfire pilots, even a squadron of female Russian snipers! I also went to an event, with subject ranging from grass roots activism by Durham Teaching Assistance (who are facing massive pay cuts), to a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. It wasn't all about disrupting, and pushing agendas, although to be honest, I say it's entirely up to women on how they want to mark International Women's Day. If that's what they want to do, go for it. 

I agree that the international community, and governments could do more a lot more to eradicate groups like Boko Haram, but isn't that something they should be doing 365 days a year? One day for women to push the agenda, and voice their concerns isn't too much to ask for surely? 

you must have more highbrow friends than me as I didn't see anything like that on social media :) 



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1 minute ago, tonyh29 said:

you must have more highbrow friends than me as I didn't see anything like that on social media :) 



Don't worry, there were plenty of immature dick and fart jokes to even it out.

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5 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

Rachel looked delightful today but somewhat tempered by the fact her boyfriend was in dictionary corner looking smug as ****.

you have to decide if you are a lion or a mouse

the boyfriend looking on from the corner should be an inspiration not an inhibition

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Bought a packet of Refreshers Softies today for my lunch

Half way through the packet I found one of those pink candy shrimps , that clearly didn't belong in the packet

Now I'm quite partial to candy shrimps so I ate it anyway , but I'm pissed off at the clear failure in Barratt's quality control , a small part of me feels I should have kept the shrimp and started a twitter style campaign demanding someone gets sacked at the Barratt factory


Anyone else ever found something that doesn't belong in a packet of sweets ? 

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21 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

This isn't the first time you've commented on pronouns. Maybe you've got an agender of your own :P

Are you assuming my agender ;)

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19 hours ago, KHV said:


Not Stormzy per se, but grime music. I have tried to listen to it but it just sounds awful

I guess that is the joy of music, different strokes for different folks. 

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34 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

Bought a packet of Refreshers Softies today for my lunch

Half way through the packet I found one of those pink candy shrimps , that clearly didn't belong in the packet

Now I'm quite partial to candy shrimps so I ate it anyway , but I'm pissed off at the clear failure in Barratt's quality control , a small part of me feels I should have kept the shrimp and started a twitter style campaign demanding someone gets sacked at the Barratt factory


Anyone else ever found something that doesn't belong in a packet of sweets ? 

i found dejection and disappointment in a pack of percy pigs once

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19 minutes ago, Xela said:

i found dejection and disappointment in a pack of percy pigs once

You would not have liked the jellybeans my colleague had from pound land then. Contained horror and damnation and weren't even terribly nice to boot. 

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I was at an Art Gallery earlier and there was a total scruff wearing trainers, jeans and some kind of T Shirt for some kind of "music" band. 

These scruffs make my blood boil bringing down the ambience of the gallery. I had to give him a right filthy look to vent my disapproval.  I'm pretty sure he got the message. 

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On 08/03/2017 at 12:33, Davkaus said:

The more I engage in social media and hide people's posts, the more I realise that I don't really like anybody at all. 

I find that in the main people are unquestionably shit. 

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On 05/03/2017 at 22:23, Shropshire Lad said:

Those smug "visit California" adverts.

They actually make me not want to visit La La Land just to snub them the patronising A holes. It's a horrible horrible advert designed to make you think your life is shit to make you want to go over there and bask in their perfect life glow for a bit before you go back to your rainy foggy black and white pit. 

I would prefer to sit in my lovely English Garden sipping some real beer with a jolly cream tea thankyouohsoverymuch. 

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On 06/03/2017 at 14:41, lapal_fan said:

That viral video going around of that 40-something year old bloke phoning a primary school up, pretending to be a 4 year old, telling the school he won't be in today because he's sick.

In the call he says things like "my mom and dad are in bed and they told me to ring you"

"They are lazy"

"what's your name" after calling himself "timmy".

I like funny videos or whatever, but that one, for some reason really cheesed me off.

He's filming it himself, sat in the kitchen, so there is ZERO spectacle, his voice is just high pitched and really doesn't even sound like a child, he's from "oop north" making it even more irritating.  The person he's calling is obviously quite concerned about this "child" and his whereabouts, and if he's safe.. He's wasting this persons time, when I'm sure the school would benefit her time being spent on actually helping people who need help, or clogging up the phone line for a 10 minute prank call..

And it's been viewed 10 billion times, everyone seemingly loves it, and you know the bloke that did it will think he's the bollocks and he'll do another one and it'll become "a thing".

Faaaackin' ell' Arry'

It's all going to be kids though who haven't a clue. 

When I was at a house party at school one of the lads (who is now a fairly well know jazz musician) sat on the phone wearing if I recall some green fishing waders and yellow rubber gloves whilst smoking a spliff and called the Samaritans saying he was suicidal, crying a lot and slowly stuttering out a story about how he was a disgusting animal because he had got his mum pregnant. 

We laughed and laughed, literally in pain. At that time it was in my mind without doubt the funniest thing I had ever witnessed. I though he was a genius 

Now fully adult I look back with horror. When you are young you just don't see the other side of what you are doing you live in the moment too much.  I can well imagine my kids finding that school video just amazing. 

Edited by sidcow
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