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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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One of my missus' FB mates has become a grandmother again.

The parents have called it "Talleah-Beau".

If the parents are actually on this site, have a **** word with yourselves FFS

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5 hours ago, mottaloo said:

In all fairness to talksport, they do have one jewel in the crown in Paul Hawksbee, whose show that idiot Parry has taken over for the week.

Genuinely funny bloke, PH and the only reason I listen to talkshite radio

He's tolerable. I actually really like Danny Kelly, unfortunately they're all out balanced by the likes of, Jim White, Goffy, Adrian Durham, Alan Brazil, Jason Cundy, Mickey ******* Quinn, etc. 

Edited by dAVe80
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1 hour ago, Seat68 said:

**** ludicrous, I unfriend people if they give ludicrous names to their children, satisfying their own **** vanity. 

Oh and the comments...

"lovely name"

"She's beautiful"


And over and over.

No,  she's not beautiful. She's a squashed up purpley bit of wailing flesh.

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2 hours ago, rjw63 said:

One of my missus' FB mates has become a grandmother again.

The parents have called it "Talleah-Beau".

If the parents are actually on this site, have a **** word with yourselves FFS

Sounds like something an RAF officer would say whilst taking a dump.

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3 hours ago, rjw63 said:

One of my missus' FB mates has become a grandmother again.

The parents have called it "Talleah-Beau".

If the parents are actually on this site, have a **** word with yourselves FFS

I don't even know if that's a male or female name?

Maybe I shouldn't assume, it could be a non binary gender fluid morphing into a pangender cis female in a non hetronormative world. **** the patriarchy! 

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1 hour ago, rjw63 said:

Oh and the comments...

"lovely name"

"She's beautiful"


And over and over.

No,  she's not beautiful. She's a squashed up purpley bit of wailing flesh.

All babies look like jacket potatoes with eyes. Fact.


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Driving to work then fancying a few beers with my colleagues. Don't want to leave my car at work so just had half and come home. 

If I was a footballer I'd just drink and drive and not worry about the consequences. 

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4 hours ago, rjw63 said:

Oh and the comments...

"lovely name"

"She's beautiful"


And over and over.

No,  she's not beautiful. She's a squashed up purpley bit of wailing flesh.

On a similar theme, when someone has a truly shit tattoo, really shit in a terrible location ... and everyone says how brilliant it is. I hate that no one will say the truth.

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20 minutes ago, Genie said:

On a similar theme, when someone has a truly shit tattoo, really shit in a terrible location ... and everyone says how brilliant it is. I hate that no one will say the truth.

yes, this.

Also, when some couple take a selfie, and they are blatantly descended from Cro-Magnon Man and have more chins than a Chinese phone book, people put "lovely pic".

Lying bastards. Or blind.

Edited by rjw63
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The big thing with bogan parents here is the intentional mis spelling of common names. Their intention is to give the child something individual, but instead sets their kid up for future mockery, and makes the parents look like illiterate inbred idiots.

Eg. Jacin. Stefany. Byanka. Jonnathen.

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