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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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On 9/6/2016 at 07:05, dont_do_it_doug. said:

My father is going to die soon from alcohol abuse.

I haven't spoken to him in about 4 months since he got out of clink and made a token two week effort to stay sober. Before he went inside, for a drink related incident, I don't think I spoke to him for a good 12 months. 

He's a lovely bloke when he's sober. Charming, funny, bright, adorable like a puppy dog. He's noteworthy. But when it comes to the crunch, he's a piss taker and he's selfish and he's caused no end of emotional harm to my family. That includes myself, though I've only just started to realise how much. I'll never talk to him again and the next time I see him he will be in a casket. That's a nasty thing to deal with.

Addiction is a debilitating disease, I've seen it first hand not only with him but with my mother, who is thankfully in recovery. I get it. I don't envy their problems and addicts mostly have my sympathy. However, what a lot of addicts claim to know but don't really appreciate is that it's not only they who are affected by their addiction. The people close to them are along for the ride too. When they pick up the bottle or the bag they're making that decision for those people too. 

The last time I saw him was the day before the Newcastle game last season. He was going to come but claimed it was a bit too short notice for him. As most of you know I was part of the protest group and I was dead proud of what we achieved that day. The march, the beach balls, it was electric. My Mom thought it was all a bit daft, as Mother's do, but my dad? Absolutely no idea. He was already back on the piss. I'm a 33 year old man so I don't need my father's approval, it just would have been nice. One last time. 

That probably should all piss me off, true. But what pisses me off even more yet shouldn't is that I'm writing this while having a shit, such is my contempt for the situation! 

I haven't spoken to, seen, or had anything to do with mine for close to 9 years. For the same reason. A total pisspot with no thought of how his behaviour when he's had a few affects those around him.

We got into it all those years back - verbally and physically - and haven't seen each other since. I don't miss him either. I miss having a father, but I don't miss him, as such. 

He's 74 now, and still on it. How he's lasted this long, I don't know. But I've been told I'm not welcome at his funeral; and I don't intend going...


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my dad quit booze cold turkey on doctor's orders, when he was about 67. he could down a liter of jameson and 6 becks a night, no problem. 

but he did quit. unfortunately his other major vice killed him [tobacco]

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cant sleep more than 4-5 hours past week. tired alllll the time so i cba to work. taken week off so far and will continue to do so. Let me sleep so i can make some $ pls world

but i get to play xbox all day soooooo swings and roundabouts

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I couldn't really get addicted to alcohol and I've no interest in taking up smoking / drugs etc. 

Alcohol really hurts with acid reflux so I can't drink anything strong. My limit is about 3 pints of normal beer before my body decides no more and I'll be puking later.

But I do like a few bottles of IPA to relax so I have to watch it doesn't get to be every night. I'll have a week off now and again or a few days just to ensure it doesn't become a habit.

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1 hour ago, gharperr said:

cant sleep more than 4-5 hours past week. tired alllll the time so i cba to work. taken week off so far and will continue to do so. Let me sleep so i can make some $ pls world

but i get to play xbox all day soooooo swings and roundabouts

Playing xbox all day wont help you sleep, in fact it will hinder your sleeping.

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I'd hate my kids to feel the same way about me like some VTers feel about their dads. I'm lucky I had a stable upbringing which was down to my grandparents as my biological father done one and my mum wasn't the greatest mum in the world but yeah my grandparents took control and neither of them drank. My mum has always been a drinker and I hated it when I was a kid and in my early teens. I still don't like being around my mum when she's drunk. So bloody annoying.

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14 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

I would imagine my teenage kids think I'm pretty **** amazing and cool.

They haven't actually said it, but I can sense these things.

I can see that if I'm honest, your a pretty cool kind of guy. If only you listened to good music you would be perfect :D

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Ever notice how, on facebook, the people who put up most of those pictures telling you not to worry about what people say about you, are the very people who put up statuses vaguebooking about how people are talking about them.


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The clouds of concentrated vomit essence that seem to materialised every 100m or so in the city centre at the moment.

People who can see you're having lunch but have decided you're working to their schedule so come over to discuss a completely non-urgent matter that absolutely can wait for the half an hour I've got to finish my crisps and read the news.

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3 minutes ago, Chindie said:

People who can see you're having lunch but have decided you're working to their schedule so come over to discuss a completely non-urgent matter that absolutely can wait for the half an hour I've got to finish my crisps and read the news.


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My mate is having a party for his 30th birthday next month, but he's decided it's a fancy dress party. Why do people feel the need to do these things? Now I've got to spend un-necessary money on some shit outfit I'll never wear again. If I don't go in fancy dress though I'll likely be the only one there that hasn't bothered and the abuse I'll get will be unbearable. 

Theme is 'through the ages'... any suggestions on the cheap?

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