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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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So what if your in a restaurant an you have the autistic kids or handicapped shouting there head off. It has happened to me previously in TGI's. I do have sympathy, but very much still blame the parents. They seemed to think it was allowed because the guy was autistic. But not once did they try to stop him from screaming out.


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39 minutes ago, Xela said:

This was the question and options on a school survey regarding gender. What the hell? I know the article is a few months old but I read another story today that claims a child is being denied a bank account because you have to choose either male or female on your application form and as they don't relate to either sex then they can't fill the form in! Without sounding all Alf Garnett, what is going on with some kids nowadays? Its all pansexual cisgender males and demiqueer non-binary females now. People with too much time on their hands!

Anyway, what a load of old bullshit 


The Argus:

Is your 8 year old acting up? It's ADHD, here some pills!

is your 10 year old daughter a bit of a tomboy, well she's just gender fluid with a touch of androgyny!

too many labels these days, let's just let kids be kids maybe....

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5 minutes ago, Xela said:

Few questions (for clarity) :)

1. Who pissed on you? Your daughter by accident or your missus on purpose?

2. How on earth did you shit yourself? I have a chronic bowel disease and I've never shit myself, although I did come close in Starbucks once but luckily the disabled toilet was free (the frappuccino went through me like a dose of salts)

missus pissed on me friday night :) well after a night on the ale on friday, saturday i was a bit tender around the bowel area. anyway we were in asda buying the kids some toys and i had terrible wind so i just kept walking around asda leaving a trail of farts and i ended up following through. costa coffee was near by so i went there to clean up but the toilets were locked and i didnt want to ask for the key because there was a big queue and i didnt fancy standing there smelling of shit. ended up back in the car and to the nearest pub so i could sort myself out.

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The incessant glorification of the military in the U.S. We have Veterans Day and Memorial Day, but that's not enough. Sports teams wearing camouflage uniforms, for no apparent reason, pre game "ceremonies" held on random days...The knee-jerk "Thank you for defending our freedom" nonsense you hear every **** day. 

There is a real psychological mass effect in play right now, an sneakily oppressive pacification of the populace. Police departments look like Special Ops forces. I worry for the future.



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Had a massive argument with my boss today and ended up calling him **** useless and almost walking out.  I just wish he'd piss off.  Can't believe I got away with calling him **** useless, but I guess that's because he's **** useless.  I really don't want to continue working there but finding something else is kind of hard.

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5 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

Had a massive argument with my boss today and ended up calling him **** useless and almost walking out.  I just wish he'd piss off.  Can't believe I got away with calling him **** useless, but I guess that's because he's **** useless.  I really don't want to continue working there but finding something else is kind of hard.

In my experience, sometimes standing up to a dickhead boss is the best way to deal with one. Be a dick right back, it's the language they best understand.

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25 minutes ago, PompeyVillan said:

The American way of ordering food is catching on here.

"I'll get a.. "

"I want a..."

It's just a bit too direct and too close "Get me a drink" for my liking.

It's also the Spanish way.

Very hard to get used to.

They just don't say "May I have..." or "Can I have..."

They just say "I want..." "Get me..."

It's not a manners thing, they still say please. That's just how it is.

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4 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

I like my job, but lately the rota'ing has been awful.

I keep getting put on 2pm - 10pm and every time I work this shift, everyone is miraculously sick so I'm left to do the job of 3 people. Getting ridiculously fed up with it.

To add to this, 2 people who didn't come in took emergency leave (4 days a year). My boss is able to say no to it but didn't. I was talking about it to my colleague who was starting the night shift and my supervisor had a go at me saying I talk too much about it. 

I do but my moaning has actually changed things that were wrong in the past. It's hard to explain but I do well every month in every stat, then get given crap shifts with people who call in sick and leave me to do the work

Eligible for promotion in 2 weeks. Can't come soon enough. 

However my bosses have put a promotion freeze in place in the past so it wouldn't surprise me to see them do the same again.  


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1 hour ago, PompeyVillan said:

The American way of ordering food is catching on here.

"I'll get a.. "

"I want a..."

It's just a bit too direct and too close "Get me a drink" for my liking.


Oh man...'can i get....' this annoys me way too much!

No you can't get it, that's my job, but you can have it by all means!


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2 hours ago, Xela said:

This was the question and options on a school survey regarding gender. What the hell? I know the article is a few months old but I read another story today that claims a child is being denied a bank account because you have to choose either male or female on your application form and as they don't relate to either sex then they can't fill the form in! Without sounding all Alf Garnett, what is going on with some kids nowadays? Its all pansexual cisgender males and demiqueer non-binary females now. People with too much time on their hands!

Anyway, what a load of old bullshit 


The Argus:

My immediate assumption was that this must be some kind of hoax, but googling around apparently not. 

It's good to make people feel included no matter what, but obviously some degree of common sense is required. The immediately obvious question is why they didn't have three boxes saying something like 'boy', 'girl', '_________________', or if they wanted to be more PC about it, 'defines as boy', 'defines as girl', 'defines as __________'. 

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I don't think the Children's Commissioner is saying once you've ticked a box you have to stick with it.

I'd suggest that for the great majority of teenagers up to 18 years old asked to fill this in, the answer will be a spectacularly simple one. For that tiny minority of people that already know at 13, 14 , 17, 18 that they are something else then there are boxes there for them too. It kind of suggests there are lots of version of normal, doesn't it.

I'd also guess, that if a 17 year old doesn't know what a trans girl is, then that's probably not the box to tick.

So many people hung up with everyone else having to conform. Exactly how many parents have complained about this I wonder? I bet no parent with a child that is struggling with their gender has complained about this national survey.

There you go, I must be very right on. 

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1 hour ago, sharkyvilla said:

Had a massive argument with my boss today and ended up calling him **** useless and almost walking out.  I just wish he'd piss off.  Can't believe I got away with calling him **** useless, but I guess that's because he's **** useless.  I really don't want to continue working there but finding something else is kind of hard.

We had a ridiculous budget last month which was set with view to having 2 more staff, which never happened, though we still managed it. It equates to a record month profit wise which has never been done before. I am still waiting for acknowledgement from our boss.

The only thing he said to one of the guys is "I told you it wasn't that hard", which has infuriated us. We have missed lunch hours all month 10 hours a day full on, to achieve this, an we haven't even had a thanks. He has no F**** idea.

I would have a fit, but he has been paying me extra bonus since the begining of the year, an I don't wanna lose it by calling him a clearing in the woods.

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The whole gender issue thing, for what seems to be a depressingly large number, does scream of people with way too much time on their hands desperate to be unique or find a problem with the 'system'. All detracts credibility from people who truly are suffering real issues related to gender. Stumbled across a list of genders on Tumblr not that long ago, must be over a hundred. http://genderfluidsupport.tumblr.com/gender/

My personal favourite:  Verangender - "A gender that seems to shift/change the moment it is identified"

What a time to be alive.

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3 minutes ago, penguin said:

The whole gender issue thing, for what seems to be a depressingly large number, does scream of people with way too much time on their hands desperate to be unique or find a problem with the 'system'. All detracts credibility from people who truly are suffering real issues related to gender. Stumbled across a list of genders on Tumblr not that long ago, must be over a hundred. http://genderfluidsupport.tumblr.com/gender/

My personal favourite:  Verangender - "A gender that seems to shift/change the moment it is identified"

What a time to be alive.

I feel like you're being microaggressive

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