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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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12 hours ago, villaglint said:

Pretty sure this is OK to be pissed off about but I don't know where else to put it.

Found out my 4yr old didn't get into the catchment school today. First time they have ever turned people away from within their catchment area. A lot of extra people applied which has surprised a lot of people. Obviously we had several back ups but we didn't get into any of those either. In our area the catchment school is pretty much your only option.

Long and short of it is we are now faced with a 1hr commute twice a day or approx £550-800 per month on private school fees that I hadn't anticipated.

So a pretty hefty pay cut or a cut in my available life hours.


Massive grounds for appeal there. 

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8 hours ago, Tayls said:

So my mates have given me a list of items I need to get for my stag do. On the list, among other things, they have put a Porn Mag, Tissues and Lube, but all on the same receipt!! 

Now, I don't mind buying the items, it's just that I cannot find anywhere to get them all in one place... Gone to 3 petrol stations, a corner shop and checked tesco even though I knew they didn't sell porn mags... What am I going to do. If I don't complete the list I don't get to take clothes on my stag :( ... I had 48hrs. Am I missing a trick here...

Go to an actual adult shop? Or Anne Summers. I don't know about tissues though. 

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@villaglint What was the criteria? Was it simply closest first, with a couple of exceptions for siblings already in the school? Or was there some other thing they threw in the mix?

We had to move house* to get further away from the worst school in town, which to state the obvious, has cost us thousands over the years. I only had to move a couple of blocks, but it put me the other side of a line on a map. Even then, the closest school tried to tell us we wouldn't get an automatic place as there was a 'waiting list'. I had to point out that we live 200 metres away. and I was giving them 12 months notice. Yet once we were in that school I'd say I failed to recognise about 90% of the drivers coming in from far and wide to drop off their little darlings. 

Gone are the days of most of the kids walking to the school down the road. 

* yep, I became part of the problem.

Criteria was siblings and then distance to the school. Essentially it's become clear our house is in a dead zone as far as the school system is concerned. We are 0.59 miles from our catchment school, cut off was 0.45 miles. Next nearest school is a church one which we also applied to that is 0.42 miles from us and the cut off was 0.14 miles so about 260 yards.

It did cross my mind to move last night but last year my father in law built an extension at our house and then passed away out of no where. The work he did is a bit of a monument to him so I don't think moving is an option.

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My little girl managed to get into our first choice school. It was a tricky one, we live in Staffordshire but literally 150m from the Warwickshire border, the school is in Warwickshire so classed as an out of county application. The school we wanted is about 1.5 miles from our house but there are 2 in Staffordshire (that are bloody dreadful) about 1.1 / 1.2 miles away.

We put in the application that we wouldn't consider the 2 nearer schools as they were crap and would appeal any negative decision. Not sure if it helped or not. This primary school also feeds into the only 'Outstanding' high school in the local area too.

My advice villaglint is to lodge and appeal ASAP.

Edited by Genie
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Probably more one that "should "piss me off but went to the cinema yesterday with the kids ... Film ended and we picked up our rubbish and left 

the rest of the cinema looked liked something post apocalypse , rubbish everywhere , popcorn on the floor , empty drinks containers abandoned 

scummers the lot of them , cinemas should save money on pointless don't video the film on your mobile  ads and replace it with take your rubbish home you lazy word removed ads instead 

Yep, I work at a cinema so I know how it feels to clean up after one! We don't mind if the popcorn box and drink (for example) were left on the seat, as it's easy to just pick up and pop in the rubbish bag. When there's popcorn absolutely everywhere, nacho cheese spilt everywhere, ice cream on the floor etc. then it's annoying.

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3 hours ago, villaglint said:

Jon I haven't looked into it yet but what grounds do you think there would be?

Well, I thought they pretty much HAVE to get you into the school in your catchment, if that is what you out down as your first choice? If they are trying to send you to somewhere an hour or so away, then that is just lunacy. You could easily appeal on the grounds that you don't have the time or money to take your child that far. Say that you are going to write to your local MP or something. Kick up a fuss. Seems to be what genie did, and it worked for him ... 

We didn't get any of our 3 choices (though we didn't apply to the school in our catchment area), but have ended up at a decent-ish school not too far away.

Seems we are in a high birth year, which is a bit of a bummer for things like this ....

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4 hours ago, ismail-villa said:

Yep, I work at a cinema so I know how it feels to clean up after one! We don't mind if the popcorn box and drink (for example) were left on the seat, as it's easy to just pick up and pop in the rubbish bag. When there's popcorn absolutely everywhere, nacho cheese spilt everywhere, ice cream on the floor etc. then it's annoying.

I accidently knocked my popcorn over last time I went to the cinema.
Suffice to say I left it.

Sorry Bro.

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I accidently knocked my popcorn over last time I went to the cinema.

Suffice to say I left it.

Sorry Bro.

There's a special place in hell reserved for you as a thank you :) haha nah if it's accidental then that's cool, it happened to me recently too but i but as much as i could back in the box (after finishing the popcorn of course haha). There's just some people who blatantly make a mess on purpose.

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I was at a funeral today and bumped into some friends I haven't seen in years. One guy has a 20 year old son. These mid forty years are strange. For me it's a strange mix of still feeling young, but also truly feeling middle aged in many ways. Perfect example is this kid at work who is about 27 starts talking about his basketball prowess. So I challenged him to a game, talking a ton of shit myself :D

He won by a single point and my back was **** up for the next three weeks.

Negotiating newly discovered physical limitations is a bitch. And I knock on wood I'm not a cripple.


Edited by maqroll
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People actually defending Gabby's behaviour on facebook :bang:  Dunno why but that really f**king boils my piss.  What the f**k does he have to do for those fans to finally say 'yeah get him out'?

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39 minutes ago, BOF said:

People actually defending Gabby's behaviour on facebook :bang:  Dunno why but that really f**king boils my piss.  What the f**k does he have to do for those fans to finally say 'yeah get him out'?

There's people defending his behaviour on this forum.

MInd you it's posterswho wanted N'Zogbia in the team quite a lot, so they obviously have a thing for players who couldn't give 2 shits.

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6 hours ago, maqroll said:

I was at a funeral today and bumped into some friends I haven't seen in years. One guy has a 20 year old son. These mid forty years are strange. For me it's a strange mix of still feeling young, but also truly feeling middle aged in many ways. Perfect example is this kid at work who is about 27 starts talking about his basketball prowess. So I challenged him to a game, talking a ton of shit myself :D

He won by a single point and my back was **** up for the next three weeks.

Negotiating newly discovered physical limitations is a bitch. And I knock on wood I'm not a cripple.


I turn 30 next year which doesn't bother me at all, except that if I was a footballer, I'd be considering retiring soon.

In a few years I'm not going to be able to compare my age to players anymore, it's going to be managers.

I felt a strange transition between looking up to and idolising footballers, to becoming a few years older than the majority of Villa's starting lineup. I think I'd feel a bit daft asking Grealish for a photo.


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A local wannabe political candidate has posted this picture on twatter.

There is so much wrong with it I can't even get my head around it, from twee china cups for the tea, communal sugar bowl, a plate of bean juice, no egg, brown toast, jam on a **** crumpet, offensively awful cruet set. All those little place mats, not matching the horrid table cloth and then not even used, cups not matching plates that don't match the table cloth. Table cloths full stop.

Let's not even go down the whole subject of taking photo's of your food, or going to your nan's house for a polite version of a builder's breakfast.

Just no.



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35 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

There's people defending his behaviour on this forum.

MInd you it's posterswho wanted N'Zogbia in the team quite a lot, so they obviously have a thing for players who couldn't give 2 shits.


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There's an Irish guy who works at my company. He moved to Poland due to his girlfriend who he met when she was on Erasmus in Ireland.

He posted a news article about Foreigners not being able to leave their homes in another city, with disrespectful comments to Poles. When he lives in Poland, has Polish co-workers on Facebook and has a Polish gf etc. The comments included:


Poland is stuck in the 1930's. I'm sick of living in a backwater like this. Never liked this place. II could leave at the drop of a hat. Feels like anything east of Germany is a redneck swamp


And don't blame me for the everyday shit i see here. From government to everyday situations with ordinary people this country is ignorant, intolerant and stupid to the core

This would be bad enough, but the kicker is, this guy stabbed a Polish guy about 2 years ago. I don't know any Poles that have attacked any foreigners, but he's the only foreigner who I know has attacked a Pole.

The comments destroyed him.

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2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:


A local wannabe political candidate has posted this picture on twatter.

There is so much wrong with it I can't even get my head around it, from twee china cups for the tea, communal sugar bowl, a plate of bean juice, no egg, brown toast, jam on a **** crumpet, offensively awful cruet set. All those little place mats, not matching the horrid table cloth and then not even used, cups not matching plates that don't match the table cloth. Table cloths full stop.

Let's not even go down the whole subject of taking photo's of your food, or going to your nan's house for a polite version of a builder's breakfast.

Just no.


I hadn't realised there was so much wrong with it until I read your rant.  Now I'm annoyed too :angry: The uncultured swine.

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