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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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1 hour ago, BOF said:

On the flipside, I was joining a motorway recently and was more than willing to use any amount of the sliproad in order for the main traffic to allow me to merge safely.  But some utter bunglec**t in the inside lane decided to match me mph for mph and tried to railroad me into the grass at the end.  Y'see this wasn't a merging lane that became a hard shoulder.  It became a f**king 45 degree inclined grass margin.  C**tie knew exactly what she was at, and even used her horn as she tried to engineer a f**king accident!  Like she was seriously put out by me wanting to use the motorway.  I ended up having to give it the diddy as I ran out of road and get out just in front of her.  I somehow resisted the urge to brake test the shit (literally) out of her and went on my merry way.  Some drivers...

Should of just fish tailed the biatch :D

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No I like the moral high ground on the road.  I'm a very patient and placid driver which is why I find behaviour like hers to be completely perplexing.  She was presumably taking something out on me that happened earlier on.  I dunno.  Anyway, I find the best way to deal with an angry person is an exaggerated wave and a smile.  I find it really brings them to the next level :D

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30 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

This. Slowing motorway traffic to 50mph DOES help flow and minimise jams. I've actually noticed it on regular long journeys.

M4 and M25 are significantly faster and easier to negotiate when there are enforced variable speed limits with working average speed cameras.

If the entire network was speed restricted and speed cameras were everywhere it would be a significantly better experience. Sales of Audis would be hit hard, but that's no concern of mine.




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3 hours ago, Kingman said:

rocket polishers trying to join motorways or main A-roads in the first 50ft of the merging slip road. 

The **** slip road is 500 yards long for a **** reason so **** use it you **** words removed. 

For those that don't drive and are sat in jams as a passenger or on a bus this one of the main reasons why you are choking on co2's. 

Thus is what contributes to the backing up of the slip roads which in turn then clogs up the island, which then cascades and blocks down all the main approach roads which in turn then blocks up all the **** side streets and often has you stuck on the **** car park.

You know who you are so please stop doing it, You complete and utter words removed! 

Thank You. 

If I've understood you correctly, I think the reason people do this is (ironically) to try and avoid being a word removed. If there is heavy traffic on the road they want to merge onto then I think they are only trying to, in effect, join the queue and don't want to be seen as pushing in further down. Either that or just taking the first gap that they see due to incidences of dickheadedness from drivers in the inside lane, as suffered by BOF. 

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3 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

M4 and M25 are significantly faster and easier to negotiate when there are enforced variable speed limits with working average speed cameras.

If the entire network was speed restricted and speed cameras were everywhere it would be a significantly better experience. Sales of Audis would be hit hard, but that's no concern of mine.




I think I'd stop driving if they put speed cameras everywhere ..not necessarily by choice I hasten to add !!

 yeah I know I should obey ze law but the law needs to gewt with the times and put the speed limit up to at least 80 on the motorway

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Yeah they don't need them everywhere. But on stretches where it very regularly gets jammed (like the M42 that I use) it seems to work.

As long as they turn them off when it's clear then it's fine with me.

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when it comes to joining a road or 3 lines dropping to 2 I'm a fan of the one  in rule ... you let one car filter in and then the next car filters in behind you  ....  if everyone does it the road moves quite well ..if some dickhead tries to become 2 in usually some arsey bloke tries to stop him and they go nose to tail and the road tails back behind them 


I saw one a few months back on the road by Stonehenge where these 2 cars got into macho utopia as it went from two lanes to one and neither would yield  , they clipped mirrors and there was lots of beeping and rocket polisher signs going on out the windows  but still neither would yield    .... we got a few yards around the bend and it opened up back to two lanes again  , it just seemed so pointless as well as stupid

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9 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

when it comes to joining a road or 3 lines dropping to 2 I'm a fan of the one  in rule ... you let one car filter in and then the next car filters in behind you  ....  if everyone does it the road moves quite well ..if some dickhead tries to become 2 in usually some arsey bloke tries to stop him and they go nose to tail and the road tails back behind them 


I saw one a few months back on the road by Stonehenge where these 2 cars got into macho utopia as it went from two lanes to one and neither would yield  , they clipped mirrors and there was lots of beeping and rocket polisher signs going on out the windows  but still neither would yield    .... we got a few yards around the bend and it opened up back to two lanes again  , it just seemed so pointless as well as stupid

Canadian missus says this is called 'a zipper feed', makes sense to me. 

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4 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

Canadian missus says this is called 'a zipper feed', makes sense to me. 

never heard that term before but Google confirms MrsHanoi is correct and thus entitled to ownership of the internet for the next 12 seconds

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Yep, the zipper feed.  It's becoming law in a few places.  I believe on that side (the Canadian side) of the pond it is already well-established.  We've a long way to go over here before we get to that level of sophistication (or common sense as I would call it).  We're some way off even British levels in fact.  I think we're actually getting worse not better.  Bordering on feral at times.

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1 hour ago, JB said:

If I've understood you correctly, I think the reason people do this is (ironically) to try and avoid being a word removed. If there is heavy traffic on the road they want to merge onto then I think they are only trying to, in effect, join the queue and don't want to be seen as pushing in further down. Either that or just taking the first gap that they see due to incidences of dickheadedness from drivers in the inside lane, as suffered by BOF. 

Yeah but maximise the slip road, Start the Que. at the very end of the slip road and not the first 50ft and leave a quarter of a mile of empty slip road that subsequently is transferred back to the merging island and approach roads.  

As for BOF's situation when merging into traffic, Its there right of way so as the merging driver we have two choices, 

Either speed up to get ahead or slow down and drop it in. 

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One thing noticeable where you have us knocked into a cocked hat is using roundabouts.  By and large you use the lanes properly on them.  As a nation we generally don't.  Ours is a 'throw it in and figure the rest out afterwards' approach.  Now it doesn't help that what the lanes are supposed to do can differ from one roundabout to the other, but that doesn't matter.  You have to be very aware on an Irish roundabout.  The amount of times someone in the inside (furthest left) lane goes on to a roundabout intending to take the 3rd (far right) exit is astonishing.  And it's not them being an ass.  They genuinely don't know that what they're doing is wrong.  Blissful f**king ignorance to everything around them :) I find it funny.  On other roundabouts the lane markings are purely aesthetic, and everyone just avoids everyone else like a game of dodgems before getting to their exit.

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4 minutes ago, Kingman said:

Yeah but maximise the slip road, Start the Que. at the very end of the slip road and not the first 50ft and leave a quarter of a mile of empty slip road that subsequently is transferred back to the merging island and approach roads.  

As for BOF's situation when merging into traffic, Its there right of way so as the merging driver we have two choices, 

Either speed up to get ahead or slow down and drop it in. 

Oh yeah, in theory I totally agree. All I'm saying is that I think a lot of people are conscious of taking what they consider to be their "fair" place queue rather than imposing themselves further down the end. I totally agree with you, though. 

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5 minutes ago, Kingman said:

Either speed up to get ahead or slow down and drop it in. 

Exactly, but she was slowing down to match me and speeding up to match me.  That's dangerous driving.  She was intentionally blocking my merge and blowing her horn.  I'd love to know wtf she wanted me to do.

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26 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

when it comes to joining a road or 3 lines dropping to 2 I'm a fan of the one  in rule ... you let one car filter in and then the next car filters in behind you  ....  if everyone does it the road moves quite well ..if some dickhead tries to become 2 in usually some arsey bloke tries to stop him and they go nose to tail and the road tails back behind them 


I saw one a few months back on the road by Stonehenge where these 2 cars got into macho utopia as it went from two lanes to one and neither would yield  , they clipped mirrors and there was lots of beeping and rocket polisher signs going on out the windows  but still neither would yield    .... we got a few yards around the bend and it opened up back to two lanes again  , it just seemed so pointless as well as stupid

That road by Stonehenge (the A303 I believe) is worse than AIDS to be fair, it could quite easily send a sane person mental.  Hopefully they'll get round to building a tunnel one day.

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13 minutes ago, BOF said:

Yep, the zipper feed.  It's becoming law in a few places.  I believe on that side (the Canadian side) of the pond it is already well-established.  We've a long way to go over here before we get to that level of sophistication (or common sense as I would call it).  We're some way off even British levels in fact.  I think we're actually getting worse not better.  Bordering on feral at times.

Yeah its only took the law 60 years to realise that 50mph middle lane hoggers are words removed!

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