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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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33 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

Role play.

"Hi Sasha Banks, I'm the decorator. I'm here to fill in your 'cavity' walling. Can you help me out with this 'extending poll'?"

Ahhh, the old "decorator who gets confused by political forms whilst he's trying to work" I see.. classic porn script right there.


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5 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

Next door have got the decorators in. Been hammering and drilling all morning, whatever room I'm in I can hear it.

How am I supposed to masturbate with this racket going on?

They can do anything in these new tampons...

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7 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

Next door have got the decorators in. Been hammering and drilling all morning, whatever room I'm in I can hear it.

How am I supposed to masturbate with this racket going on?

You get used to it. I knocked one out to the sound of the washing machine in the apartment downstairs. 

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On 1/16/2016 at 15:42, Morley_crosses_to_Withe said:

That shit Nescafé advert with "sleepy Alex" where his housemates wake him up with an orchestra in the garden. 

**** awful and not at all amusing. An advertising agency would have actually got paid for that shite. 


The laughter in that advert is so fake it's hard to believe anyone got paid to make that sound. 

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The little one, who is 10 months old now, is still sleeping in our bed nearly every night, cause my Mrs is a lazy ass, an can't walk 4 steps to his room. She says I should try getting up in the middle of the night to feed him. Sorry, I know that its all difficult shit for mummy, but my Mrs has just entered her 12th month off work with no rush to go back, I work 12 hour days up at 0630 and unfortunately can't breast feed. (our lad won't have the bottle, although apparently that's my fault too). Ahhh family life..............

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11 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

The little one, who is 10 months old now, is still sleeping in our bed nearly every night, cause my Mrs is a lazy ass, an can't walk 4 steps to his room. She says I should try getting up in the middle of the night to feed him. Sorry, I know that its all difficult shit for mummy, but my Mrs has just entered her 12th month off work with no rush to go back, I work 12 hour days up at 0630 and unfortunately can't breast feed. (our lad won't have the bottle, although apparently that's my fault too). Ahhh family life..............

Conversely, my kid is amaze balls.  In his own room every night, doesn't need a dummy, bottle feeds normal milk now so no sterilizing bottles.  In bed for 8pm and doesn't usually budge until we wake him a 7.15 in the morning.

Not that I'm showing off or anything :P

He's a bit behind on physical stuff though, so that evens it out a bit :D

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1 hour ago, lapal_fan said:

Conversely, my kid is amaze balls.  In his own room every night, doesn't need a dummy, bottle feeds normal milk now so no sterilizing bottles.  In bed for 8pm and doesn't usually budge until we wake him a 7.15 in the morning.

Not that I'm showing off or anything :P

He's a bit behind on physical stuff though, so that evens it out a bit :D

The punchline is that your kid is 15? ;)

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4 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I go to bed when I want, sleep for as long as I want and never get woken up by any children.

I win.

you don't get to tell everyone on Facebook that your child is the best at everything though , therefore informing the world that your gene's are superior to everyone else's


(seriously I've never seen a  parent post , my child came 12th in the egg and spoon race or my child got third prize in the most likely to cure cancer by the age of 6 award ,they always come first )

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15 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

The little one, who is 10 months old now, is still sleeping in our bed nearly every night, cause my Mrs is a lazy ass, an can't walk 4 steps to his room. She says I should try getting up in the middle of the night to feed him. Sorry, I know that its all difficult shit for mummy, but my Mrs has just entered her 12th month off work with no rush to go back, I work 12 hour days up at 0630 and unfortunately can't breast feed. (our lad won't have the bottle, although apparently that's my fault too). Ahhh family life..............

I only spotted 2 dangerous precedents being set here.  Are there any more I haven't noticed ? ;)

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People (with hair) don't realise that the less hair you have, the more untidy it becomes more quickly, and the more noticeable a shit haircut is (or no haircut).  I get a half (0.5) grade all around.  Add 1 centimetre length to that and it looks ridiculous.  Add that same centimetre to someone with plenty of hair and they can easily get away with it.

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15 minutes ago, BOF said:

People (with hair) don't realise that the less hair you have, the more untidy it becomes more quickly, and the more noticeable a shit haircut is (or no haircut).  I get a half (0.5) grade all around.  Add 1 centimetre length to that and it looks ridiculous.  Add that same centimetre to someone with plenty of hair and they can easily get away with it.

I always have a grade 2 , but now it's grown back ( I've got a rather cool tan at the moment so cutting it will leave me with a white line around my head) it does look really weird  , like its grown twice as much on the sides as it has on the rest of my head


Mrs H is making noises about how she likes my hair longer so I'll be getting it cut tomorrow and live with the white line

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went in the sauna after my run just now  ... been in for a couple of mins when in walks a fairly youngish girl ( around 20 I'd guess) with a towel wrapped around her

I'm fairly sure she had nothing on under the towel but I used every ounce of Jedi mind trick in my locker and couldn't get that towel to budge an inch ...I can only conclude that she must have been a Toydarian or something 

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