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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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the longest ive ever gone was 5 months but that was kind of a matter of life or death because i had serious health problems at the time and needed treatment for 6 months, so even then i could not go the full length of time the doctors told me too. ive concerned myself a bit lately as im finding it harder to quit booze than i have done in the past. i like a drink but drink dont like me and i hate myself when im drunk, also the depression after drinking is getting a lot worse. believe it or not im much happier when im clean of booze and find life so much more rewarding but i keep falling back into it to my annoyance. ive never wanted to give up drinking as much as i do now and with me if i can give up it will have to be for good because i cant just do a few drinks here or there im either on it or im not. anyway enough about my shit :)

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3 hours ago, tonyh29 said:



you are all kinda saying the same thing  so  i'll answer them all together ...


I wasn't born with any super powers  it's just a decision you make ..or don't make  .... I understand the sentiment that it isn't that easy , but all I'm asking is why ? why do so many people give up smoking and then start again within a few days , why do so many people go on a diet and then break it 2 days later .... if you can go 1 day without a cigarette , why can't you go 2 , or 3 or 33   ... if someone can go 12 hours without smoking on a long haul flight , why do they then have to light up within 30 secs of getting into a fresh air zone  ... whats the difference between 12 hours and 12 hours and 1 minute ?


@Designer1 ... would you describe the case in point here as addiction ? I hadn't really looked at it in that way  more someone who likes a drink a few times a week  , for me addiciotn would be if he had to have a drink to even get out of bed and face the day  ?


i definitely dont class myself as an alcoholic, im pretty old fashioned when it comes to believing what an alcoholic is. i get what you've said although it just does not work for me but i do know heavy drinkers who just stopped like that.

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But if you were ‘dependent’ on alcohol, you’d be stumbling around drunk every day, right? Not necessarily. There are varying degrees of alcohol dependence and they don’t always involve excessive levels of drinking. If you find that you ‘need’ to share a bottle of wine with your partner most nights of the week, or always go for a few pints after work, just to unwind, you’re likely to be drinking at a level that could affect your long-term health. You could also be becoming dependent on alcohol. If you find it very difficult to enjoy yourself or relax without having a drink, you could have become psychologically dependent on alcohol. 

weak willed piss heads - definition (Drinkaware)

you don't have to be permanently half cut or looking for your last hidden bottle to be alcohol dependent

personally, I have a slightly habitual / addictive nature it happily doesn't appear to include booze - I've got bottles of beer in the fridge that I put there for Christmas, now they are just taking up space

food is my nemesis, and you know what, you can't just say no

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On 5 January 2016 at 17:32, limpid said:

There are 14 pounds in a stone though. And 12 inches in a foot. There isn't any consistency. Hence metric FTW.


Indeed, but the US didn't feel the need to change the number of pounds to a stone or the number of inches to a foot so I'm still curious as to why the US decided to use the same size of fluid ounce but not the same pint, i.e. 16 in lieu of 20 fluid ounces.

My time at school spanned a decade or so of moving from mostly imperial to mostly metric use including a fair amount of conversion education, so I am fortunate to be very comfortable with imperial and metric systems. For obvious reasons the metric system is easier, although my dad insists the imperial system made sense, whilst my kids have no concept of the imperial system other than miles.

Despite the comparative ease of the metric system, I note the imperial system is still used in modern day Britain; my 18 year old son is becoming familiar with the volume of 20 fluid ounces. It will be a while before we'll be asking for 568 millilitres of ale.


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3 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

loose floorboards upstairs. anyway to sort them without taking the carpet up or is that just a stupid question. they are driving me up the wall.

The whole of my upstairs need replacing. Really can't bring myself to throw the money at replacing them.

If you take the carpet up you need to be very careful where you put screws as there will possibly be pipes and wires just beneath.

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35 minutes ago, brommy said:

Despite the comparative ease of the metric system, I note the imperial system is still used in modern day Britain...

I was listening to TMS earlier and Vaughan was describing the pace of one of the bowlers (Broad, I think) as 137kmph and I was simultaneously having to convert it and castigate the clearing in the woods for not using mph like any decent human being would.

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17 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

finally a sane voice :D

tbf  that's what I thought I was saying    .... I didn't think dependency or addiction was the discussion when I made my post  ( but I was also on a conference call when I posted so maybe I need to double check !!  )

That's where the difference lay then in our responses. In the dependency.  I was on about someone who might (I emphasise might) struggle to give up gargle cold turkey for a couple of months based on the day Ruge had just described.  Albeit not a typical day.  If someone can have 3 JDs for breakfast, 5 pints in the afternoon, a bottle of vodka for dinner and a half pint of whiskey for a nightcap then it's not unreasonable to think having a dry mid-Jan to say mid-April might be tricky to do :)  I was just offering an alternative approach is all :)


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10 hours ago, snowychap said:

I was listening to TMS earlier and Vaughan was describing the pace of one of the bowlers (Broad, I think) as 137kmph and I was simultaneously having to convert it and castigate the clearing in the woods for not using mph like any decent human being would.

I will always convert to MPH and that's as someone who lives in a KMH country.  It's how I was brung up innit :P

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11 hours ago, snowychap said:

I was listening to TMS earlier and Vaughan was describing the pace of one of the bowlers (Broad, I think) as 137kmph and I was simultaneously having to convert it and castigate the clearing in the woods for not using mph like any decent human being would.

one of my mates just posted on facebook that he had run 4.7 km  , I chastised him for not using Miles  ... (his reply was that it made it look like he had run further this way  than he really had (grrrr)  but it's pretty much everyone that runs \ cycles etc and uses an app that seems to be working in KM/h  , quite surprising really when you think most of these devices and apps originate in the US

( I should also of course also horsewhip him for posting it on Facebook as well )

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2 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

one of my mates just posted on facebook that he had run 4.7 km  , I chastised him for not using Miles  ... (his reply was that it made it look like he had run further this way  than he really had (grrrr)  but it's pretty much everyone that runs \ cycles etc and uses an app that seems to be working in KM/h  , quite surprising really when you think most of these devices and apps originate in the US

( I should also of course also horsewhip him for posting it on Facebook as well )

You won't like the reason (its the French at fault) but cycling has always used kmh as a measure. Mostly because the centre of the sport is mainland Europe but also I think because for man powered events its easier to determine speed in kmh and avoid decimal points etc. 

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11 hours ago, snowychap said:

I was listening to TMS earlier and Vaughan was describing the pace of one of the bowlers (Broad, I think) as 137kmph and I was simultaneously having to convert it and castigate the clearing in the woods for not using mph like any decent human being would.

Ooh some cricket talk in the non designated cricket thread! This will go down well.... ;)

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2 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

Ooh some cricket talk in the non designated cricket thread! This will go down well.... ;)

Bring them on, I'm ready: I've done a bit of gardening, asked the spectators behind the bowler's arm to sit down and have taken guard. :)

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