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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Its freezing cold tonight, I have the heat on, wool socks on and slippers over them, but my feet are like ice cubes. And I don't know what to do.

Bit late now but a foot bath is one of life's little luxurious when it's baltic.

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8 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

That is disgusting. I bite mineemoji16.png

Yeah me too. He didn't even have the decency to do that though. He was using one of those clippers. Thankfully it was the sound and not the sharp jab in the back of my neck that drew me to this dreadful act.

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10 hours ago, maqroll said:

Its freezing cold tonight, I have the heat on, wool socks on and slippers over them, but my feet are like ice cubes. And I don't know what to do.

Cover yourself in Deep Heat, and get up against the radiator. Keep yourself alive until twelve.

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Its freezing cold tonight, I have the heat on, wool socks on and slippers over them, but my feet are like ice cubes. And I don't know what to do.

Cover yourself in Deep Heat, and get up against the radiator. Keep yourself alive until twelve.

Or move to England. It's wet, but it isn't cold, these days.

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Last night I made the long journey into Birmingham from work (about 2 hours. I work in Warwickshire. Hour back to my house then an hour through busy traffic to get to the centre of Birmingham) to attend my Spanish class.

Walked from the car park in the pouring rain. Got there on time... only to walk through the doors and have a woman greet me with a smile telling me classes didn't start up again until next week.

What a dick (me, not her)!

Took me about another 45 minutes to get home.

So yeah, that pissed me off. 2 hours of my night wasted :D

Edited by Stevo985
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15 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

Last night I made the long journey into Birmingham from work (about 2 hours. I work in Warwickshire. Hour back to my house then an hour through busy traffic to get to the centre of Birmingham) to attend my Spanish class.

Walked from the carp park in the pouring rain. Got there on time... only to walk through the doors and have a woman greet me with a smile telling me classes didn't start up again until next week.

What a dick (me, not her)!

Took me about another 45 minutes to get home.

So yeah, that pissed me off. 2 hours of my night wasted :D


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1 hour ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

People who send meeting invites without an agenda, totally unprofessional and frankly retarded. 


I had one the other day. They had the audacity to question why I was unprepared when I turned up.

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10 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:


I had one the other day. They had the audacity to question why I was unprepared when I turned up.

Drives me nuts. I've started to rejected them followed by a messaging saying that I need to know the agenda if I'm to attend. It's important, you need to know what you're expected to contribute. But an agenda also lets you know if you actually have to be there. I've wasted countless hours in meetings where I shouldn't have been there in the first place.

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8 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

Drives me nuts. I've started to rejected them followed by a messaging saying that I need to know the agenda if I'm to attend. It's important, you need to know what you're expected to contribute. But an agenda also lets you know if you actually have to be there. I've wasted countless hours in meetings where I shouldn't have been there in the first place.

I'm slightly puzzled how you can get invited to a meeting if you didn't need to be there , agenda document or not ?   if you received a birthday  invite from someone you didn't know would you turn up to that as well ? :) 



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Just now, tonyh29 said:


I'm slightly puzzled how you can get invited to a meeting if you didn't need to be there , agenda document or not ?   if you received a birthday  invite from someone you didn't know would you turn up to that as well ? :) 



...because some people don't think when they send invites, they think at the time, 'well it would be good if he's there', when the reality is that I have nothing to contribute. If I know advance then I can make that judgement and decline it. Obviously you haven't worked with many idiots/ time wasters before. 

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7 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

...because some people don't think when they send invites, they think at the time, 'well it would be good if he's there', when the reality is that I have nothing to contribute. If I know advance then I can make that judgement and decline it. Obviously you haven't worked with many idiots/ time wasters before. 

This. Also the "oh we need someone from such and such a department to be there. Let's invite Pangloss because we know him" without actually checking whether you're the right person to invite.  (I realise I've **** up this quote but I couldn't get the awful quoting system to do it properly)

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