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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Picked up my mom at the airport and driving home I was listening to my favorite driving music, Sun Glitters. At some point she turned it down and asked me if this was even music.

I didn't feel young, it just hurt :unsure:

Goes both ways, I suppose

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7 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

Bloody kids these days! We need another Vietnam, to thin their ranks out.

and don't even get me started on trying to get everyone to sit down, switch off their devices and watch a proper film, Apocalypse Now. No, no, no, it's all Spiderman and Thor shit. If it ain't got a **** talking raccoon or space based remedial standard story lines they don't wanna know.

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2 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

The Gary Neville rocket polish-fest in the media at the moment. It's "Breaking News" on the BBC that Valencia have drawn Rapid Vienna in the Europa League. Who gives a shit?

That happened with Gareth Bale for awhile. "BREAKING NEWS" Gareth Bale turns up for training in pink boots.

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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

It's Drake. It's a meme basically about his cringeworthy dancing in the "Hotline Bling" video.



As it turns out, not many people I met on Saturday knew who it was either. Fell a bit flat :D

Finally got there. That was a lot easier than the instructions on the Site Issues Youtube embedding thread suggested -_-

Edited by Ginko
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Had my parents over for a week which was super,  if a little tiring.  (Was babysitting Granddaughter at the same time a few of the nights.  I have been working long hours latley and doing my bit with all things dogs, cats, babysitting, hoovering and doing all the rubbish bags etc + dishwasher load / unload + loads of things.  Basically,  I was at the point yesterday once my parents had flown back to Brum,  what is the point of it all.  The catalyst for this is that on Saturday night my mom and wife were talking:-

Mom:- "So does Neil do anything around the house ?"

Wife:- "Nope,  nothing really."

Now,  I have consciously made a real effort lately with this + Done a bit of DIY around the house,  putting up lights etc + I work 40 hours a week and my mrs works 18 hours a week.

Apart from the fact that I start work at 7.30 am,  earn 3.5 times what she earns and I basically pay for the house / car and holidays I am a little **** off with it all.  I don't want a medal but currently I see no real reason to contribute anymore if it is ignored.  I might tell her, with all the insurances we have all I have to do is die and you are sorted for life.  


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1 hour ago, CarewsEyebrowDesigner said:

There is a playlist on Spotify called 'Oldies but Goodies: 2005-2015'.

Everytime I see it I die a little inside.

At the xmas party for work the new receptionist was there,  when were you born I ask "1994" she says !!

I left school in 1986.

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6 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

Had my parents over for a week which was super,  if a little tiring.  (Was babysitting Granddaughter at the same time a few of the nights.  I have been working long hours latley and doing my bit with all things dogs, cats, babysitting, hoovering and doing all the rubbish bags etc + dishwasher load / unload + loads of things.  Basically,  I was at the point yesterday once my parents had flown back to Brum,  what is the point of it all.  The catalyst for this is that on Saturday night my mom and wife were talking:-

Mom:- "So does Neil do anything around the house ?"

Wife:- "Nope,  nothing really."

Now,  I have consciously made a real effort lately with this + Done a bit of DIY around the house,  putting up lights etc + I work 40 hours a week and my mrs works 18 hours a week.

Apart from the fact that I start work at 7.30 am,  earn 3.5 times what she earns and I basically pay for the house / car and holidays I am a little **** off with it all.  I don't want a medal but currently I see no real reason to contribute anymore if it is ignored.  I might tell her, with all the insurances we have all I have to do is die and you are sorted for life.  


I used to do nothing around the house, literally nothing, never had a stab at DIY, never tidied, didnt do anything in the garden. My wife had a go at me, I sulked, these days the roles have been reversed, I do all of the housework, the garden, all DIY, hoover etc, the only thing I dont do is 3 days a week I dont cook and I tend not to do the washing. I iron, polish, wash up, dry, everything. I get shit for that. I get shit that I hoover, that I wash up, basically as I dont like sitting in a mess.

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at work, lots of excel spreadsheets and word documents etc, tons of information, i produce a spreadsheet that tells me everything i need to know on it, send it to someone, they need one that pools five different documents on to one spreadsheet...i dont...do it your **** self

instead i get an email with several bullet points, can i add this, can i change this to something else, can i take the information from x and put it in y

taking the piss, worst of it is that its a bloke from another company im working with, he's had the job since last week, i produced the spreadsheet for the bloke hes'd replaced 2 months ago without a problem

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45 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Me and the other half had a really good really sensible conversation a long long time ago.

When we were both in similar jobs on similar money, we agreed the one with the lesser 'prospects' would stay home and raise any future mini crispys. By the time that came around I'd jumped a few jobs getting more money along the way. So Mrs crispy jacked in work and stayed home all nice n traditional. I would genuinely have taken that role if I'd been earning less. But it was a conscious decision to go uber traditional. This meant I worked stupid hours to make up for the missing money, but did nothing around the house. like, really nothing. To the point where I once jogged upstairs to pick up a fresh towel and didn't know where we kept them - in a house we'd been living in for 5 years.

Time goes on, kids grow up, wife takes a part time job, I start doing some chores. Missus now works pretty much full time, we go pretty much 50/50 on housework.

But 50/50 means no girly excuses for not doing stuff. Just like we can both cook a spud, we can also both replace a lightbulb or hold a paintbrush.

But it all sprang from a very honest conversation where we actually spoke to each other about what we wanted and expected. One of the rules I insisted on, if ever, ever, I got a DIY tool as a present, if ever I got a drill for a birthday or a sander for Christmas, she will get a new ironing board and oven gloves for every single occasion after that. I dislike DIY, I have learnt DIY out of economic necessity. But yeah, what I'm slowly getting at is, don't let it eat you, don't do the silent rage, don't pop a blood vessel or chase the secretary. Have a proper calm grown up conversation about mundane shit.

If that all goes well, next week's conversation, dressing up as a pegging nazi.


Super wise words there I think,  I am just gutted becasue as I said,  I have given it all a good go at the same time work is super stressy + I found out last week the office is moving so instead of 50 mins a day travel I need to go Public transport and at least 2 Hr 10 mins per day travel (My mrs works 250 meters away on her bike ffs).

I will take your advice and keep calm and have a proper chat as this could go out of control very quickly,  especially over xmas.  I will let you know. 

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1 hour ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

work is super stressy + I found out last week the office is moving so instead of 50 mins a day travel I need to go Public transport and at least 2 Hr 10 mins per day travel (My mrs works 250 meters away on her bike ffs).

I will take your advice and keep calm and have a proper chat as this could go out of control very quickly,  especially over xmas.

Not that my comment is worth a bean, but from what you've written it kind of seems a bit like your work is making you stressed and maybe the housework thing is kind of a symptom - if you were mellowed out the housework thing wouldn't be a big deal. I mean if you're spending 10 hours+ a day in  a stressed environment, then the 30 minutes of housework isn't the big problem really?

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54 minutes ago, blandy said:

Not that my comment is worth a bean, but from what you've written it kind of seems a bit like your work is making you stressed and maybe the housework thing is kind of a symptom - if you were mellowed out the housework thing wouldn't be a big deal. I mean if you're spending 10 hours+ a day in  a stressed environment, then the 30 minutes of housework isn't the big problem really?

I reckon that in the interest of equality and fairness he should take a nice little job around the corner, doing the same hours as his missus.

I always think that fairness is so very important in a modern relationship and if he is concentrating too much of his energy on work outside of the home, he should definitely reduce his hours if she thinks that is a priority.

Fair's fair!

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Stupid People

US town rejects solar panels amid fears they 'suck up all the energy from the sun'


Jane Mann, a retired science teacher, said she was concerned the panels would prevent plants in the area from photosynthesizing, stopping them from growing.

Ms Mann said she had seen areas near solar panels where plants are brown and dead because they did not get enough sunlight.

She also questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her solar panels didn't cause cancer.


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