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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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13 hours ago, troon_villan said:
6 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

10k? Every day? Source?

Also, you clearly haven't read why Hanoi is offended by the 'stop all immigration' comments.

It isn't just because of his own situation (and that would be justification enough) but because of the inference that comments such as 'stop all immigration' actually mean 'stop all immigration of brown looking people'.

It's a stupid and racist thought processs to have (and before anyone pulls me up on it, I'm not calling anybody in particular racist. Just bemoaning the inference stated by comments not thought through enough)


Sorry 8000 a day my bad.


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This is CLEARLY a conversation about the UK and its immigration policy.

Why are you giving me a figure for Europe?

How many of those are coming to the UK daily?

That's a more relevant figure.

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In addition, if so many refugees are coming to Europe, and so many of them could be terrorists, then why has there been one attack in the months that the refugee crisis has been going on? And even then, one of the eight men from Paris came through Europe from Syria.

Surely with the masses of terrorists we're letting into Europe, there would have been more attacks by now?

Or maybe, just maybe, they're terrified people fleeing for their lives from the same evil, war-mongering group that committed the atrocities in Paris on Friday. 

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17 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

imo the country cant keep letting people in because we are a small country with an already big population and there has to be a cut off point, we cant just keep letting people in and with all the security issues now there is no better time to be careful. thing is mate i dont put myself above anyone, i am what i am and i dont pretend to be anything else. what do you mean with my history? and whats my history got to do with it anyway. really dont know what your getting at if im honest.

Just so we're completely clear what I'm responding to. This isn't about 'refugees' at all, and a Canadian doesn't take up less room than a Syrian. Rugeley Villa's specific argument is that immigration needs to stop because we're full. 

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Just now, Xela said:

The fact that if you are cautious about who comes into this country you are branded a racist in some quarters. Absolute bullshit.

I'm not against immigration in the slightest, but I think we need to be sure who exactly is coming into the country.

I remember seeing people branded racists for being concerned about the security risk created by the refugee crisis (not necessarily on here, but other parts of the internet). Just total lunacy.

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Out of interest, how do we know Rugeley knew for sure that Hanoi's fiancée is definitely white!? He said he doesn't mind her coming if she isn't a terrorist, but when he said that, he couldn't have known the colour of her skin. He could have made an assumption, but it's an assumption to assume he did. 

So it seems he more believes that we shouldn't allow immigration from countries in which IS are most active. Now, of course, it's wouldn't work because you'd have to ban immigration from France as they've been extremely active there, but I do think that it was more to do with countries of high IS activity. 

Nothing to do with race.

And who are these brown looking people!? My ex-missus is Iranian. Neither her or her family are "brown looking". Middle Eastern, yes, but I'm not sure they fit into this strange "brown looking" category. In fact, she was often mistaken for being of Mediterranean origin. 

She immigrated here through work. Rugeley may disagree with her coming over because Iran is seen as an enemy of the West. That's up to him, and whilst I wouldn't agree, I'd understand why he's think that, but it would be a huge stretch for me to think it was because he doesn't want anyone  "brown looking" coming over (I don't really understand what this strange categorisation is). 

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By adopting an 'open door' policy for migrants/refugees like Germany has for example, you have no idea of who is coming in to your country. Reports are one/some of the Paris attackers transited through Europe not 2 months ago. On this front I am grateful we have a Government that has taken a harder line and not caved in to social media pressure and opened the floodgates. We should definitely do our bit for genuine refugees, I have no arguments about that. We just need to be cautious and ensure we know who is coming through the border.

It may not stop every incident but if it reduces the chance of what happened in Paris, happening on the streets of London or Birmingham or Manchester then it is worth it. 

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I'd agree that we need to be cautious on who gets into the UK and is then left to their own wits and devices to wander the country.

A refugee crisis brings it's own problems. As a dumb little scenario, if something weird were to happen in Ireland or England, I couldn't guard the port of Fishguard or the Severn Bridge to stop families arriving, fleeing the bloodshed and the horror. 

How many people here, with bombing, rape, kidnap and murder going on in the background, could push people back in to the chaos rather than let them in. Now, that's not the same as dumping 2,500 unknown people into the middle of Bradford and hoping it all works out fine.

The discussion gets strangely polarised, do good nutters versus scared racists. Life can be more nuanced, which is a bit of a pain.

As for the UK being 'full', it's a bullshit. I can't decide if the people that say we are full are deliberately lying, or have never looked out of the window as they drove down a motorway. Take a trip down the M4, 90% countryside. M20, 90% countryside. I took a trip down the M5 from Bristol to Exeter last week, guess what, 90% countryside. I'm not citing places in Scotland or Cumbria, that's the crowded south for you.

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I don't think anyone thinks Britain is literally full, but there is a strain on things like the NHS and other public services that adding a new city's worth of population each year, before you count in refugees, won't help.  Personally I think our approach to the refugee crisis has been the best one, and all countries should put more money into the camps outside Syria, as I suggested yesterday.  There are still people vulnerable within those camps though, and we need to give them priority, and we can do proper checks on them.  We can also control the numbers.  The key is having control.

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Discussion on the amount you limit immigration (whilst still allowing it to happen) is legit.

RV comment and the original poster of the petition "ban all immigration" is not. Which is what people were disagreeing with/pointing out the obvious flaws...

Edited by gharperr
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10 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

I don't think anyone thinks Britain is literally full, but there is a strain on things like the NHS and other public services that adding a new city's worth of population each year, before you count in refugees, won't help.  Personally I think our approach to the refugee crisis has been the best one, and all countries should put more money into the camps outside Syria, as I suggested yesterday.  There are still people vulnerable within those camps though, and we need to give them priority, and we can do proper checks on them.  We can also control the numbers.  The key is having control.

The NHS can only function because it employs migrant workers.

The extra "city's worth" of population are paying taxes to fund "things like the NHS and other public services".

I agree about control though.

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 in my late teens when i had a slight interest in the bnp, there were people in rugeley going around the pubs having a few drinks but also trying to recruit people and i remember thinking yeah i want to be a part of something, a bit like the young,angry asian kids that get dragged into islamic extremism. anyway something did not feel right about the whole thing and do you know why that is? its because im not racist, i was never really racist back then i was just an angry person and fast forward to now and im definitely not racist. i know plenty of racist people, jesus christ i was brought up in a very conservative household with people who were very anti immigration, anti black etc etc. yes i admit i have a problem with islam and a select few who follow its more radical side and i do believe the problem is getting a whole lot worse and there is more being done to radicalize people than there is to stop it. as ive stated before immigration has not been all bad and some very positive things have came from but also some very negative things have came from it and thats what im against so if it means being more hardline with immigrants coming from high risk areas like the middle east then so be it and if people want to be just as ignorant as they think i am and label me racist then so be it. if we continue this trend of an open door policy then im afraid attacks in europe will continue to happen a lot more than they would if we took a bit more care in who we let in. maybe my views are slightly to the right and that might annoy some people but believe me some of these left wing views annoy me but thats life. im not stupid enough to think stop immigration from the east and the problem will go away because i know we have to do more as a government and country to stop the flow of young muslims who feel the need to follow this death cult, but more importantly islam needs to do more.

Edited by Rugeley Villa
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6 minutes ago, limpid said:

The NHS can only function because it employs migrant workers.

The extra "city's worth" of population are paying taxes to fund "things like the NHS and other public services".

I agree about control though.

I don't think even UKIP says we should stop migrant workers coming over to work in the NHS, or where there is a skill shortage.

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I have no idea who is in the UK, never mind who is coming in. I don't care all that much, either. There are always a few shitbags. There will always be those who feel left out of society and feel a need to retaliate. It just so happens in our current moment that most of those people are or claim to be Muslim and come from a North African or Middle Eastern background, and as such they have or at least claim to have a cause to fight under. The answer is not to keep othering people who come from a different cultural background. The answer is far more complex and requires a collective will that I don't believe we are capable of, one that includes a fair amount of introspection as well as diplomatic (if not military) action. We can't keep going on the way we are because it has resulted in a fractured and quite frankly mean society at home, and enemies for days abroad.

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3 hours ago, Davkaus said:

We can't keep our current immigration policy, it's absurd, barely a week goes by without a Muslim blowing me up.

well thank our security forces for that because there has been plenty of attacks foiled, or is that just ant immigrant propaganda by yours truly the daily mail.

Edited by Rugeley Villa
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