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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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3 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:


Lol, i didn't mean that, but it's an interesting point.


If i were to choose a neighbour, no offence ruge, but it wouldn't be you. You're a basket case! emoji38.png

no offence taken mate :) honestly though im pretty normal and you probably would not even notice living next door to me apart from raised voices every now and again which is normal. sorry if i came across a bit arsy but thought you were basically saying with my past ive got no room to talk. anyway still lovers aren't we :)

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3 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

im pretty normal and you probably would not even notice living next door to me apart from raised voices every now and again, and the new sofas being delivered to replace the piss stained old ones, and new fridges replacing the jizz stained old ones, and the constant noise of a hoover, which is normal. 

Fixed ;)

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6 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:   Why should we stop letting people in? What gives you the right to say who can and cannot come to this piece of earth in the sea? Why should anyone be turned away? Why do you think, with your history, you are above the people who happen to be born in another country?


Not loaded questions, genuinely interested buddy.



imo the country cant keep letting people in because we are a small country with an already big population and there has to be a cut off point, we cant just keep letting people in and with all the security issues now there is no better time to be careful. thing is mate i dont put myself above anyone, i am what i am and i dont pretend to be anything else. what do you mean with my history? and whats my history got to do with it anyway. really dont know what your getting at if im honest.

I mean your history as a person "lucky" enough to be born here. You won the birth lottery, that's it.

Nice save 😜

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5 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

I do think we need to stop immigration purely for security reasons and the fact that we cant keep letting people in. the worrying thing is that we already have sleeper cells in our country so that alone will not stop attacks.

I'm currently trying to bring my Canadian fiancee to the UK, but perhaps you'd prefer it if we had to **** off somewhere else. 

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5 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said: I do think we need to stop immigration purely for security reasons and the fact that we cant keep letting people in. the worrying thing is that we already have sleeper cells in our country so that alone will not stop attacks.

I'm currently trying to bring my Canadian fiancee to the UK, but perhaps you'd prefer it if we had to **** off somewhere else. 

You know fine well he doesn't mean that.

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1 minute ago, troon_villan said:


You know fine well he doesn't mean that.

No, actually, I don't know that. Because the words 'stop all immigration' (which is what I hear and see, all throughout these comment threads) don't say 'except for X,Y and Z'. And, as you ought to know fine well, the government can't just come up with a rule saying immigration is fine except for Muslims, or you can get a visa for a westerner but no one else. 

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9 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

No, actually, I don't know that. Because the words 'stop all immigration' (which is what I hear and see, all throughout these comment threads) don't say 'except for X,Y and Z'. And, as you ought to know fine well, the government can't just come up with a rule saying immigration is fine except for Muslims, or you can get a visa for a westerner but no one else. 

The people saying 'ban all immigration' don't tend to be the sort to think ahead as to how that would actually be adopted as government policy. I'm pretty sure that the subtext is "but not for white people".

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16 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

I do think we need to stop immigration purely for security reasons and the fact that we cant keep letting people in. the worrying thing is that we already have sleeper cells in our country so that alone will not stop attacks.

I don't think that goes far enough ruge. Firstly we must close all borders,  especially to anyone looking or sounding a bit muslimy. But many are already here. So I'd also advise rounding up all Muslims, and Muslim sympathisers, and putting them all into some form of grouped camp. A concentration of people, if you will.  It's both for  'our' good, and 'their' good.  It's the only way. Then after a while, send them all 'home'. It r really is the only answer.

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17 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

Quite excited to see I got 3 numbers and a lucky star on the euromillions. Then I saw I only won £10.80! How are you supposed to win on this bloody thing?

Ideally you need 5 numbers to win anything decent. That gives you about £40k, 4 numbers and 2 lucky stars gives about £3k. It's really bloody hard to get a decent win on it 

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11 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

I'm currently trying to bring my Canadian fiancee to the UK, but perhaps you'd prefer it if we had to **** off somewhere else. 

well aslong as she does not pose a terrorist threat i think id be happy enough. immigration from certain parts of the world we have to be more careful its as simple as that.

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9 minutes ago, Jon said:

I don't think that goes far enough ruge. Firstly we must close all borders,  especially to anyone looking or sounding a bit muslimy. But many are already here. So I'd also advise rounding up all Muslims, and Muslim sympathisers, and putting them all into some form of grouped camp. A concentration of people, if you will.  It's both for  'our' good, and 'their' good.  It's the only way. Then after a while, send them all 'home'. It r really is the only answer.

nah ive changed my mind,let everyone in and lets see what happens as that will be much more fun.

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2 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

well aslong as she does not pose a terrorist threat i think id be happy enough. immigration from certain parts of the world we have to be more careful its as simple as that.


Edited by foreveryoung
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5 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

10k refugees coming over from a war torn country every day, risking there lives, maybe a little more of an issue.

Because clearly, that's what's happening.

Absurd hyperbole.

Hanoi's point was both fair and well made. Maybe read his longer post just above because he's very clear in why comments such as 'stop all immigration' offend him.

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9 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

Because clearly, that's what's happening.

Absurd hyperbole.

So what is exactly happening, cause I have been completely misled if they are coming over one by one passports in hand!

An Hano's point was far from fair. Its the typical come back comment. There's is a complete difference in trying to get your fiancee in the country to letting thousands of refugees in the country everyday.


Edited by foreveryoung
Quoting playing up
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1 minute ago, foreveryoung said:

So what is exactly happening, cause I have been completely misled if they are coming over one by one passports in hand!

10k? Every day? Source?

Also, you clearly haven't read why Hanoi is offended by the 'stop all immigration' comments.

It isn't just because of his own situation (and that would be justification enough) but because of the inference that comments such as 'stop all immigration' actually mean 'stop all immigration of brown looking people'.

It's a stupid and racist thought processs to have (and before anyone pulls me up on it, I'm not calling anybody in particular racist. Just bemoaning the inference stated by comments not thought through enough)

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7 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

So what is exactly happening, cause I have been completely misled if they are coming over one by one passports in hand!

An Hano's point was far from fair. Its the typical come back comment. There's is a complete difference in trying to get your fiancee in the country to letting thousands of refugees in the country everyday.

You are far biased anyway.

Yes, his 511 word reply is just a 'typical come back comment'. :rolleyes:

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