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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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People emailing requesting some information at work, and then phoning less than half an hour later because you haven't sent it yet and it's really urgent.


**** off.

Edited by Stevo985
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People emailing requesting some information at work, and then phoning less than half an hour because you haven't sent it yet and it's really urgent.


**** off.

Yes, it does my head in too. 

These people seem to think that you have your own personal bat-phone just for them. 

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If it was so urgent, then don't send the email in the first place. Phone me and ask me nicely to push something to the top of the list for you.

Don't email as if it is any other request and then phone because I haven't done anything about it!

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People emailing requesting some information at work, and then phoning less than half an hour later because you haven't sent it yet and it's really urgent.


**** off.

We had one of our systems down for the day over the weekend for scheduled maintenance. All staff told well in advance that this was the case and to make contingency arrangements if they needed to access it over the weekend. Plenty of warning given and lots of opportunity to download any info they needed ahead of time. Everyone understood apart from one member of staff who thought the best course of action was to email me every hour, on the hour to complain that they couldn't access that system and that it was incredibly frustrating for them. Both barrels were administered in the office on Monday so she made a complaint to HR about my attitude. They told her not to be an idiot. So, it annoyed me at the time but it ended up being quite enjoyable :)

In short - people are unreasonable clearings in various woods. Every once in a while, they get what they deserve.

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It pisses me off that I have no idea how well my charitable donations are being spent

Having worked for a number of charities over the years, I'd wager to suggest that there's a very large chance your donations are being spent poorly.

Staff salaries and bloated operational costs or unnecessary day trips and lunches? Or am I way wide?

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It pisses me off that I have no idea how well my charitable donations are being spent


Having worked for a number of charities over the years, I'd wager to suggest that there's a very large chance your donations are being spent poorly.



Staff salaries and bloated operational costs or unnecessary day trips and lunches? Or am I way wide?

Charities reflect the class system perfectly.

The plebs get to stand in the rain rattling tins, while the admin get to eat five-quid cupcakes at events and told what good people they are. :)

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I wouldn't "like" them to wear anything in particular (ooh-er!) but as I said, it just strikes me as grown men taking themselves far, far, far too seriously. Do you not find grown men in full football team kit a little bit pathetic? Are you familiar with the term "full kit rocket polisher"?This is the same thing IMO. Sorry if this particular thing-that-pisses-me-off-that-shouldn't has upset you.

Excuse me for the lag but just to back up veloman.

This anti-cyclist stuff has gotten way out of hand. It's becoming dangerous on the road because of the dehumanisation of cyclists into an object.

Do you dislike swimmers for wearing speedos and being FKWs? Or should they wear normal clothes just so they look like they aren't taking themselves too seriously?

Cycling gear has to fit closely and be comfortable so it has to be lycra. Otherwise material is flapping about causing issues, slowing you down, getting in the way, in the same way wearing a duffel coat would wearing it in the pool.

I don't wear my cycling gear except for when I'm cycling, and when I'm riding I'm mostly training so I need to wear the clothing which the sport requires, in the same way as playing football needs you to wear football boots.

Woah, chill! 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this a thread for the little every day things that slightly annoy us? BUT SHOULDN'T? I find FKW cyclists mildly irritating but only at about a 2 on the annoyance scale of 1-10.
You didn't read my post properly (I hate it when people say that. But you didn't) and have got disproportionately defensive. I thought it would have been reasonable for it to be assumed that people who actually cycle for a team don't piss me off. I only took issue (and again, I stress in a very, very minor fashion) with the amateurs who dress up in full Team Sky etc. regalia. It's the equivalent of a grown man playing 5-a-side in a full Man Utd kit. But in a similar way, it doesn't really bother me that much. I might think that they're a bit of a tool but that's about it. 
Of course I have no issue with people wearing Lycra for cycling. I didn't say that and inferring that would be silly. Your swimwear analogy doesn't work. 
I also didn't go on an anti-cyclist rant and I certainly didn't "de-humanise" them. Dare I say it, your ultra-defensive attitude seems somewhat typical of the militant minority of cyclists who ride through red lights, over pedestrian crossings, undertake, fail to give way to ambulances, ride on dual carriageways  etc. etc. and it's still always someone else's fault. 
FWIW, I'm pro-cycling. I'm just not pro-people-being-dicks (I'm not talking about FKWs here, although there is invariably an overlap), whether they be riding a bike or driving a car. I know that cyclists put up with shit from some absolute words removed. Don't take your frustrations with them out on me. 
Sorry for the rant but it's kind of fitting; your post has pissed me off. And it probably shouldn't have.
P.S. Yes, I recognise the irony of me telling you to "chill" at the start of this post :).
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I annoy myself for getting annoyed at some of the posts in the on topic section

Then I calm down and realise its not worth getting pissed off about. Then I have a wank. Welcome to my world. 

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It pisses me off that I have no idea how well my charitable donations are being spent


Having worked for a number of charities over the years, I'd wager to suggest that there's a very large chance your donations are being spent poorly.



Staff salaries and bloated operational costs or unnecessary day trips and lunches? Or am I way wide?

Charities reflect the class system perfectly.

The plebs get to stand in the rain rattling tins, while the admin get to eat five-quid cupcakes at events and told what good people they are. :)

I made a mistake of doing quite a lot of work for free for a charity, the work took time, but it also cost money with a good few trips to London. When the work finished, the guy running the charity came to our office and rolled up in a convertible E Class Merc with a private plate that was the name of the charity.

It felt like I'd been had.

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I think JB's post re. trade team clothing is pretty civilised - even if I don't personally agree with it. In my defence, much of the team kit is brightly coloured and we need to be as visible as possible - funnily enough the SKY kit isn't really is it ?  So I guess people will look at me and think I am an FKW. My jacket says " Landbouwkrediet" and "Colnago" and is green, white and red. Colnago make high end Italian frames - not sure about the other - could be Belgian blow-up dolls - but my mate rode for them on the continent and gives me his unused kit ! There aren't may over here so if you see me out don't forget I'm a Villa supporter !!!

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This has been blown slightly out of proportion! You don't need to justify your decision to wear lycra, particularly if you ride for a team. I totally understand the benefits and even the FKW stuff falls into the category of something that SHOULDN'T piss me off  :).

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It pisses me off that I have no idea how well my charitable donations are being spent 

Having worked for a number of charities over the years, I'd wager to suggest that there's a very large chance your donations are being spent poorly. 


Staff salaries and bloated operational costs or unnecessary day trips and lunches? Or am I way wide?

Charities reflect the class system perfectly.

The plebs get to stand in the rain rattling tins, while the admin get to eat five-quid cupcakes at events and told what good people they are. [emoji4]

I made a mistake of doing quite a lot of work for free for a charity, the work took time, but it also cost money with a good few trips to London. When the work finished, the guy running the charity came to our office and rolled up in a convertible E Class Merc with a private plate that was the name of the charity.

It felt like I'd been had.

What type of charity was it kind sir?

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it found trades for prisoners, trained 'em up inside and got them a first job on the outside

You see, I wouldn't be against donating to something like that thinking I was doing the right thing, but from what you tell me it sounds like I'd be paying for someone's petrol instead.

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There was quite a bit more to it that I won't bore you with here. 

We should all give to charity, either time or money, even if it's just turning up in the office with enough money to buy some cakes for Macmillan or whatever.

As an office we do a bit of giving, 'give and gain' days I think they are called. We also try to give work experience spots to kids from 'rough' areas of town that don't automatically have the family contacts and networking to get themselves interesting (?) work experience places.


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