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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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It did through most of the night. Would be OK if I was at home but on a campsite so had a long walk to the khazis.


No woods nearby? You could have done a bear impression 



I had to shit in the woods at a music festival this year, and had to wipe my ass with some species of large tropical leaf as well. I really wouldn't recommend it. 

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It did through most of the night. Would be OK if I was at home but on a campsite so had a long walk to the khazis.


No woods nearby? You could have done a bear impression


I had to shit in the woods at a music festival this year, and had to wipe my ass with some species of large tropical leaf as well. I really wouldn't recommend it.

Always take bog roll and a trowel with you if you're camping anywhere. Reminds me of when one of my mates who isn't outdoorsy came camping and needed a dump, so I told him to take the trowel with him. About five minutes later he came back with his turd on the trowel wondering what to do next. Numpty.

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That reminds of a mate of mine who once used my toilet and left skid marks in the bowl. He's an educated bloke, a doctorate in language analysis or summat.

Anyway I reel back out the toilet and told him he could have at least used the toilet brush. His reply was "oh, is that what that things for?"

Some people.

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I've started seeing a vet, and it's mostly excellent, I get huge amounts of cute animal photos. But she has 3-4 cases a day of people taking in malnourished animals because they've not been fed properly. Not just anyone should be allowed pets. :angry:

My girlfriend works for an animal charity and the main part of her job is regarding re-homing dogs. So I completely agree with you, and from stories of some of the homes she has visited, it should go for children also.

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Front gardens getting turned into drives.


Front gardens are pretty crap, it's not like you'd be likely to use it, and parking is quite tight in some neighbourhoods.


Totally get why you'd do it.


Though a row of houses, with a passive aggressive battle between rose bush cultivating old-timers, is much easier on the eye than a line of Mercs and Audis.

Edited by Xann
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A street near me had some sort of collective mental episode and over the course of 18 months every single one of them converted their gardens into drives. I think they realised that every time a drive was put in, people wouldn't park across it, so the random mystery parkers were confined to fewer and fewer houses. Hence, over a short period they all reserved their parking outside their house by converting the front gardens. This was about 2 years ago.


Last winter they were all flooded in a 'freak' rainstorm. Twice.


Absolute mystery how that might have happened.

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Not sure where else to put it, this is more of a lol at my expense.  Sitting in work, in a moment of interweb naïvety whilst searching for the Ken Jeong gif where he shouts 'Gaaaaaay' from the back of a classroom, I simply typed 'Gay' into an image search.  FML.  Then in a splitsecond attempt to improve it, I added 'gif' to the end of said search. FMFL.


Then re-engaged my brain.  Went to Hangover cast list.  Got actor's name and the rest was easy.

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Feels like today is the last day of summer


It's usually when the kids go back to school (today & tomorrow) that we get our best weather :D

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Not sure where else to put it, this is more of a lol at my expense. Sitting in work, in a moment of interweb naïvety whilst searching for the Ken Jeong gif where he shouts 'Gaaaaaay' from the back of a classroom, I simply typed 'Gay' into an image search. FML. Then in a splitsecond attempt to improve it, I added 'gif' to the end of said search. FMFL.

Then re-engaged my brain. Went to Hangover cast list. Got actor's name and the rest was easy.


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People who when they get their salary, takes it all out in cash and put it in thier wallet or in a roll to impress girls...Muppets!

People actually do that?



I'm the opposite I never have any cash on me at all. With contactless in most places, I hardly need it anymore

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On that subject though, my dad told me that his eldest brother, who the whole family hates, used to cash his pay cheque as soon as he got it into the lowest denomination of notes he could.


Then he would put it in to a pile, but insert a monopoly note or a piece of paper in between each note.


Then he'd shove the whole lot in his wallet.

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