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Women that bang on about animals being treated cruelly in parts of the world but couldn't give too shits about people suffering!


There's a girl at work who is a loudmouth, brash, white trash northern fat bird stereotype. I keep my distance from her because we really fall out over just about anything, she's an uneducated, opinionated ultra-conservative, xenophobic clearing in the woods.


Anyway, she is always harping on about her **** dogs and how she can't bear any bad treatment of animals. We once got into a conversation where she essentially said she'd rather give money to an animal shelter than to starving kids in a third world country. She takes the adage 'charity begins at home' to a ridiculously literal level so much so that she doesn't believe in giving money to other countries because 'it's their problem'.


She's a grade A word removed.

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People who still can't embed Youtube links.

Given that I intentionally recently wrapped a YouTube link in URL tags, I hope you don't mean me :-D I assure you I can embed :-)
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Women that bang on about animals being treated cruelly in parts of the world but couldn't give too shits about people suffering!

There's a girl at work who is a loudmouth, brash, white trash northern fat bird stereotype. I keep my distance from her because we really fall out over just about anything, she's an uneducated, opinionated ultra-conservative, xenophobic clearing in the woods.

Anyway, she is always harping on about her **** dogs and how she can't bear any bad treatment of animals. We once got into a conversation where she essentially said she'd rather give money to an animal shelter than to starving kids in a third world country. She takes the adage 'charity begins at home' to a ridiculously literal level so much so that she doesn't believe in giving money to other countries because 'it's their problem'.

She's a grade A word removed.

Sounds it mate. She would drive me nuts.

A worked with one girl who was anti kids and was coming out with stupid shit like government should limit how many children people could have like in China. As she's a dog lover I told her I like the UKIP policy of legalising dog to be sold in restaurants and the stupid bitch believed me. She even said thanks for letting me know, She was considering voting for them but there is no chance now.

I even said I may vote for them as I've wanted to try dog and she responded with will go to India and eat them then!

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People who still can't embed Youtube links.

Given that I intentionally recently wrapped a YouTube link in URL tags, I hope you don't mean me :-D I assure you I can embed :-)

It was partly ironic, in that you don't have to do anything to embed youtube and people still get it wrong. I need to alter the filter to handle m.youtube.com links sometime though.

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People who still can't embed Youtube links.

Given that I intentionally recently wrapped a YouTube link in URL tags, I hope you don't mean me :-D I assure you I can embed :-)



I am confused too having assumed this is still correct.



Posted 19 August 2013 - 07:20 PM

You don't need to "embed", just post the http link straight into the post.

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Women that bang on about animals being treated cruelly in parts of the world but couldn't give too shits about people suffering!

There's a girl at work who is a loudmouth, brash, white trash northern fat bird stereotype. I keep my distance from her because we really fall out over just about anything, she's an uneducated, opinionated ultra-conservative, xenophobic clearing in the woods.

Anyway, she is always harping on about her **** dogs and how she can't bear any bad treatment of animals. We once got into a conversation where she essentially said she'd rather give money to an animal shelter than to starving kids in a third world country. She takes the adage 'charity begins at home' to a ridiculously literal level so much so that she doesn't believe in giving money to other countries because 'it's their problem'.

She's a grade A word removed.

Sounds it mate. She would drive me nuts.

A worked with one girl who was anti kids and was coming out with stupid shit like government should limit how many children people could have like in China. As she's a dog lover I told her I like the UKIP policy of legalising dog to be sold in restaurants and the stupid bitch believed me. She even said thanks for letting me know, She was considering voting for them but there is no chance now.

I even said I may vote for them as I've wanted to try dog and she responded with will go to India and eat them then!

Ive eaten dog ... Tell her it was delicious

( it actually wasn't and I'd rate it below guinea pig as the worse meats I've tasted but I've already taken a dislike to her so want to make her suffer )

Edited by tonyh29
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Women that bang on about animals being treated cruelly in parts of the world but couldn't give too shits about people suffering!

There's a girl at work who is a loudmouth, brash, white trash northern fat bird stereotype. I keep my distance from her because we really fall out over just about anything, she's an uneducated, opinionated ultra-conservative, xenophobic clearing in the woods.

Anyway, she is always harping on about her **** dogs and how she can't bear any bad treatment of animals. We once got into a conversation where she essentially said she'd rather give money to an animal shelter than to starving kids in a third world country. She takes the adage 'charity begins at home' to a ridiculously literal level so much so that she doesn't believe in giving money to other countries because 'it's their problem'.

She's a grade A word removed.

Sounds it mate. She would drive me nuts.

A worked with one girl who was anti kids and was coming out with stupid shit like government should limit how many children people could have like in China. As she's a dog lover I told her I like the UKIP policy of legalising dog to be sold in restaurants and the stupid bitch believed me. She even said thanks for letting me know, She was considering voting for them but there is no chance now.

I even said I may vote for them as I've wanted to try dog and she responded with will go to India and eat them then!

Ive eaten dog ... Tell her it was delicious

( it actually wasn't and I'd rate it below guinea pig as the worse meats I've tasted but I've already taken a dislike to her so want to make her suffer )

I would but she has moved to a different site thank god. She was making our lives hell!

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Women that bang on about animals being treated cruelly in parts of the world but couldn't give too shits about people suffering!

There's a girl at work who is a loudmouth, brash, white trash northern fat bird stereotype. I keep my distance from her because we really fall out over just about anything, she's an uneducated, opinionated ultra-conservative, xenophobic clearing in the woods.

Anyway, she is always harping on about her **** dogs and how she can't bear any bad treatment of animals. We once got into a conversation where she essentially said she'd rather give money to an animal shelter than to starving kids in a third world country. She takes the adage 'charity begins at home' to a ridiculously literal level so much so that she doesn't believe in giving money to other countries because 'it's their problem'.

She's a grade A word removed.

Sounds it mate. She would drive me nuts.

A worked with one girl who was anti kids and was coming out with stupid shit like government should limit how many children people could have like in China. As she's a dog lover I told her I like the UKIP policy of legalising dog to be sold in restaurants and the stupid bitch believed me. She even said thanks for letting me know, She was considering voting for them but there is no chance now.

I even said I may vote for them as I've wanted to try dog and she responded with will go to India and eat them then!

Ive eaten dog ... Tell her it was delicious

( it actually wasn't and I'd rate it below guinea pig as the worse meats I've tasted but I've already taken a dislike to her so want to make her suffer )

I would but she has moved to a different site thank god. She was making our lives hell!

Curses ... Can't you send her an email or something :)

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Women that bang on about animals being treated cruelly in parts of the world but couldn't give too shits about people suffering!

There's a girl at work who is a loudmouth, brash, white trash northern fat bird stereotype. I keep my distance from her because we really fall out over just about anything, she's an uneducated, opinionated ultra-conservative, xenophobic clearing in the woods.

Anyway, she is always harping on about her **** dogs and how she can't bear any bad treatment of animals. We once got into a conversation where she essentially said she'd rather give money to an animal shelter than to starving kids in a third world country. She takes the adage 'charity begins at home' to a ridiculously literal level so much so that she doesn't believe in giving money to other countries because 'it's their problem'.

She's a grade A word removed.

Sounds it mate. She would drive me nuts.

A worked with one girl who was anti kids and was coming out with stupid shit like government should limit how many children people could have like in China. As she's a dog lover I told her I like the UKIP policy of legalising dog to be sold in restaurants and the stupid bitch believed me. She even said thanks for letting me know, She was considering voting for them but there is no chance now.

I even said I may vote for them as I've wanted to try dog and she responded with will go to India and eat them then!

Ive eaten dog ... Tell her it was delicious

( it actually wasn't and I'd rate it below guinea pig as the worse meats I've tasted but I've already taken a dislike to her so want to make her suffer )

Was it terrierble?
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Women that bang on about animals being treated cruelly in parts of the world but couldn't give too shits about people suffering!

There's a girl at work who is a loudmouth, brash, white trash northern fat bird stereotype. I keep my distance from her because we really fall out over just about anything, she's an uneducated, opinionated ultra-conservative, xenophobic clearing in the woods.

Anyway, she is always harping on about her **** dogs and how she can't bear any bad treatment of animals. We once got into a conversation where she essentially said she'd rather give money to an animal shelter than to starving kids in a third world country. She takes the adage 'charity begins at home' to a ridiculously literal level so much so that she doesn't believe in giving money to other countries because 'it's their problem'.

She's a grade A word removed.

Sounds it mate. She would drive me nuts.

A worked with one girl who was anti kids and was coming out with stupid shit like government should limit how many children people could have like in China. As she's a dog lover I told her I like the UKIP policy of legalising dog to be sold in restaurants and the stupid bitch believed me. She even said thanks for letting me know, She was considering voting for them but there is no chance now.

I even said I may vote for them as I've wanted to try dog and she responded with will go to India and eat them then!

Ive eaten dog ... Tell her it was delicious

( it actually wasn't and I'd rate it below guinea pig as the worse meats I've tasted but I've already taken a dislike to her so want to make her suffer )

Was it terrierble?

I'm refusing to acknowledge that this post ever existed

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I've eaten bear

It was nothing special

Not going to blow anyone's mind with some amazing opinion on meat eating and killing animals but animals that exist solely for the purpose of feeding humans, I simply don't care, I'd like to think they live a decent life and then get killed in a decent manner but the reality is they're not, won't ever stop me enjoying a burger though

Killing for sport however is a different thing, and a big no no, livestock are what they are, killing something to stick it's head on your wall is bullshit

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Why? Why is one animals life more important than the other? Why does the method of death matter? I'm sure there's lots of farmed animals which have a pretty rough deal, but no one gives a **** about that?

Whether it's killed for a "trophy" or killed for food it's still unnecessary and is stemmed from human greed.

Guess that's where our opinions differ, to me, its no different. I do see your point of view on it, but our attitudes towards animals being killed for food are vastly different. To me, its just as unacceptable as trophy killing.

Meh, pointless argument really :thumb:


How rare are pigs and cows?


A hundred years ago it's estimated that there were around 200,000 to 250,000 lions in Africa. Today, the estimate is 35,000. It's been suggested that the trend means they'll be extinct in our lifetime. It's predominantly down to our need for land, from Jaguars, Leopards, Lions, Rhinos and Tigers they are all suffering due to our desire to grow cattle for burgers. If you're ok with that, then no problem.


Cows, pigs and chickens are not in danger of extinction.


Do animals only start to become important when numbers are low?

Is that how usually vegan/vegetarian vs meat eater mind works? You guys only give empathy/care/think about the species as a whole, and only start "caring" about the individual animal when numbers get low ... where i imagine (well i know i do, im pretty sure pieface does aswell) we think about the individual animal that is dying regardless of population #'s/type of animal?

Just seems a weird way of thinking to me. I dont know, been vegetarian since birth so i cant really comprehend your (apparent, it might not be) way of thinking.

When does the mind switch? Is it when scientists classify the species as "engandered"?

Meh this is derailing a bit and turning into veggie/meat eater debate so i probably shouldnt click the reply button lol Feel free to ignore as its kind of a pointless topic to talk about

edit: feel like i should say because people often think it: im not "looking down" on you because of it. Youre free to do/eat whatever you want and im fine with that. It just confuses me hehe

I guess its stupid for me to get annoyed at those who i think only cared/commented to score internet points as any talk about endangered species/animals dying is always good, even if people are doing it for personal gain/satisfaction

Edited by gharperr
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