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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I had to grab a bus today, it was filthy with litter (not the thing that pissed me off mind) and I kept kicking the rubbish away from me, it was really bad. Anyway old guy (typical pissed man, in 50s, can hardly walk) got on and opened windows on the bus, in the freezing cold and rain (tosser) but again not what pissed me off) so anyway I moved to the front of the bus, and moved some of the litter (with my foot) into a corner and he then started yelling at me "pick up your **** litter, don't just leave it there" so I ignored him, put music on and concentrated on the work I was doing via my Iphone (!) so, bus gets to destination and the guy goes to get off, as I do, he comes up to me with his big mate and starts giving me what for "take your **** litter" (throwing it at me, not even mine!!!!) so I said "Listen old man, you're angry, you have erection problems thus you are drinking too much, your wife is frisky and off with young men, so **** off and leave me alone" (yeah, I am cheeky with people but I wasn't having it!) anyway he squared up to me and I just stood there staring at him, so he backed off down the stairs making threats as he goes, off the bus and straight into the pub with his mate.

People like that piss me off, tossers!

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I had to get the bus today as my bike is out of action. Anyway, I got on and it **** stunk of BO so I opened the windows to get some fresh air. Some smarmy clearing in the woods didn't like it so he kicked his litter at me, the dirty little tramp.

So inevitably we end up getting off at the same stop and I tell this guy to pick up his litter as it's disgusting. For some reason he starts talking about my cock whilst looking deep into my eyes so I just backed off and left.

Crazy queers.

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Bit of fall out from this project I was on about. It's so **** childish - but it just means I can't trust him with anything ever again, which is what I count as a key quality in my friends.

Did he **** you in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give you a reach-around? ©Gunnery Sergeant Hartman

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Bit of fall out from this project I was on about. It's so **** childish - but it just means I can't trust him with anything ever again, which is what I count as a key quality in my friends.

Did he **** you in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give you a reach-around? ©Gunnery Sergeant Hartman

Good film. Funnier effort than POB though. (which isn't hard to be fair :winkold: )
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Being sober for 2 months, for my age, that's incredibly unhealthy. I plan to rectify this by utterly disgracing myself next weekend.

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When I'm asked who I support I can't help but let out a sigh before answering 'Aston Villa'. I miss the days I could say it with confidence.

That's what I do when people ask me my name...

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When I'm asked who I support I can't help but let out a sigh before answering 'Aston Villa'. I miss the days I could say it with confidence.

That's what I do when people ask me my name...

Tell them an anagram and make them prove they're worthy. :thumb:

Parents. Basically this weekend I was at my parents and they asked me over dinner if I would be having children any time soon. I nearly spat a mouthful of gammon across the room. Having children!? Just because you two got married when my mum was 20 doesn't mean I will. **** it I find it hard enough to pull. What makes you think with any vestige of your bird-brains that I a) want to have children and B) can have the means to have children!? I can barely pay for me **** self and my bloody car, let alone pay for a screaming mewling and puking child.

Contrary to your belief mum and dad, my weekends nights out do not consist of me penetrating some girl repeatedly and living the life of Riley.

FFS I don't actually WANT children, possibly ever. For a start I would need a fecking long term girlfriend, then agree for her to HAVE kids with me and then have the bloody thing! Not to mention my family are catholics, you lot would enforce a marriage if I got someone up the duff, or disown me.

**** off. I don't want kids, you know I won't be having kids any time soon, so why ask me about it and look disappointed when I point out there's about as much chance of me cock-slapping the Pope.


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I'm 25 and I'd be hugely surprised if I have any kids within the next 5 years.

It would be one hell of an achievement, given that you're male and all!!

All I will say on kids is that the older you get the harder it will be to conceive, just because on Jeremy Kyle these girls get knocked up by walking within 3 feet of a naked man doesn't mean its the same for everyone.

A mate of mine, had been with his OH for many years, now in their late 30's they are having a really tough time catching. Also, becuase of their age the NHS are doing very little to help them (if you're young and healthy you can get loads of stuff on the NHS including IVF).

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