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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I get really annoyed when someone says "I learned them" instead of saying "I taught them" or "I'll learn him" instead of "I'll teach him". Really pisses me off.



The Toad, having finished his breakfast, picked up a stout stick and swung it vigorously, belabouring imaginary animals. 'I'll learn 'em to steal my house!' he cried. 'I'll learn 'em, I'll learn 'em!'

'Don't say "learn 'em," Toad,' said the Rat, greatly shocked. 'It's not good English.'

'What are you always nagging at Toad for?' inquired the Badger, rather peevishly. 'What's the matter with his English? It's the same what I use myself, and if it's good enough for me, it ought to be good enough for you!'

'I'm very sorry,' said the Rat humbly. 'Only I think it ought to be "teach 'em," not "learn 'em."'

'But we don't want to teach 'em,' replied the Badger. 'We want tolearn 'em— learn 'em, learn 'em! And what's more, we're going to doit, too!'

'Oh, very well, have it your own way,' said the Rat. He was getting rather muddled about it himself, and presently he retired into a corner, where he could be heard muttering, 'Learn 'em, teach 'em, teach 'em, learn 'em!' till the Badger told him rather sharply to leave off.


The Wind in the Willows


I won a prize at primary school for reading out that passage from my favourite book. 

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Just me and my supervisor at work today cos of sickies and holidays, and I just cooked us our regular massive weekend fry up.

I put him on toast duty(his usual and only job because he's reliably lazy and never cooks/cleans)

I finish dishing it all out.

"Oh shit, I haven't put the toast under"

So we tuck in anyway...

A couple of minutes later


"It's not done yet give it a bit more*

A couple more minutes later...

" oh shit"

*smoke is coming from the toaster*

You had one job. One.

Fml some people.

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rocket polishers with no shirts on at 8.45am just because the sun is out . I dont wanna smell your unwashed pits so **** off and put your dirty hoodie back on

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People who take their shirts off in public regardless of how warm it is

Does this include females?

Females are people now, are they? Whatever next?
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every now and again for some stupid unknown reason i visit and read the facebook EDL page. That page pisses me off. i can simply just never click on it but i do out of curiosity 


Mark Gayden It amazing over 90 percent of muslims cant read or write. They destroyed there own countries

lols. Pretty much sums it up. The whole "why arnt british muslims apologising/condemning the attacks" posts annoys me so so much


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People who take their shirts off in public regardless of how warm it is




Yeah. Why on earth would you walk down the road or around a town centre with your top off? Extremely chavvy behaviour. 

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Managed to embed a shard of glass in my foot this evening. Had to slice even deeper into the skin to ease the glass out. Blood squirting everywhere. Made worse by then having to get the mop out and clean the hall and living room floor which had looked like a scene from Dexter. The first time I've ever been glad of having wall-to-wall laminate flooring.

Now hobbling about with an old sock sellotaped to my foot to stop the blood dripping further. I really should buy a first aid kit.

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Managed to embed a shard of glass in my foot this evening. Had to slice even deeper into the skin to ease the glass out. Blood squirting everywhere. Made worse by then having to get the mop out and clean the hall and living room floor which had looked like a scene from Dexter. The first time I've ever been glad of having wall-to-wall laminate flooring.

Now hobbling about with an old sock sellotaped to my foot to stop the blood dripping further. I really should buy a first aid kit.

One of my best mates did this once but she carried on partying and went to hospital sometime the follow afternoon despite blood leaking from her foot like something from a horror movie

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