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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Tattoos are fine in our place as long as they are covered up by work attire. Dress down days they are fine to be on show.


Face tattoos though? No way. 

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To be honest, I don't even understand the beard/stubble thing. I don't want to bring religion into it (but will), but it's pretty obvious that an Asian with a full beard wouldn't have been met with the 'clean shaven' response that Stefan had.

Obviously having a beard for religious reasons is different to having stubble because you think it looks nice, so that example doesn't really work.... But I still think that times have moved on and you can look respectable whilst also having stubble.

I imagine 25 years ago, going into an interview with gelled spiky hair would have been frowned upon for a professional position, whereas now, as the gel look is more accepted, no-one would take a second glance (unless you went full-on back-combed Robert Smith from The Cure stylie)

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I think a proper beard is fine for an interview, however stubble isn't. Its a funny one but stubble may imply laziness (ie couldn't be bothered to shave) while a fully groomed beard doesn't. Not saying that's right as I like having stubble as I look like a fat school kid clean shaven, however I would never turn up for an interview for an office job with stubble.


Attitudes will change in years to come, I'm sure. 

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If you get 'the job' you are representing the company.


Do you know the attitudes of the Clients of the company? You know, the people that pay the money that turns into your mortgage payment. No? You don't know the attitudes and petty likes and dislikes of the people the company relies on to exist?


But you thought you'd turn up on the day you have to be showing your absolute best with a stubbly look because that's currently fashionable?


Good luck at your next interview, hopefully they are modern stubbly folks with modern stubbly Clients.


Same with tattoos, if you turn up properly dressed nobody needs to know you have tats. Of course, if the tattoo is on your neck, or knuckles, or you've turned up in a tee shirt and your only sleeve is a trendy ethnic sleeve tat, then again, good luck at your next interview.


Put it another way, if you'd personally spent 20 years risking everything to build up a business, would you employ somebody to represent you that didn't look like a good fit for your customers?


Until the customer with the budget is rocking the hipster chic of today, you should probably dress conservatively until you know them and they know you.

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I hate how much people's appearance is pulled into question at a job interview. I get the dude with the leopard print trousers etc but stubble?? Thats beyond taking the piss.


On tattoos, I have quite a few but out of choice I keep them covered at all times, even when casual. To me they are personal and don't need to be on show.


And before anyone asks, no its not because they are on my cock.  ;)

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LOL I love the new diets that come around every so often in the work place.  We have one lady who is a nightmare, constantly harping on about her new diet


It's all a load of bollox. 1000-1500 calories per day, plus some form of exercise for 6 weeks+ and you will lose weight.  Stop pretending you're not gorging out on cake when no one is looking !


Why would you assume that?

Haha it's just a personal gripe, she's aright pain in the ass. Drinks nothing but mint tea all day at the moment and makes a big song and dance about it. But she never loses any weight. I assume she must just go home and eat loads. I suppose it's a bit harsh on my part though, each body deals with fat and calories differently, so who am I to judge.

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It's interesting for someone who has worked in the creative industry for my entire career to read some of these views on beards and tattoos etc.

I think I wore a suit for my first ever interview over twenty years ago and since then it's been shirt and jeans even when I've been meeting my clients for the first time. As for stubble? Never even crosses my mind to shave for any kind of meeting.

Just goes to show the difference in industries I suppose.

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I think it's nothing more than knowing your audience, and if you don't know your audience, why risk losing the gig by turning up in saggy arse pants.


Unless of course, you don't have staff to pay or a mortgage to deal with, in which case, yeah, trackies.

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I think it's nothing more than knowing your audience, and if you don't know your audience, why risk losing the gig by turning up in saggy arse pants.

Unless of course, you don't have staff to pay or a mortgage to deal with, in which case, yeah, trackies.

Where is this audience that hates stubble?

To me, it's a very old fashioned view to have, that stubble means you can't represent a professional individual for a professional company.

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I'd agree it's old fashioned.


Where is this audience? In the back seat of BMW 'L' series cars and in listed buildings in central London.


I personally have 3 Clients that dress in the old pin stripe suit and tie garb of yesteryear. They look out of date, they expect old fashioned levels of service, they spend about £3k a month, every month, for the last 5,6,7 years that have got our company through a recession.


They want me to turn up in a tie, I turn up in a tie.


It's really not that strange if you think about it. Would you turn up to a meeting with a potential new customer wearing football shorts? Probably not, but why not? It's just your arbitrary line being in a different place to theirs. Would you think it ok to do a sales pitch with something written in biro on your forehead? Probably not, but in permanent ink on your neck is ok?


It's all nonsense when you think about it, so I'm relaxed about playing along.


I don't feel strongly enough about Converse to jeopardise my mortgage. 

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I would never work in a place where they wouldn't leave my stubble the f***k alone. It's the main reason why I can never play for my beloved New York Yankees, actually.

Jeans, t-shirt and trainers. Every day. Except Wednesdays, when I only teach P.E. Wednesdays = trackies.

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