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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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IT have upgraded (and I use that word lightly) my PC to Windows 7 at work.

Now that I have it, i don't have access to pretty much the most important systems that I and the majority of Finance, purchasing, engineering and programme planning use.

So I raised an issue with IT and got the response "Sorry, you can't use that system on Windows 7."

This alarmed me as it would basically mean I can't do my job. So I asked around and turns out you can get it, as other people in my department have windows 7 and use the system.

IT are no flat out refusing to believe me. I've actually got somebody from IT on their way to my office to witness a windows 7 laptop accessing this system.


Probably it isn't a 64 bit app and thus you have to run it under 32 bit ... But that is simples to do

Doesn't have to be a 64 bit app to run on 64 bit Windows.

I probably didn't explain very well but you still get bespoke apps that run via NTVDM or some that run under a virtual shell ... Which was what I was referring to



Stevo works in finance doesn't he? He's probably using Excel ;)

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The explicit racism on social media regarding the Ferguson, MO. situation. Really depressing. One step forward, two steps back. Seems there is no way out of this hole.

What I find interesting is how a good number of people seem to be more disgusted by property damage and looting than the killing of an unarmed civilian.
Really !!

You've followed the story and actually know what happened ?? ... Those people on the streets really have no reason to be there from what I've heard of events that took place

( cue the police and autopsy results are lying posts )


That an unarmed man was killed is not in question, so what about his post are you taking umbrage with?

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What I find amazing is that no supporters of the cop seem to have called into question the utter incompetence by the cop that led to the shooting. How does an unarmed kid walking down the sidewalk pose a mortal threat to an armed policeman in a cruiser? If he was intimidated by the kid's size (and he was, judging by the transcript), he should have called for backup before engaging the kid. That the encounter escalated to the point of several gunshots to the torso and head seems like a flagrant dereliction of duty. At best he is clearly unfit for the job of law enforcement officer, at worst a cold blooded killer with no regard for human life. The fact that the body lay on the street for 4 hours suggests that the entire Ferguson PD fits a similar profile. And some people wonder why the people are angry...

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The explicit racism on social media regarding the Ferguson, MO. situation. Really depressing. One step forward, two steps back. Seems there is no way out of this hole.

What I find interesting is how a good number of people seem to be more disgusted by property damage and looting than the killing of an unarmed civilian.
Really !!

You've followed the story and actually know what happened ?? ... Those people on the streets really have no reason to be there from what I've heard of events that took place

( cue the police and autopsy results are lying posts )


That an unarmed man was killed is not in question, so what about his post are you taking umbrage with?



the "umbrage"  if you want to call it that is that the victim appears to have wrestled with a policeman inside his vehicle and tried to take his gun , that the victim had traces of drugs in his system , the victim appears to have been running towards the policeman in an aggressive nature 


and yet that justifies people rioting on the streets 


peaceful protest I can understand but  those rioting are nothing about justice , just about grabbing a cheap Christmas present 




We demand  Justice for  Michael Brown  !!




Edited by tonyh29
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I do want to call it that. As for the burning and looting, I don't condone it in the slightest. But I think the point CED was making was some people  seem to place more value on a smashed window and a 6 pack of Heineken than a 18 year old kid's life. 


Also, how does a cop who can simply step on the gas pedal allow a pedestrian to grapple with him inside his vehicle (If that's what actually happened)...

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same as the riots here which started over the shooting of a bloke in tottenham and ended up smashing up and looting in brum high street, the injustice that had been caused managed to change over a distance of 120m...


the bloke stealing a 60" is putting no value on an 18 year old kids life, a fair few throwing bottles at the police are putting no value on an 18 year old kids life


there's a very genuine cause and no doubt some very genuine protesters who are victimised and see this as the tip of the iceburg and want justice, but lets not pretend that there's also an awful lot of words removed out there who see this as a chance for some "fun"


Also, how does a cop who can simply step on the gas pedal allow a pedestrian to grapple with him inside his vehicle (If that's what actually happened)...


i thought the he said she said argument was that the cop had hit him with his door or that as the cop tried to get out brown had barged in to his door, either way i was under the impression that it happened as the cop was getting out, the gun went off and the 2 lads ran, the main argument was that the cop suggested that once he had withdrawn his gun and told him to stop (stood behind him at the time) brown had made a motion towards his belt and the cop assumed he had a concealed weapon and fired, the ability to prove or disprove the hand motion is why its been thrown out, its pretty much impossible, his assailant had run off by then and the witness statements vary 


im not sure if he's still pending an internal investigation, 1 because he had unholstered his gun as he was getting out of the car and 2 because he fired 12 shots, he shot brown 6 times

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shopping with next online, trying to buy a waistcoat for my suit that they didnt have in store


you have to sign up to be a member, didnt bother me most online shops make you create an account, they do a credit check on you...automatically signs you up for an account that allows you to pay on credit...you **** what! they also charged £3.99 for a delivery within 3 weeks!


not a clue how they manage to operate that as a business model

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same as the riots here which started over the shooting of a bloke in tottenham and ended up smashing up and looting in brum high street, the injustice that had been caused managed to change over a distance of 120m...


the bloke stealing a 60" is putting no value on an 18 year old kids life, a fair few throwing bottles at the police are putting no value on an 18 year old kids life


there's a very genuine cause and no doubt some very genuine protesters who are victimised and see this as the tip of the iceburg and want justice, but lets not pretend that there's also an awful lot of words removed out there who see this as a chance for some "fun"




Also, how does a cop who can simply step on the gas pedal allow a pedestrian to grapple with him inside his vehicle (If that's what actually happened)...


i thought the he said she said argument was that the cop had hit him with his door or that as the cop tried to get out brown had barged in to his door, either way i was under the impression that it happened as the cop was getting out, the gun went off and the 2 lads ran, the main argument was that the cop suggested that once he had withdrawn his gun and told him to stop (stood behind him at the time) brown had made a motion towards his belt and the cop assumed he had a concealed weapon and fired, the ability to prove or disprove the hand motion is why its been thrown out, its pretty much impossible, his assailant had run off by then and the witness statements vary 


im not sure if he's still pending an internal investigation, 1 because he had unholstered his gun as he was getting out of the car and 2 because he fired 12 shots, he shot brown 6 times

I don't think anyone is pretending there are not parasites who will take advantage of public uproar to act out criminally. They should be handcuffed and prosecuted. 


As I posted earlier, even if the cop was justified (but why didn't he use a taser?) to shoot and kill the unarmed Brown, the fact that he let the situation devolve to that point makes him negligent, maybe even criminally. 


Much of the outcry is that the process looked rigged from the start, with a prosecutor with police ties essentially guiding a grand jury to try the case themselves, which is in effect what happened. There was enough conflicting evidence to charge the officer with manslaughter or negligent homicide and send it to a proper trial jury, but he was protected by the system that he is paid to be a foot soldier for. They were not going to send their boy to state prison, end of.


In a state with a long history of racial injustice, rigged juries, and police misconduct, it is not much of a stretch to imagine that another injustice was done in this case. 

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The cop is properly negligent, trying to get out of his car with his gun in his hand for a start, firing 12 rounds, hitting him 6, everything about it doesn't sound right, but the law is still the law, if there isn't grounds to prosecute then there isn't much that can be done, the fact that there isn't grounds to prosecute much like everything else in this case is up for debate, but people smashing up shops and looting tvs aren't interested in debate

The thing is he's under 2 investigations from the police and he'll have a civil case from the parents, it's not finished, I still fail to see how looting can in any way be linked back to the injustice, it's overshadowing it and possibly even preventing a very serious and very needed discussion from taking place

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the "umbrage"  if you want to call it that is that the victim appears to have wrestled with a policeman inside his vehicle and tried to take his gun , that the victim had traces of drugs in his system , the victim appears to have been running towards the policeman in an aggressive nature

I'll take a punt that being on the side of/believing all that is said by the 'poor copper' in this instance will have you up a creek.

My punt may be wrong. I'm not sure - you seem to be.

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I feel like going on a Richard Sherman style rant

Official beer partner of the premier league - carlsberg

Official sponsor of the league cup - carling

Official sponsor of the FA cup - Budweiser

Official beer partner of aston villa - Heineken

Lancashire police telling us that we can't drink on the coaches on our way to burnley because "other teams have caused trouble there" and that they will be doing random checks and turn arounds, I'm assuming a dry ground too, utter **** bollocks

Was looking forward to getting on it Saturday too, the drive to burnley will be even more depressing now

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the "umbrage" if you want to call it that is that the victim appears to have wrestled with a policeman inside his vehicle and tried to take his gun , that the victim had traces of drugs in his system , the victim appears to have been running towards the policeman in an aggressive nature

I'll take a punt that being on the side of/believing all that is said by the 'poor copper' in this instance will have you up a creek.

My punt may be wrong. I'm not sure - you seem to be.

Well as the witnesses that said he was shot in the back were proved wrong by the autopsy it would suggest a lot of them aren't credible (who'd have thunk it )

The version I gave wasn't necessarily the version the cop gave as the drugs in the system came about from the post mortem as did the positioning of the bullets which backed up the cops claim

Science or the word of witnesses who have proven to be unreliable and possibly with an agenda

I'm sticking with science on this one for now...

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I feel like going on a Richard Sherman style rant

Official beer partner of the premier league - carlsberg

Official sponsor of the league cup - carling

Official sponsor of the FA cup - Budweiser

Official beer partner of aston villa - Heineken

Lancashire police telling us that we can't drink on the coaches on our way to burnley because "other teams have caused trouble there" and that they will be doing random checks and turn arounds, I'm assuming a dry ground too, utter **** bollocks

Was looking forward to getting on it Saturday too, the drive to burnley will be even more depressing now

Plod can jog on

Presumably they have imposed a public place order ....

These " orders" do not ban drinking alcohol in public bit make it an offence to carry on drinking when a police officer asks you to stop

So drink away until you are asked otherwise

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