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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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So I applied for a job within the company that I am in at the moment, I've made no secret if the fact that I want to leave and have been looking elsewhere.

I told my mate that I work with I'd applied and his exact words were "that sounds alright, I'm going to apply for that"

Now a few weeks ago I spotted another job online and told him about it and told him that he should go for it, this time I was telling him about a job that I was interested in and that I was hoping to get.

Is it me or is that a shitty thing for him to do? I pulled him up about it and he said "it's no different to that job you applied for last month" (yeah I applied for a job that he had gone for about 3 years ago and didn't get, I also had no idea that he had gone for it all that time ago) if he had found it off his own back and was genuinely interested I would say fair play but he seems more than willing to just snatch the chance from under my nose.


I am sure that it has happened to most people; it has certainly happened to me.


I have lost count of the number of times I have revealed my intentions to a colleague and they have either blabbed, or used it for their own advantage.


Just because we share common problems and common enemies with out colleagues, often makes us forget that they are still our competitors. 

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I had the same happen to me only my mate actually got the job.

Safe to say he's miserable now(almost 3 years later) cos its not what he wanted to do( PhD), and I'm in a job I really enjoy.

Who says there's no such thing as karma.

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I had the same happen to me only my mate actually got the job.

Safe to say he's miserable now(almost 3 years later) cos its not what he wanted to do( PhD), and I'm in a job I really enjoy.

Who says there's no such thing as karma.


It is amazing how often stuff happens and you get that spooky karma feeling.


Twenty years ago me and my mate were both invited to apply for the same job.


We both agreed it was best of luck to the winner, but both agreed that we would stick to our guns on salary, they'd asked us to interview so we were cheeky with the money we would ask for.


After the interviews, my mate got the job, which was fine as in reality he was probably a shade better than me at the work they wanted. But he then confessed he'd dropped his price by a few thousand whereas I had stuck with it. I felt really really aggrieved by that.


Well, for about a month I was aggrieved. Right up to the point where they invited me back and employed me as his boss on the higher money.




Of course there are very few promotions or jobs which turn out to be a gateway to a wonderful life and very often there are substantial downsides to promotion. 


It is just the sense of betrayal which gets you. :angry:

Edited by MakemineVanilla
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aye, tis true


once you get competent at your job, you get promoted out of it, continually until they finally find your true level of incompetence


My job was drawing schizz, I must have been fairly good at it because now I get other people to draw stuff whilst I look at spreadsheets and forecasts and resource plans (for which I have no training, qualifications, interest, passion or competence). 

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aye, tis true


once you get competent at your job, you get promoted out of it, continually until they finally find your true level of incompetence


My job was drawing schizz, I must have been fairly good at it because now I get other people to draw stuff whilst I look at spreadsheets and forecasts and resource plans (for which I have no training, qualifications, interest, passion or competence). 

The Peter Principle.

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aye, tis true


once you get competent at your job, you get promoted out of it, continually until they finally find your true level of incompetence


My job was drawing schizz, I must have been fairly good at it because now I get other people to draw stuff whilst I look at spreadsheets and forecasts and resource plans (for which I have no training, qualifications, interest, passion or competence). 

The Peter Principle.



A very fine book which contains many truths.


My favourite one is the truth that no one gets promoted by effort and merit alone; to get promoted you need a sponsor on the next level, who can pull you up the ladder.

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The missus is on teaching practice, she's paranoid that she has head lice, if she has 100% I've got it, need a hair cut this evening but no I don't want to go. 

Hair is overrated

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It's my birthday today :(


Then why the sad face?


If you can't celebrate being alive then what can you celebrate  :D


(yes, I love birthdays)


haha, I suppose that's one way of looking at it.


I'm creeping to 30 tho and that's quite scary! 

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I turned 44 last week, people say oh life begins at 40, which is rubbish, but only slightly, 38 onwards life got pretty excellent, my kid is grown up, Im in an ok job, doing the stuff I love with the person who means the most to me, had some great experiences, seen some great sights, at 30 I was dreading 40, at 38 I was dreading it, now as every year passes I look back and think, **** that was a great year.

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